Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

662 Moltres Defeated

The Mega Metagross on Jiang Lan's side continued to exert strength, and the Serperior was defeated steadily. The latter's slender body had already appeared many scars at this moment.

Most of them were left by the sharp claws of Mega Metagross, and the blood continued to stay from it, and Bi Green's body was almost dyed red now.

His eyes fixed on the Mega Metagross in front of him.

Mega Metagross also has some injuries. After all, Serperior is a genuine champion Pokémon, and has stayed at this level for decades. "Of course it is not a simple character.

Like Pokémon of Elite level and above, if their Trainer dies, then even the offspring of the Trainer will be provided with good food and drink.

Its strength will not increase in any way.

But if it goes to the wild or returns to the secret realm to live alone, then its strength will still improve.

The reasons for this have not yet been clarified by scholars.

"Mega Metagross, Zen Headbutt" Jiang Lan shouted.

On the other hand, Jiang Qing's Mega Metagross and Moltres were both injured, and of course Leafeon was not much better.

Leafeon looked fiercely at the two Pokémon in front of him, and his body began to emit a glistening white light, which was the light of the sun.

Absorb, emit.

The Solar Beam was done almost in the blink of an eye, and White's beam hit Moltres in an instant, punching a hole through its wing.


Moltres let out a cry of pain, Red's blood was scattered, and because of the injured wing, his body fell uncontrollably downwards.

Jiang Qing immediately took out the Poké Ball and took Moltres back.

Its wings are injured and it can no longer fly.

A Moltres who can't fly, that is, a ground chicken, whose strength is greatly reduced, just stays on the field and will only become a target for Leafeon.

"Mega Metagross depends on you," Jiang Qing said in a deep voice.

Moltres is taken back, and the strength of other Pokémon is not enough to threaten Leafeon. Even if it is sent out, it will distract Mega Metagross to protect it.

So the only Pokémon that Jiang Qing can use now is Metagross.


Mega Metagross said calmly: I will beat this brat to death.

The voice was not low, so it was naturally heard by Leafeon.

You little brat, you really treat me like an old antique, I don’t know what you mean by that.

When Lao Tzu roamed the world, you were not born yet.

Being so insulted and underestimated by Mega Metagross, Leafeon is naturally very angry in his heart, but his reason is still there.

At its level, it's hard to lose your mind over Rage.

Neither of you defeated me, now you are the only one left, how can you have confidence.

Thinking so, Leafeon spurted a large number of seeds from its mouth.

Impressively Bullet Seed.

The fist-sized seeds are all composed of grass-type energy.

Although the power of Bullet Seed is far inferior to that of Seed Bomb, this trick wins in large numbers and fast speed.

Bullet Seed directly became a torrent of Green in mid-air.

Mega Metagross kept dodging with Agility, but Bullet Seed followed closely and almost hit Mega Metagross several times.

With Mega Metagross intentionally using Agility to distance Leafeon, Bullet Seed is even harder to hit.

Leafeon naturally saw this, so he decisively ended Bullet Seed, and White's light condensed on it again.

Solar Beam!

Solar Beam launch.



Missed again.

The frequency of this Solar Beam's emission is really fast, as if the other party doesn't need to absorb sunlight at all, it looks like it is completely instantaneous.

And the speed of Solar Beam is much faster than Bullet Seed, even if Mega Metagross has lengthened the distance, it is not much use.

It has been hit once, but the power doesn't seem to be very great.

Because of the instant cast, the power of Solar Beam has been reduced.

Of course, if it is replaced by other Normal quasi-champions, even if the power is reduced, it will be enough for it to drink a pot.

Being passively beaten is definitely not the style of Mega Metagross.

Just always choose to dodge, it is at the first opportunity.

Leafeon used Bullet Seed continuously before, and now Solar Beam is instant again. With this set, the physical strength has been exhausted in an extreme time.

Just like people, you won’t feel tired at all after walking 200 meters, but if you run 200 meters at full strength, this feeling of exhaustion will make you stick out your tongue.

Although Leafeon didn't exaggerate so much, he did feel tired and had to stop Solar Beam.

And use Synthesis, trying to absorb sunlight to restore their physical strength.

The hit rate of Giga Drain is not very high, and Mega Metagross, an oversized Charge treasure, probably won't be hit again.

"break it"

Leafeon is already very difficult to deal with, if it recovers its physical strength to a certain extent, then it will not be whether you can defeat it, but how long you can hold on to it.

The body of Mega Metagross disappeared in place, and when it appeared, it was already in front of Leafeon.

Leafeon: It's you waiting.

The IQ of a champion-level Pokémon is equivalent to a genius among humans. When it uses Synthesis, it thinks that Mega Metagross will stop itself.

So Synthesis is a cover, and Leaf Blade is the ultimate move.

Facing Leafeon's sudden sharp blade, Mega Metagross didn't show any signs of panic. The Mega computer in the body calculated the best solution ever before in Spark.


The Leaf Blade successfully hit the Mega Metagross, which made Leafeon's heart suddenly happy.

Leafeon: The battle is over.

As it continued to swing the Leaf Blade, the Mega Metagross in front of it was directly cut in half.

But the joyful expression on its face suddenly disappeared.

No, it doesn't feel good to the touch.

The feeling of Slash Mega Metagross is too relaxed, it's not like Slashing a metal (Li Le Zhao) at all, it's like Slashing a piece of wood.

As if to verify Leafeon's guess, Mega Metagross, which was split in half, turned into a phantom and slowly disappeared in place.

At this moment, the alarm bell in Leafeon's heart rang loudly. Relying on his fighting instinct, he almost instinctively used the leaf knife towards the rear.

I have to say that Leafeon's reaction speed is really fast. When he found the Slash Mega Metagross, he felt something wrong, and he already had a defensive patrol in his heart.

But the speed of Mega Metagross is undoubtedly faster.

There is mental arithmetic but no intention.

The cold breath behind him made Leafeon feel very uncomfortable, and the speed of Leaf Blade was also a little faster.

Mega Metagross does not use Meteor Mash this time, but Ice Punch.

Although the power of Ice Punch is not as powerful as Meteor Mash, but for Leafeon's Attribute, ice moves have twice the damage to it.

So the effect of Ice Punch is better than that of Meteor Mash to a certain extent. .

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