Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

654 Ninth Councilor

"Two champion Pokémon, I can only deal with one at most" Jiang Qing frowned.

With his strength, it is already very impressive to be a quasi-champion to support or even defeat a champion.

Last time in the top secret realm, Jiang Qing's main Pokémon played against Tapu-Moo, who broke through to the champion with the power of the Assist island.

The result is that Gengar is dying, Aggron is badly injured, and several Pokémon are more seriously injured.

To pay such a terrible price, Tapu-moo-moo was hardly worth it.

Now the opponent has two champion-level Pokémon, and it is not known whether it is the early stage or the mid-stage. In the early stage, he is sure to defeat, or even kill, and in the mid-stage, it is definitely not a problem.

But if the opponent is in the late stage of the championship, then this action should be canceled directly.

This is the case with a Champion Pokémon.

The current situation is two, even if the two are only the early stages of the championship, Jiang Qing will be very troublesome, he must have all the members, and he must be triple advanced.

And it is very likely to cause the death of the elf.

"If another champion Pokémon is left alone, I refuse to participate in this operation"

He didn't want to cause casualties to his Pokémon by being brave.

And this action is not related to Xia Guo's national fortune, so there is no need for him to take risks.

"There are four of us, Jiang Qing"

Xia Fei looked at Jiang Qing rather dissatisfied.

"Don't make trouble, this is a champion-level Pokémon, and the four of you bundled together are not someone else's Rival." Jiang glared at Zhenfa.

Knowing that he wants to help, but the strength of the other party has surpassed them by a lot.

Of the four of them, except for Xiang Wutong, who is currently a quasi-champion, the other three are still at the peak of Elite, and they still want to be champions.

If the four are all quasi-champions, and the opponent's champion is only in the early stages, then maybe there is still a fight, provided that the four of them cooperate tacitly.

"Jiang Lan Elite is on their way," Bellsprout said suddenly.

"My dad is here, so what are you afraid of?"

When Jiang Qing heard this, Yi Shi became a little excited.

His father is the peak quasi-champion, as long as the two champion-level Pokémon are not too evil, then his father can solve them all by himself.

"But we are running out of time, and we have to set off immediately. The owner of Jiang Lan still needs a certain amount of time," Bellsprout said.

This is the most critical point.

If they fought with the quasi-championship Pokémon and Jiang Lan hadn't arrived, then they would be in danger.

"Whether Jiang Qing takes this action is up to you to decide"

Seeing Jiang Qing's hesitation, Bellsprout gave him the decision.

Jiang Qing secretly scolded this guy for nothing, it was definitely intentional.

Sure enough, a spy has a dirty heart.

If I refuse, it means disregarding the interests of the country. If I don't refuse, I will put the lives of Pokémon and Yue Peng in danger.

So let yourself choose now.

"Yue Peng, what do you think?"

Jiang Qing felt that he had to ask other people.

Yue Peng spoke righteously, and said with a serious face: "Go ahead, national interests are paramount, and our Xia Kingdom trainers have no cowards."

Jiang Qing slapped his forehead, and he forgot that this guy is a soldier, the one who really puts the interests of the country first, the kind who can ignore the life and death of himself and Pokémon for the sake of the country.

Shouldn't have asked him.

Well now, this guy just said the words to death.

To disagree is a coward.

"Okay, then the king"

Jiang Qing slapped his thigh in agreement.

Anyway, the situation will really be out of control at that time, and before my father comes, I will call Mewtwo directly, and if it has a hundred champions, I will have to kneel to me.

"Where do we go now?"

Jiang Qing looked at Bellsprout, a sinister man, with an unfriendly expression.

"Blue Terrace, Help the Ninth Councilor, become the new first seat in Kimchi Country"

This information is a bit big.

"The Ninth Councilor is the person we supported. As long as he becomes the first seat, coupled with our Help, Kimchi Nation will completely break away from the Stars and Stripes Nation and become our-"

Bellsprout didn't say anything later, and it is estimated that it will become our back garden.

Then let's go to the top secret place in the back garden, isn't it okay?

Well, this is really a plan to increase Xia's national power.

Jiang Qing did not expect that the Ninth Councilor was actually supported by Xia Guo, which is really a bit powerful.

After all, each of the top ten members of parliament can run for the first seat.

And behind each congressman is the support of one or more chaebols.

Blue table meeting room.

As the ninth and tenth councilors walked in, the chief Yishan asked immediately: "Li Junhao, what do you mean, don't you know that the master is not allowed, and the master is probably a spy of the heavy country?"

……… Ask for flowers-

What the ninth and tenth councilors did just now, informed Yishan.

"Ishan, I'm doing this for your own good," the Fifth Councilor sneered.

"For my own good, I think you are with the people from Xia Kingdom." Yi Shang laughed back angrily.

The ten members of parliament were divided into about three factions.

The Ninth and Tenth MPs are a team.

The third, fifth, and seventh are in the same group.

And the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth are his supporters.

With these four supporters, and he himself is the first seat, most of the domestic affairs are decided by him.

The Ninth and Tenth MPs are the weakest of the three factions.

But they dare not underestimate them, because the power of the chaebol behind them is not small. Although it is not as good as the five-star group behind him, it is also ranked among the top five in the kimchi country.

"I'm with Xia Guo, I think you're more like me."


Yishan looked at the Ninth Councilor as if he was a fool, he was being tortured by Xia Guo now, how could he be in the same group.

"Everyone, this is the whole process of hijacking Jiang Qing this time, take a look"

The ninth member ignored Yishan and handed over the information he carried to other members.

The information is that Jiang Qing was drugged and hijacked from a roast beef sausage restaurant in Seohan City, and then went all the way to a certain military base in Seoul.

"Since Jiang Qing was hijacked, the Poké Ball was taken away by our spy Xiuyan, and she used Scanner to detect at that time, Gengar is not in Jiang Qing's shadow"

"Pu Xingbo brought Jiang Qing into the military base. Everyone knows that military base inspections are stricter. If Gengar is really in his shadow, he will definitely be discovered."

Because most Ghost Pokémon have the ability to pass through walls and become invisible.

Therefore, there will be detection equipment in some important places, and the walls will also be covered with a layer of energy to prevent Ghost-type Pokémon from passing through the walls.

Not to mention military bases.

Even the champion-level Ghost-type Pokémon, don't even think about stealth into it.

"And on the way to control Jiang Qing, he was injected with muscle relaxants"

"No Poké Ball, handcuffed, and injected with muscle relaxants"

"In this case, how did he escape and how did Gengar appear 2"

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