Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

Breeding House No. 684

"Do you want to go out to watch a movie at night? The remake of "Hachiko-Arcanine" has been released. Recently, many trainers with dogs have watched it."

Jiang Qing and Gongyang Nan were already walking outside.

Jiang Qing wanted to watch a movie with Gongyang Nan, but Arcanine chose the movie to watch.

Arcanine: I would like to see if there is any dog ​​in this world who is more loyal to his master than me.

Gouzi still has a strong sense of comparison.

Perhaps all the dogs who want to watch this movie have such thoughts.

Gouzi: Loyalty to his master Lao Tzu is the highest in the world.

"Well, you can decide"

Gongyang Nan nodded.

During this period of time, she didn't have many research projects, so she had time to accompany Jiang Qing.

Just when they were about to leave, Zoroark suddenly stopped Jiang Qing.

Zoroark: Human wait- a minute.

Jiang Qing looked at each other.

Then Zoroark handed him the Pokémon egg in his hand.

Zoroark: My child is in your care.

Its Trainer made a big mistake. Even though it tried its best to protect it, the Trainer was still arrested, and it has been kept here, and rejected several Trainers who wanted to subdue it.

There is a high probability that it will stay here for the rest of its life.

And its children are likely to be taken away and become human Pokémon.

This is something it cannot change, it's just a matter of time.

So if this is the case, why not find a Trainer who is pleasing to the eye and give the child to him to take care of.

So it took a fancy to Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing who possessed the power of waveguide, in its view, he was labeled as a good person.

At the same time, Metagross next to Jiang Qing subdued him with one move, which shows that he has great talent in cultivating Pokémon.

As of now, it certainly wants to find a good family for its children.

And it feels that Jiang Qing will definitely agree, because its child has inherited his talent, and he must be an extremely powerful Pokémon in the future.


Jiang Qing: "I don't want it"

After speaking, he took Ram Nan and left, leaving Zoroark with an unbelievable face.

Zoroark: (ºo)

At first, it thought that the human was just refusing to welcome, but when it saw that the human really pulled the woman away and even closed the door, it realized that the human was not pretending to be aggressive just now.

Looking at the Pokémon egg in his hand, Zoroark began to doubt himself at this moment.

Outside, Jiang Qing took out her mobile phone and had already booked tickets for the evening movie.

"Then I'll go first, I'll come pick you up later," Jiang Qing said.


Gongyang Nan said something very succinctly.


Just when Jiang Qing was about to leave, the Ground suddenly shook violently, the surrounding tables, chairs and instruments also shook continuously, and the lights flickered on and off.

Metagross used Psychic to stabilize Jiang Qing and Gongyang Nan.


There was another loud bang, and the vibration became more and more intense.

Many staff members in the house began to run out of the house. There were more or less Pokémon beside them, and there was not much panic on their faces.

Because this is Imperial University, and the Breeder house is very strong, although the vibration is strong, it will not cause the house to collapse.

Soon Jiang Qing and Gongyang Nan came outside the house.

"Is there no one inside?" Jiang Qing looked at Metagross.

Metagross swept away with Psychic, and there was no one in the Breeder house except for a few Pokémon locked in a special glass room.

As for the Pokémon inside, don't worry about it, they are all Elite level, and they can't be killed at all.

And this kind of special glass can withstand the attack of the quasi-champion, so it is safer to stay inside.


Listen to the direction of the sound, and there is already black smoke coming out there.

"That's Breeder House Number One"

Jiang Qing was not very familiar with the Research Institute, but Gongyang Nan was very familiar with it, so when he saw the position, he immediately said.

"It should be that the Pokémon inside ran out"

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, so when the vibration and roar were heard just now, the people in the house were not so flustered.

When Pokémon scholars are studying Pokémon, it is common for Pokémon to suddenly riot and hurt people, and those who are unlucky will die directly.

It is also very common for the Pokémon being studied to run out.

"Jiang Qing, go over and have a look, Breeder House No. 1 has the highest safety factor," Gongyang Nan said anxiously.

In this case, there will be Pokémon running out, which shows that things should be a bit big.

Ask for flowers......

"Okay, I'll go and have a look"

Jiang Qing nodded.

Then Metagross used Teleport to bring Jiang Qing to No. 1 Breeder house.

I happened to see a Sandslash wreaking havoc around, and several Pokémon scholars tried to stop it with their own Pokémon, but were easily defeated by the Sandslash.

This Sandslash is at level 80, the peak of Elite, but its strength seems to be only the early stage of Elite.

Otherwise, with its level, this place should have been turned into ruins long ago.


Jiang Qing didn't delay too much, this place is still in the school, it would be bad if there are casualties, and this Sandslash is very violent.

Metagross made a move, and Sandslash was quickly suppressed.

When the surrounding researchers saw the silver-white Metagross, they knew who was coming.

One of the middle-aged men ran up to Jiang Qing: "Thanks to you, classmate Jiang Qing"

"What's going on?" Jiang Qing asked curiously.

He just checked, and no one died, but there were several injured people and Pokémon.

"Our staff got tricked by this Sandslash into thinking it was really sick, but this guy is totally faking it"

"Fortunately, its injuries are not healed, otherwise it would be even more dangerous. This Sandslash is the main Pokémon of S-rank wanted criminals," the person explained.

The strength of A-level wanted criminals is probably in the early to mid-term of Elite, while the strength of S-level is from late to peak.

The SS class is the quasi-champion, and the SSS class is the champion.

Of course, no SSS-level wanted criminal has been born yet.

Elite Pokémon are as intelligent as humans, so if you take them for a fool, then you are a real fool.

"Where's its Poké Ball?"

"In the storage room, someone has already taken it," the man said with a wry smile.

In order to prevent the staff from taking the Pokémon in Breeder's house privately, as well as their own safety, all Poké Balls are placed in the storage room.

Not long after, someone came over with a Poké Ball and took the Sandslash back.

No. 1 Breeder house caused a lot of commotion, and many people rushed over because of this.

Gongyang Nan also rushed over from No. 3 Breeder House.

However, the matter had already been resolved by Jiang Qing, so those who arrived late could only know from other people's mouths that the matter had passed through the door. .

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