Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

664 Metagross Ultimate Sublimation

Under Leafeon's desperate and disbelieving gaze, its Solar Beam was crushed by Mega Metagross' Giga Impact.

It is also naturally hit by Giga Impact.


Leafeon's thin body was knocked into the Ground by the Mega Metagross, and under the force of this Tackle, its body was constantly going deep into the Ground.

Mega Metagross' claws had pierced into its abdomen, and with the constant Tackle sensation coming from its back, it was so painful that it was about to lose consciousness.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, four hundred meters.

The depth is still increasing.

The flesh and blood on Leafeon's back had been worn away, exposing the white bones. Under the severe pain, the pain-sensing nerves completely lost consciousness.

That's a good thing for Leafeon.

Without the interference of pain, it can barely condense the few grass-type energies in its body, forming an Energy Ball.

The Energy Ball hits Mega Metagross, its strength is not very great, but the current Mega Metagross is also at the end of its strength, all supported by one breath.

Being hit by an Energy Ball, it is no longer possible to maintain the ultimate impact move.

At the same time, the body also withdraws from the Mega Evolution form.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross is out of breath, and now it is extremely embarrassed. Silver White's body has cracks like Spider Web.

In this case, Rival is still in the early stage of the championship, and even if Metagross' defense is strong, he still has to break through.

As for Leafeon, of course, it's not much better. At this moment, he has released more air and received less air, but he has not lost his fighting ability.

Looking at Metagross with hatred and Rage.

Metagross: I won.

It raised its arms, and with the raising of the arms, there was a rattling sound at the joints, as if an old machine was running.

Shards of metal fell from Metagross' arms.

Leafeon looked at each other unwillingly.

It wants to move, wants to fight back, but now its body is out of control at all.

Its body has reached its limit, and now it has not fainted, it can only be said that Leafeon's willpower is amazing.

With the fall of Metal Claw, Leafeon gradually fell into darkness.

In mid-air, Jiang Qing rode on Dragonite's back, looking worriedly down at a hole more than ten meters wide, Metagross and Leafeon were inside.

The energy between the two remains in the hole, making it impossible for Jiang Qing's Psychic and waveguide power to enter it.

Naturally, I don't know what the current situation of Metagross is.

Just as he was about to ride Dragonite down to have a look, Gengar suddenly ran out of the shadows and threw a Shadow Ball to his left a dozen meters away.


A Gengar appeared out of nowhere more than ten meters away.

Seeing that his action failed, Gengar immediately disappeared again in stealth.

"Leave it alone"

Jiang Qing's face turned cold, he didn't know what the other party was trying to do just now, but he stopped Gengar who was chasing him.

"Go and catch Li Cheng," Jiang Qing Gengar said.

The other party asked Gengar to kill him, so he can do it too.

In the beginning, Jiang Qing could actually let Gengar kill Li Cheng. With Gengar's absolute invisibility, it is impossible for Li Cheng to find out.

But if Li Cheng is killed, it will completely anger the two champion Pokémon, and it will not end the battle.

So Jiang Qing didn't do that.

Gengar smiled, concealed his figure, and disappeared in place.

On the other side, Li Cheng looked at Gengar who had returned in vain, and felt a bit out of sorts.

Then he returned Gengar to his shadow.

His Gengar can already control itself not to absorb the surrounding heat, so as long as there is no detector or probing skills, Gengar cannot be found.

It wasn't long before Gengar had slipped into his shadow.

The voice of "Jie Jie" came from the ear.

Li Cheng thought it was because Gengar didn't go back, so he couldn't help saying: "Don't make trouble, go back quickly."

But the next second his expression froze, because he saw a White claw stretched out from under the neck.


His Gengar is the normal purple Black.


Then he saw the owner of White's paw turn around.

It is a Gengar from White.

Obviously Jiang Qing used his method to deal with him just now. Although he failed, love undoubtedly succeeded.

"Do not impulse"

Li Cheng, who had been through the wind and waves, was still shocked by the cold touch from his paws.

Gengar in his shadow did not dare to move, for fear that if he came out, he would cause Trainer's death.

And Gengar couldn't figure out how this same race approached his Trainer, and why it didn't feel at all.

…0 for flowers……

Jiang Qing didn't let Gengar kill Li Cheng directly, but controlled him, otherwise this guy would have died long ago.

Having been controlled by the other party, Li Cheng couldn't help feeling desperate in his heart. He looked into the distance, just in time to see Jiang Lan's Mega Metagross piercing Serperior's head with Meteor Mash.

After Serperior died, Li Cheng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Quickly looked to the other side, but only saw Jiang Qing, not Leafeon and Mega Metagross, which made him a little relieved, and a surge of hope couldn't help but rise in his heart.

On the side of the cave entrance, Jiang Qing kept looking at it.

After half a sound, he finally felt the breath of Metagross.

About ten seconds later, Metagross slowly flew up carrying the unconscious Leafeon.


Seeing Metagross's appearance at this moment, Jiang Qing felt extremely distressed.

At this time, the body of Metagross is already covered with cracks, and fine metal particles are constantly falling from the cracks, the whole body looks like ceramics that are about to break.

This is the heaviest injury Metagross has suffered since his debut.

Jiang Qing hurriedly came to Metagross, using both internal medicine and external medicine on Metagross.

Gently caressing the wound on Metagross' body.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: I won.

As bad as the injury is, Metagross is feeling better than ever.

Its background is too deep, so there is no Rival among its peers, even if it is a quasi-champion, it can beat it, but it is a bit difficult.

And now in the battle with Leafeon, the champion Pokémon in the early stage, although it won miserably, both body and mind have been sublimated to the extreme.

It has never felt this feeling.

Even if it was the last time I fought against the champion Tapu-Moo, maybe it was because of a gang fight.

But this time, although it was a two-on-one fight at the beginning, with Moltres' wing injured, it turned into a one-on-one fight with Leafeon.

Without helpers, he fought with all his might, which made him experience the joy of victory for the first time.

The previous Rivals were too weak to be happy beating them.

After recovering from the injury, the shackles of Elite peak to quasi-champion can be broken.

The profound background makes it much more difficult to upgrade than most Pokémon. .

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