Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

643 Carl: Maybe There Will Be No Kimchi Country In The Future

"Grandpa kill them all, I'll be fine"

On the battlefield, Jiang Oreburgh laughed when he heard the voice of his grandson on the other end of the phone: "Okay, grandson, grandpa listens to you and kills them all."

"Aggron, Skarmory, Heatran, keep doing it," Jiang Oreburgh said with a serious face.

At this moment, An Taiyu was stunned. Looking at the three champion Pokémon who were fighting again, he hurriedly shouted: "You really don't care about your grandson's life or death?"

"My grandson said that he will be fine," Jiang Oreburgh said lightly.

These words made An Taiyu almost lose his breath. You believe this kind of irony, your grandson is trying to comfort you.

But in the next second, there was a conversation between Jiang Qing and Pu Xingbo on the phone.

Gengar hid in Jiang Qing's shadow and was not found, Pu Xingbo, you are a pig, An Taiyu cursed in his heart.

But he didn't worry too much. After all, it was just a Gengar. How could Pu Xingbo and the military base not be able to deal with so many soldiers.

I thought that Gengar was Jiang Qing's biggest support, but he never expected that the next call would almost blow An Taiyu into a rage.

Jiang Qing's Pokémon are all there, and the Poké Ball has been taken by Switcheroo.

Idiots 493, are all idiots.

"Hahaha, An Taiyu, you underestimate my grandson. It was your biggest mistake to bring him to your kimchi country."

All the calls were played by the loudspeaker, knowing that his grandson's Pokémon were all there, and An Taiyu, the only domestic champion of kimchi, was here.

That is to say, as long as there are no hidden champions in Kimchi, in terms of the real combat power of his good grandson, basically there will be no danger to his life.

As long as the good grandson enters the city of the pickle country, the pickle country will definitely throw a mouse.

Large-scale thermal weapons cannot be used, and Pokémon battles cannot be fought in the city. Jiang Qing is so strong, what can you do.

"Why are Xia Shang still standing still, keep killing me!" Jiang Oreburgh roared.

With no more worries, Jiang Oreburgh's murderous intent broke out completely.

Dare to touch his grandson, no one here today can leave alive.

"bang bang bang"

There are more than a dozen Poké Balls on the waist, each of which is a late-stage Elite or a peak, and there are even three late-stage quasi-champions and two quasi-champion peaks.

"No one left"

Jiang Oreburgh waved his hand, and most of the dozen Pokémon were steel (cada) type. They gathered into Oreburgh torrent, led by five quasi-champions, and rushed to the Kimchi Army.

"It's over, it's over"

The general of the Kimchi Kingdom looked at his own army and Pokémon like wheat. Under the attack of Xia Guo army and Jiang Oreburgh Pokémon, they had no power to fight back.

His face was pale.

Although An Taiyu's expression was much better than his, but he was already thinking of retreating.

Ginger Oreburgh, without the worries, is definitely not Rival himself.

As for the situation here, Admiral Zhang immediately reported it to his superiors, and asked if he should send his troops directly into the country of Kimchi after the army troops in the Kimchi Kingdom were dealt with.

Xia Guo's high-level officials also immediately passed the news to Gongyang Jun and Jiang Lan. At the same time, to General Zhang's inquiry, Zhen Guo's high-level officials only replied with four words: waiting for orders.

After replying these four words, Xia Guo's senior management immediately held an emergency meeting.

On the high seas, the Ram Army is confronting Carl of the Stars and Stripes, with the most powerful navies of their respective countries behind them.

Of course no one did anything.

After all, both sides know that the purpose of coming here is absolutely impossible to fight.

For a godson, how could the Xingstripe Kingdom really fight Xia Guo.

Moreover, the two Mega powers are fighting, and the impact is really too great. Maybe other countries will take advantage of them and step on them to take the upper hand.

Seeing the news and knowing that Jiang Qing is fine, Gongyang Jun smiled slightly and said to his subordinates: "We can go back after a while."

The subordinates were quite puzzled and asked: "Could it be that the reinforcements from the White Bear Kingdom have already fought with the Stars and Stripes Kingdom? So Carl wants to go back"

The biggest dream of the White Bear Country is to trample the Star-Striped Country to death, and now seeing that its ally Xia Guo is going to fight with the Star-Striped Country [Not to mention the local language, a large number of warships were sent to the border of the Star-Striped Country in the name of an exercise.

If they really fight with the navy of the Stars and Stripes, with the ruthlessness of the White Bears, maybe the Stars and Stripes will not eat well, so they let Carl, the strongest champion in the country, go back.

"No, Jiang Qing is already safe, there is no reason for the Stars and Stripes to stay here"

The subordinates suddenly realized and nodded: "It seems that Yue Peng and his team of four have successfully rescued Jiang Qing. They did a good job."

Gongyang Jun shook his head again: "It wasn't Yue Peng and the others who rescued him, guess what?"

Subordinate: You are the champion. Otherwise, if you talk like that, I would have beaten you a long time ago. I can guess a thread.

I won't ask, anyway, I will know later.

Gong Yangjun: Why didn't this guy ask any more questions, and he still looked unhappy. Did he quarrel with his wife?

Stars and Stripes Fleet.

Champion Carl has learned that the people of Kimchi Nation have failed to control Jiang Qing, that his Pokémon are all on him, and has started killing at their military base with love.

"A bunch of brainless idiots"

Carl snarled.

Originally, Jiang Qing was tied to Kimchi Kingdom, knowing that he couldn't afford to offend Xia Guo and Jiang Oreburgh, so he immediately notified his godfather to let him come over.

When the Stars and Stripes heard about it, their godson actually did such a big thing, and the five people who had entered the top secret realm in their country were all dead. Although there is no evidence, there is a high probability that Jiang Qing killed them.

In addition to this point, there is also the fact that Jiang Qing was tied up by the Kimchi Kingdom, which is also a great thing for the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

The threat of Jiang Qing's full growth is too great. Originally, they were thinking about how to get rid of Jiang Qing, but they didn't expect the master's son to give them such a big surprise directly.

When the time comes, let the godson honor a few Jiang Qing's Pokémon for himself.

So this game must be occupied.

It is very face-saving to directly send Carl, the strongest champion of their own, to stand for Kimchi Country.

As a result, I told them now that Jiang Qing came to play tricks and tricked them all.

Rage threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground, Carl snorted coldly: "Go back"

The deputy asked in a daze, "What about Kimchi Country?"

"Perhaps there will be no kimchi country in the future," Carl said quietly.

Although the Kimchi Kingdom used to jump around in front of Xia Guo, they didn't do anything too much, and with them around, Xia Guo didn't bother to pay attention.

But now the Kimchi Country has tied up the future champion, the most monstrous trainer in the country, and he is the grandson of the champion himself.

This matter was a success, and with their Stars and Stripes standing behind them, Xia Guo could only endure the loss.

But things failed, Kimchi Kingdom completely angered Xia Guo.

Moreover, they were the first to provoke the incident, which is no longer tenable internationally.

Of course there will be a price to pay. .

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