Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

660 Jiang Lan Arrives

Jiang Qing's two Pokémon have excellent maneuverability and can fly. Facing the two Pokémon standing on the ground, Serperior and Leafeon, being able to Flying has a big advantage.

And Mega Metagross will also use Teleport, which is an ability that other Metagross does not have.

Facing the violent bombardment of Serperior and Leafeon, the two Pokémon successfully avoided the opponent's attack by virtue of their excellent speed and the extended distance between them.

After several rounds, Serperior Leafeon didn't even touch the corners of Mega Metagross and Moltres.

"The Serperior used Vine Whip to catch Metagross first," Li Cheng couldn't help but said.

But Serperior just gave him a cold look, not obeying his orders at all.

At the level of Serperior Leafeon, Pokémon is almost impossible to command except for its own Trainer.

Unless the other person of "330" is that it has grown up and stayed together for a long time, with enough intimacy.

Seeing this, Li Cheng smiled helplessly. Although he was angry in his heart, he didn't dare to show it at all.

He doesn't have much intimacy with these two Pokémon.

Just now I just wanted to give it a try, but the result really didn't disappoint me, and I didn't care about myself at all.

Serperior: Two bugs.

Countless green leaves appeared beside him, each leaf carrying grass-type energy, it is no exaggeration to say, "This one leaf can severely damage the Pokémon of the Ten Song Dynasty.

Serperior: Let me see how you hide this time.

The green leaves shot out, and it was the Magical Leaf.

As a must-hit skill, Magical Leaf cannot be avoided at all. The only way is to block it yourself or attack it.

"Mega Metagross Steel Beam, Moltres Flamethrower" Jiang Qing shouted immediately.

One silver and one red paired against Serperior's Magical Leaf. When the energy collided, a huge air wave was formed instantly, sweeping around like a hurricane normal.

Steel Beam and Flamethrower narrowly block the Serperior's Magical Leaf.

But Serperior still has companions.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, Leafeon opened his mouth and spit out a green Energy Ball. It was only the size of a basketball, but the energy in it was enough to easily destroy a town.

Super Extreme Metagross and Moltres can't stop at this moment, once they stop, they will be hit by Magical Leaf, but if they don't stop, Leafeon's Energy Ball will bounce.

The two were caught in a dilemma for an instant.

At this moment, Li Cheng also showed an expression of winning.

But in the next second, the joy of victory on his face stopped instantly.

I saw the power of Moltres' Flamethrower suddenly soared, five or six times thicker, and the power of this Flamethrower directly blocked the Magical Leaf.

And Mega Metagross immediately used Teleport to come to Energy Ball, and Meteor Mash smashed it down.


With an explosion, the Mega Metagross flew out, but the Energy Ball was already blocked by the Mega Metagross.

Here the Magical Leaf is also consumed by Moltres' Flamethrower.

Moltres was panting heavily. It blocked the Magical Leaf just now when it exploded, but it consumed a lot of energy, almost half of its energy.

Fortunately, as a Legendary Pokémon, its physical strength itself is very strong, and its recovery speed is also very fast.

"Why isn't Dad coming?"

Changqing frowned.

If Moltres hadn't exploded suddenly, blocked Magical Leaf alone, and gave Mega Metagross time to deal with Energy Ball.

Otherwise the battle might be over.

The explosion of Moltres was completely accidental, with too many uncertainties.

And it consumes a lot.

If the fight continues, if Serperior and Leafeon don't make huge mistakes, then Jiang Qing won't be able to win at all, and the probability of defeat is more than 90%.

Forget it or summon Mewtwo.

Jiang Qing is not a person who likes to risk his life.

He dared to use Metagross and Moltres to block the opponent's two champion Pokémon, not because he thought he could beat them, but because he had an undefeated hole card.

Currently he has 20 pieces of Mewtwo, and if he collects 100 pieces, he can directly summon the permanent Mewtwo.

With five Mewtwo fragments, you can temporarily summon Mewtwo for five minutes.

Five minutes is definitely not enough to deal with a first-level god, but against two champion-level Pokémon, it is enough to kill them hundreds of times.

It's just that Mewtwo shards are too hard to get.

"You three are dead"

Jiang Qing shouted at Li Cheng, Serperior and Leafeon.

Mega Metagross: So brave.

Moltres: Does the master have any other cards?

hole card?

Mega Metagross: Yes, why don't I know...

After speaking, Jiang Qing was ready to use the fragments to summon Mewtwo.

"Smashing, dare to bully my son"

A roar from a distance made Ai subconsciously stop.

Turning his head, he saw a white ray of light from far to near, and the other party had already come in front of him within a breath.


Seeing Jiang Lan whose hair was blown backwards, with a tired and angry look on his face, Jiang Qing cried out in surprise.

I finally waited for you, but luckily I didn't give up.

Moltres suddenly looked surprised, and it turned out that the owner's hole card was the father's summoning.

Jiang Lan looked Jiang Qing up and down, and found that it was all right, but his face looked a little weird because Ditto changed his appearance.

Jiang Qing also looked at Jiang Lan strangely, who also had Ditto on his face.

If it weren't for the voice and the Skarmory under him, Jiang Qing wouldn't be sure if this was his father.

So now the father and son are both unfamiliar and familiar.

"You are Jiang Lan"

Hearing Jiang Qing calling the other party's father, Li Cheng immediately shouted.

"I'm not the handsome Jiang Lan Elite of Attract, I'm just a Common Trainer in Kimchi Country"

Li Cheng's face darkened when he heard these familiar words.

It can only be said that they are indeed father and son, they all said exactly the same thing, they really treat him as a fool.

With Jiang Lan's arrival, the situation changed.

Li Cheng also realized this, and secretly pressed the contact 2.3 device he carried with him.

"Choose one," Jiang Lan said.


Jiang Qing didn't dare to make too much of a big deal, and chose the weaker Leafeon.


"Son, dad will give you Retaliate today." Jiang Lan grinned.

In the next second, the Poké Ball on his waist opens automatically.

Metagross, exactly the same as Jiang Qing, appears at level 89.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross looked at Serperior, and then looked at Jiang Qing's Metagross.

Moltres looked at the two identical Metagross and subconsciously asked: This is your father.

Mega Metagross: No.

It and Jiang Lan's Metagross are both split from Jiang Oreburgh's Metagross. They can be said to be brothers, of course they can also be called sisters, because they have no gender.

"Metagross Mega Evolution" Jiang Lan shouted.

In the next second at level 91, the Mega Metagross in the early stage of the garden army appeared. .

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