In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Qing showed off 20 Hala City's special big meat buns in one go, and completed the daily task, each of which was the size of an adult's fist.

If it weren't for Jiang Qing's inhuman physique, he would have vomited long ago.

The owner of the meat bun shop watched Jiang Qing eat twenty big meat buns, and thought that the other party was a food broadcast anchor, so he wanted to give Jiang Qing a discount and ask him to help promote his shop.

In the end, Jiang Qing said that she was not a food and broadcast anchor, which made the boss a pity, so good to eat, it would be a waste not to be a food and broadcast anchor,

After paying the money, under the surprised gaze of the boss, Jiang Qing released the Dragonite and left here quickly.

"The quasi-god Trainer actually likes to eat my meat buns, and even ate twenty of them"

Watching Jiang Qing leave, the boss muttered quite complacently, but he didn't recognize Jiang Qing, otherwise he would have been even more embarrassing.

Riding on Dragonite's back, Jiang Qing has now entered the outer layer of the Hala Desert.

Today's luck is not bad, the Hala Desert is rare without Gust sand, according to Jiang Qing's understanding, this kind of weather is rare in several months.

So today, a large number of Trainers and businessmen came to the Hala Desert.

A large bazaar has formed on the edge.

Some people will buy items they need to enter the Hala Desert here, or people who come back from the Hala Desert will sell their found things here.

Jiang Qing, who was in mid-air, had already taken out the Dowsing Machine. With a ten-thousandth idea, he looked at the market. There were red dots, but they were all small.

Sure enough, meat and ganoderma will not appear in the market at all, and I am not the child of destiny with amazing luck, so I still have to find it by myself.

"Dragonite goes to the central area," Jiang Qing said.

The central area of ​​the Hala Desert is the most dangerous place, where Elite Pokémon and three Champion Pokémon live.

But if Ganoderma lucidum is really in the Hala desert, then the possibility of appearing in the central area is the highest.

So explore the central area first, if not, then slowly explore outwards from the central area.

With an area of ​​about two million square kilometers, the Hala Desert is the largest desert in the Xia Kingdom and the third largest desert in the world.

This area is already larger than most small countries, and some small countries have a land area of ​​just over one million.

Of course, this area is not very large compared to the secret realms above the advanced level. Most of the high-level secret realms have an area of ​​three million square kilometers.

Not to mention the top-level secret realm, because the top-level secret realm is even larger than the land area of ​​Xia Kingdom.

The exploration range of the Dowsing Machine is fifty kilometers.

Dragonite is currently flying at a height of about three kilometers. As long as the meat Ganoderma lucidum is not buried at a depth of more than forty-seven kilometers, it will definitely be detected.

None of the three champion-level Pokémon in the Hala Desert can fly. With the height of Dragonite, even if they find them, they can't do anything to Dragonite.

So if there is no Ganoderma lucidum in their territory, even if Jiang Qing flies over their territory, there will be no danger.

But Jiang Qing didn't want that.

After half a day, the core area has been explored, and the sites of the three champion Pokémon have also been explored, and the Dowsing Machine shows three big red dots.

But it's not the red dot for the Arcana, it's the red dot for the three champion Pokémon.

Because the Dowsing Machine can detect Pokémon above the blue qualification.

And champion Pokémon's aptitude must be purple, so they will be displayed on the Dowsing Machine.

When Jiang Qing's Gengar was still Gastly, he was detected by the Dowsing Machine because of his blue aptitude, and Jiang Qing then subdued him.

Norda's three red dots represent three Champion Pokémon.

However, in order to avoid making mistakes, Jiang Qing went down to check and confirmed that the three red dots were the three Pokémon, not treasures.

The red dot to the east of the core area is Sandslash, the red dot to the west is Hippopotas, and the red dot in the center is Bangiras.

Jiang Qing saw the first two Pokémon.

However, Banjilas Jiang Qing, who was in the late stage of the championship, did not see (bdef) that the opponent lived in a mountain.

Jiang Qing didn't dare to get too close, and after confirming that the champion's aura matched the location of the red dot of the Dowsing Machine, he left directly.

So now it can be proved that these three red dots are three champion Pokémon, not arcana.

In other words, there is no Ganoderma lucidum in the core area.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing's face couldn't help but sink. The core area is the most likely place to find the Ganoderma lucidum. If there is no such place, it is even less likely to find it in other areas.

Unless the Ganoderma lucidum is buried 50 kilometers below the ground, beyond the scope of the Dowsing Machine, but the chances of this case are very low.

Because Ganoderma lucidum was discovered in various countries at a depth of about 1,000 meters, and some even hundreds of meters.

This thing is a shallow plant.

The possibility of meat Ganoderma lucidum buried below 50 kilometers is zero.

Therefore, the existence of Ganoderma lucidum in the core area can almost be ruled out.

"I can only explore outside." Jiang Qing sighed.

There is no core area, and although the remaining areas are less likely, there is still hope.

Commanding the Dragonite, Jiang Qing took the shape of a mosquito coil, centered on the core area, and began to expand and explore the outside world in circles at an interval of 50 kilometers.

With Dragonite's flying speed, half of the area of ​​the Hala Desert has been explored in one day, and the rest is the middle and outer areas, but this area will be larger, and it is estimated that it will take two days.

At night, the wind and sand have begun to blow.

Metagross used Light Screen to create a room that kept the wind and sand out.

The desert is extremely hot during the day and cold at night. It is already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the temperature has changed from more than forty degrees during the day to the current four or five degrees, and it will become minus ten degrees in the early morning.

If it is changed to winter, the temperature will only be colder.

Every year, many trainers are frozen to death at night because of lack of preparation.


There was a sound of Tackle, and Jiang Qing looked at the pangolin with a dazed expression on its head with a big red envelope bumped under its feet.

The sandy Metagross below naturally also has a Light Screen, so pangolins that were about to drill out of the ground to find food "ten of them accidentally bumped into it.

Pangolin: What's the situation, why is there something on top of my head.

Then it became convinced that Jiang Qing, a human being, must be a ghost of the other party. He wanted to show this human being a little bit of color, but found that he couldn't beat the transparent glass-like thing on the top of his head. worn out.

Looking at the pangolin swipe and pull the Light Screen, Jiang Qing felt that this guy's IQ should be quite low, your claws are sparking, and the Light Screen has nothing to do, and you continue to swipe "really stupid. .

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