Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

691 My Father Has Seen It

"Don't look, drink some water first"

Jiang Qing saw that the three of them were looking at the things in his room, and he was a little dazed. Well, he also admitted that he was a little too much.

Everyone came to the Hala desert for treasure hunting and adventure. In his current situation, he is acting as if he is on vacation.

Seeing that the three people's mouths were dry and cracked, and their faces were covered with dry dead skin, Jiang Qing asked Daidai to pour them a glass of water.

Seeing the water, the three people's throats trembled subconsciously, and they immediately picked it up and drank it.

Seeing them like this, the water must not be enough to drink.

So Dadai took out the bottled water and put it on the ground, letting them pour it by themselves.

The three of them drank nearly half of the water, and they didn't stop until their stomachs were bulging.

Jiang Qing was really afraid that the three of them would drink up their stomachs.

After drinking the water, the spirits of the three were obviously much better, and there was no wind and sand disturbance in the house made by Light Screen.

Finally, he was able to focus on Jiang Qing.

Looking at the young man who was lazily sitting on the sofa and saved the three of himself.

Although Jiang Qing didn't show anything, the temperament that only the top aristocratic families can cultivate is obvious.

Old Zhangtou: This is a child of which family.

Zhang Feng: This person 15 looks familiar.

Girl: Damn, isn't it my husband?

Among the three, only the woman recognized Jiang Qing.

"Old - it's not you, it's Jiang Qing, Emperor Qing"

The woman yelled, her excited expression didn't look like the person who almost died just now.

Lao He-Jiang Qing looked at this woman, wondering if she was trying to take advantage of him just now.

"Jiang Qing, it's Jiang Qing to you"

Now the man asked who Jiang Qing was, no wonder his face looked so familiar, it turned out to be Jiang Zhi.

"Father, this is Jiang Qing, the Qing Emperor, the living Qing Emperor"

The woman put her arms around Old Zhangtou's arm, with that excited expression, she thought she had won a big prize.

Although Lao Zhangtou is old, he still knows Jiang Qing, and the name has been on the lips of his daughter and son for a long time, so it's hard not to know.

"Let's eat something first, and bring your Pokémon in," Jiang Qing said lightly, and at the same time pointed to the Rhyperior that was still outside.

At the moment of life and death, Lao Zhang asked Rhyperior to leave, hoping that the other party would survive, and the latter wanted to advance and retreat with his Trainer.

Jiang Qing really appreciates them, of course this is not the reason for saving them.

Save them by yourself because there are other things.

Only then did the old Zhang remember that the Rhyperior was still outside, and immediately took out the Poké Ball and took it back.

Then he looked at Jiang Qing, he wanted to speak but was right.

"Let's release it, there is a lot of space here, and you can also treat it," Jiang Qing said.

The old Zhangtou nodded gratefully, and then released the Rhyperior, then took out the Potion and Antidote in the bag and swallowed it.

Now its injury has been completely stabilized.

After finishing his work, he took back the Rhyperior and said gratefully: "Master Jiang, thank you for saving our family, this is all the treasures we found"

As he spoke, he poured out everything in the bag.

Jiang Qing didn't even look at it: "You are a native of Hala City"


The old man nodded.

"How long have you lived in the Hala Desert"

Looking at the costumes of Lao Zhangtou and his children, one can tell that they are all Trainers hunting for treasure in the Hala Desert.

Rely on finding and selling treasures to maintain life and cultivate Pokémon.

"It's been more than fifty years," said Old Zhang.

Jiang Qing continued to ask: "Then you should be very familiar with the Hala Desert."

Although I don't know why Jiang Qing asked such a question, the old Zhangtou said proudly: "Master Jiang, my ancestors have lived in the Hala Desert for generations, and I entered the Hala Desert with my father when I was ten years old."

"In terms of understanding of this desert, no one can compare with me"

"Oh, so why are you still stuck in the desert?"

Jiang Qing is which pot does not open and which pot to lift, just after they finish bragging, you tear down their stage.

It means that you have the grace to save people's lives, otherwise you would have been sprayed on you.

Because of Jiang Qing's words, Lao Zhangtou's complacent expression froze instantly.

The eight-level sandstorm is indeed very dangerous, but for experienced people, it can be prevented in advance, and the Hala city official sent a message to the mobile phone in advance.

And under such circumstances, they almost died inside.

"It's all because of me, I was reluctant to part with the treasure, and delayed leaving time"

Old Zhangtou's son Zhang Feng said in shame.

He also pointed to the treasure, which was a small piece of water sand, shaped like flowing water, but it was made of sand.

It is very suitable for Ground or Rock series, and it is a very good treasure.

The auction house is at least about 100 million.

It is understandable for ordinary trainers to use their lives to gamble on this kind of treasure.

"By the way, I don't know how you three should be called," Jiang Qing asked.

I just asked them questions, and I didn't even know their names.

"Master Jiang can just call me Lao Zhangtou, everyone I know calls me that, this is my son Zhang Feng, this is my daughter, Zhang Ya, I call her girl"

Zhang Feng and Zhang Ya looked about 30 years old, and old Zhang Tou was about 70 years old, but the actual age should be younger, after all, they have been blowing wind and sand all year round, and their faces will look older.

"Well, old Zhang, you said that you entered the Hala Desert with your father when you were ten years old," Jiang Qing said.

"Yes, the map of the Hala desert made by our Zhang family is more detailed than those sold outside. These are accumulated by our ancestors bit by bit."

"Oh, there are also those in the core area," Jiang Qing said with a smile.

The old man's smug expression became stiff again: "These 180 don't have any"

Jiang Qing is really going too far.

If members of their family can enter the core area, they must be at least a peak Elite. If there is a peak Elite in their family, then no matter how useless the descendants are, they won't be like old people.

"The map of the middle and outer regions" said the old Zhangtou in a low voice,

In the core area, how could his ancestors have the ability to go in, they have been wandering around the middle and outer areas, and occasionally joined some powerful teams to enter the middle level and above, but basically they are soy sauce

However, he is still very familiar with the old Zhangtou in the middle and outer areas, and he is not lying about this.

"Then you have been in the desert for so long, have you ever seen the meat ganoderma?"

Jiang Qing just asked casually, and didn't expect them to know.

After all, Ganoderma lucidum, not to mention their ordinary trainers, many families have never heard of this treasure.

Among them was Jiang Qing, who was the first to hear about this from his grandfather.

"never seen it"

Old Zhangtou shook his head unsurprisingly, and said immediately afterwards: "But my father saw it before, and he took a picture of it at that time. I have a picture here."

It seemed that he was afraid that Jiang Qing would not believe it, so the old Zhangtou took out a wallet from his arms, and there was a picture in it that looked a little old, not black and white, but in color, because the color has faded over time few. .

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