Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

Picked Up On The 652 Road

"I think you should deal with the matter in front of you first."

Facing the furious Ishan, the third councilor didn't take it to heart at all, and tried to poke his mouth out of the window.

Just in time to see the parade break through the barriers of Kimchi soldiers and rush into the Blue Terrace with their Pokémon.

There are several quasi-Elite in a parade, which is outrageous.

A quasi-Elite has a considerable status even in Xia Kingdom, and can serve as the vice president of a city-level Trainer Association.

But in the kimchi country, quasi-Elite can already be regarded as a great master.

Such an existence would actually participate in the parade, and there were quite a few of them.

There are no ghosts in it.

"Let Jin En and the others detain those quasi-Elites," Ishan sneered.

The Lantai is the first place in the Kimchi Kingdom and the place where the councilors handle government affairs. Of course, the guarding force is not only the few hundred soldiers, but there must also be trainers at the master level.

After an Elite trainer came out and suppressed the quasi-Elite Trainers in the parade with powerful force, the entire parade did not dare to move in an instant.

Compared with the existence of the army, guns, and quasi-Elite, although the people of Common have some fear and awe in their hearts, it is not very big.

But with the Elite, the awe in their hearts goes straight to office.

Elite is a powerful representative in any country.

The lifelong goal of most professional trainers is to become an Elite.

The awe of Elite trainers is engraved in my heart.

So when Jin En forcibly suppressed the quasi-Elite in the parade, the people in the parade dared not speak at all.

"Ishang will give everyone an explanation, please go back first, the content on the video is not what Yishang said."

"All this is a conspiracy by the Xia Kingdom, they want to divide us"

"Right now, Chief Yishan is doing his best to deal with the invading army of Xia Kingdom, and we shouldn't cause trouble for Chief Yishan at this time."

"Everyone go back first, Ishan will hold a press release at noon tomorrow"

Jin En's words made the parade team start to loosen up, and the opponent was Elite, with him around, they couldn't break in at all.

So it didn't take long for the parade to slowly disperse.

After the parade left, Jin En looked at the three quasi-Elites who were captured and said, "Who sent you here? It's Xia Guo."

None of the three spoke.

"I thought it would be okay to not talk"

Jin En sneered, and winked at a minion beside him, who sent out a Hypno.

Super Pokémon is a good player in searching memory.

"Whether you take the initiative or let Hypno take action, you all know the consequences of its action," Jin En said.

"We don't know what you're talking about, the three of us are just dissatisfied with what Ishan did," one of them quasi-Elite said.

"The opportunity is given to you, but it's a pity that you don't cherish it," Jin En said with a cold expression.

Hypno walked in front of the three of them, and the brass ring in his hand, which resembled a pocket watch, began to shake slightly.

"Wait a moment"

Jin En didn't want to pay attention to it, but after seeing the ninth and tenth congressmen, he had to stop the nightmare.

These two congressmen were not in Seoul before, and it was obvious that they had just rushed back from their haste.

"I suspect that the real identities of the two congressmen are Xia Guo's spies"

The Ninth Councilor said with a cold face: "If they are not, they are just dissatisfied with what Ishan has done. If you use Hypno to search their memories, they will all be destroyed."

"They are quasi-Elite, you ruined them, and may ruin the next three Elites"

It seems to make sense, but I believe you a ghost.

If it was so easy for a quasi-Elite to become an Elite, it would be worthless that day.

"Even if they are really Xia Guo's spies, if you search their memories, even if you can confirm their identities, it's better to keep them, and then you will have more leverage in negotiating with Xia Guo."

There is some truth to this statement.

"Don't touch the three of them yet, I'll go find Chief Yiji," said the Ninth Councilor.

After speaking, he walked to the meeting room with the tenth congressman.

AS company headquarters, after a few teleports in Metagross, Jiang Qing has arrived at the gate of this headquarters.

After letting Metagross perceive the location of Yue Peng and the other four, Metagross took Jiang Qing to move again, and the next second Jiang appeared in front of Yue Guan and the other four.

"Yo, it's all here"

Jiang Qing raised his hand to greet the four of them, and then set his sights on a strange middle-aged man.

Bellsprout was surprised by Jiang Qing's appearance, and after noticing Jiang Qing's gaze, he immediately said: "I am Bellsprout, an intelligence officer stationed in Kimchi Country"


Jiang Qing nodded.

For this kind of unknown hero, he admired very much in his heart.

They have dedicated their lives to the country, and they may not be able to return for the rest of their lives. Even if they die, their identities cannot be made public.

Of course, if spies from other countries are in their own country, they will hate it.

His hero, my enemy bandit, is talking about this truth.

∼Yes, it seems that the four of us came here for nothing.”

Qin Wu spread out her hands, showing a helpless expression, she would have ridiculed Jiang Qing, now it's better, the happiness is gone.

The four of them came to rescue Jiang Qing, but this guy escaped by himself, and he looked very chic.

Compared to Jiang Qing, Xiang Wutong and Xia Fei were more curious about what Lucario was holding next to Jiang Qing.

"What kind of treasure is this Meteorite?" Xiang Wutong asked.

This thing really looks like a treasure.

"No, I picked it up on the road. It looks pretty good. I plan to take it home as a decoration," Jiang Qing said nonsense.

Seeing that Jiang Qing is obviously unwilling to say it, and the reason he made up is so nonsense, it proves that this thing must be a treasure. (Wang Qianhao)

"Jiang Qing has a share"

Xia Fei shouted shamelessly.

"Get out" Jiang Qing glared at the other party.

Yue Peng looked at the "Meteorite" and asked curiously: "You didn't pick this thing from a military base, did you?"

"Of course not, I just picked it up on the way to find you," Jiang Qing directly denied.

Because Jirachi is sleeping inside, this thing cannot be put into the system space at all, otherwise Lucario would not need to hold it.

It's a bit too ostentatious.

But there was no way, the thing was too big to fit in Gengar's mouth.

Gengar: So you still have such thoughts, you will die.

"Where did you pick it up? I want to pick one up too." Qin Wu teased Jiang Zhi.

"Turn left at the intersection ahead, under a utility pole, you can go and have a look, maybe there is another one," Jiang Qing said.

Qin Wu rolled her beautiful eyes, and didn't believe Jiang Qing's nonsense at all. .

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