Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

657 Breaking Into The Blue Platform

As the meeting door was opened, a handsome middle-aged man appeared in front of the chief Ishan and the top ten councilors.

Looking at forty or fifty years old, the real age is actually almost eighty.

This stems from the other party's self-care, as well as technology and Pokémon's Help.

There is a rather interesting statistic, that is, many chaebols in the kimchi country died before they were a hundred years old.

You must know that the average life expectancy of Common people is 120 years old.

But as a chaebol, his life is shorter than that of common people in Common.

This may have something to do with how they play.

Of course, there are also long-lived ones, but they are relatively few.

Li Cheng's father was the kimchi country champion of the previous generation.

An Taiyu, the champion of the kimchi country who just died, also has a lot to do with Ji's family.

"Everyone, I heard that you are going to elect the interim chief"

Li Cheng looked at the top ten councilors, and his tone was flat, but everyone knew that the other party was asking questions.

"Patriarch Li, Yishan's public support rate has fallen below 10%. According to the Kimchi Nation's First Regulation, our top ten councilors have the right to provisionally elect the first seat."

It was the Ninth Councilor who spoke.

"The Ninth Councilor is right, Yishan is no longer good enough to be the head of Kimchi Country," said the third Councilor.

The appearance of Li Cheng was unexpected, but now the arrow has to be launched, and only by pulling Yishan down, they will have a chance.

Although he didn't tell the Ninth Councilor on the surface, they knew each other well.

Only by solving Li Cheng first can Raishan step down.

The two looked at each other and joined forces secretly.

"The first regulation is indeed to prevent the existence of the chief executive's inaction, but several congressmen know that this incident is not the fault of Ishan, it can only be said to be an accident."

"But he is the chief seat, so he must shoulder this responsibility," the Ninth Councilor snorted coldly.

Don't care if things are right or wrong, anyway, the public opinion is boiling, and you, the leader, must come out and take the blame.

"Patriarch Li, if you want to protect Yishan, I think you can go back. Yishan must step down today~||" the third councilor said firmly.

The Five Star Group is indeed the most powerful chaebol in the Kimchi Country, but they also have chaebols behind them. Although they are not as good as the Five Star Group, the Five Star Group has to give up the combined energy.

2468 These four congressmen are on Yishan's side, so these four people have to be excluded.

Otherwise, if the top ten councilors all wanted Yishan to step down, then even if Li Cheng came, it would be useless.

Now because there are four members of parliament supporting Yishan, and Li Cheng has come, so there is a stalemate.

"Don't worry, I think you'll change your mind later," Li Cheng said with a smile.

The third councilor frowned slightly when he heard the words, the other party's smile made him feel uncertain.

As if to verify his uneasiness, the phone rang.

And not only his, but the mobile phones of several congressmen rang at this time.

"Just pick it up," Li Cheng said.

When the third member saw the number, he had a premonition that something was wrong, and after connecting, he said: "Hello"

Other MPs also answered the phone.

It didn't take long for the faces of every congressman who answered the phone to change.

A few minutes later, the third councilor hung up the phone, looked at Li Cheng and said, "Patriarch Li, it's a good idea."

This call was made by the chaebol behind him, and the general meaning was to let Yishan continue to be the first seat and not carry out the second regulation.

As for the reason, it was nothing more than Li Cheng used something to impress the chaebol behind him.

Looking at the other congressmen who answered the phone, and they were all from his side, the face of the third congressman turned completely dark.

You don't even have to think about what the call is about.

After these several congressmen hung up the phone, they all shook their heads at the third congressman.

The chaebols behind them have been compromised by Li Cheng in exchange for benefits.

Of course, they can obey and obey, but this will undoubtedly anger the chaebol behind them. Since the other party is qualified to make themselves a member, they are also capable of making themselves an obedient member.

So of course they chose to compromise.

Only the chaebols behind the ninth and tenth congressmen did not call.

And it's useless even if you call.

Because as long as half of the councilors choose to give up the provisional first seat election, then the first regulation cannot be implemented, that is, Ishan can continue to serve as the first seat.

"Those who come here have the answers in their hearts, so I'll take my leave first," Li Cheng said with a smile.

The third councilor and the others looked ugly, but they couldn't change anything.

"Patriarch Li, I will send you off"

The happiest one was of course Yishan, whose position was preserved, and at the same time, with the support of Patriarch Li, his right to speak would be even more important in the future.


The staff here had just opened the door of the conference room when there was a loud bang, accompanied by a tremor.

"What's going on, is the parade making trouble again?" Ishan roared angrily.


But in the next second, there was another explosion, louder than before.

"..." Yishan was the first, and five strangers called in. They are too strong and we can't stop them." A staff member soon reported.

The entrance of the Blue Terrace.

Jiang Qing Yuepeng and other five people are already here, all of them have Ditto on their faces, so their faces have changed.

However, even if some people change their faces, it is easy for people to know that he is Jiang Qing.

Silver White Metagross, like throwing garbage, will throw all the people or Pokémon in front of it far away.

"What's the difference if you change your face or not?" Qin Wu couldn't help complaining.

Silver Metagross has no semicolon except the Jiang family.

It's like your own Blaziken, which pig has it.

"Of course it needs to be changed. As long as I refuse to admit it, they will have no conclusive evidence," Jiang Qing argued.

The guard force on the Blue Terrace is quite large. There are 2,000 Kimchi soldiers stationed alone, and there are also three Elite trainers.

If it was normal, the champion An Taiyu would also be here.

Now that An Taiyu is dead, then (okay) these guards are naturally not Rival of Jiang Qing et al.

In less than a few minutes, these soldiers and their Pokémon were all dealt with by Jiang Qing and the other five.

And the three Elites are almost at the moment.

As Salamence solved the last Elite-level Pokémon, the five walked into the blue platform swaggeringly.

"It's a pity that the original face skin can't be used"

Xia Fei sighed, but still took out his phone and took a selfie.

Directly breaking into the political core of a country, this fucking thing is simply a matter of glory.

The only pity is that the face cannot be changed back.

The current identities of the five of them are the illegitimate sons of the kimchi country chaebol. Because they are dissatisfied with Yishan's actions, they will stand up and use this method to make Yishan step down.

Then their actions naturally have nothing to do with Xia Guo, even if they die, they will die as citizens of the Kimchi Kingdom. .

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