Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

639 Ginger Of Rage Oreburgh

Half a day later, when the fishing boat arrived at Seoul Harbor, Jiang Qing's handcuffs had already been removed, but when he got off, there were two 1.9-meter strong men on the left and right sides.

And muscle relaxants have been injected into Jiang Qing, in this case, he can't escape even without handcuffs.

Of course, this is just what the people in Kimchi Country think so.

They didn't know that Jiang Qing took the millennium Tai Sui, not only was he not immune to the muscle relaxant drug Ronnifer given to him by the proprietress at the beginning, he was also immune to it.

All of them were fabricated by him.

The purpose is to find out who is behind the scenes.

Now that he has directly come to the territory of the person behind the scenes, it is estimated that the other party will take him to their old age.

When the fishing boat left on Pu Xingbo, there were people staring at Harbor all the time. Now they came back and brought a stranger with them.

Because Jiang Qing's face was covered with Ditto, his appearance changed.

Of course, the surveillance person had already thought of this point, the people on the left and right sides of the stranger were clearly looking at him, and the height and shape of the other party were very consistent with Yangqing.

They secretly took pictures and sent them to Bellsprout.

Here, under the leadership of Bellsprout, Yue Peng and the other four have rested in the AS headquarters, and they are making an action plan after the discovery of Jiang Qing.

Only then did they know that AS, the top five chaebols in the Kimchi Country, was secretly established by Xia Guo. They couldn't believe that this group had become such a huge organization in less than fifty years.

When Bellsprout told them about this secret place, he naturally believed that these four people were trustworthy.


Bellsprout's cell phone rang, and when he switched it on, a special contact sent him several pictures.

"Pu Xingbo is back, and brought three strangers with him"

The three strangers are Han Jing, the proprietress who restored her original face, Han Jing, the vice president of the Trainer Association of Seohan City, and Jiang Qing after Ditto's disguise.

However, Jiang Qing's position is very special, and among the five photos, three are about love.

Apparently the contact person thought that this stranger might be Jiang Qing.

"Look, is it Jiang Qing?"

Bellsprout passed the photo to several people. He had no contact with Jiang Qing, so he couldn't be sure that this stranger was Jiang Qing.

"The hairstyle is exactly the same as when I met Jiang Qing in Haijing City," Xiang Wutong said in one breath.

"He has a good figure"

Because it is a photo, I can't tell how tall that person is, but his figure is very similar to Jiang Qing.

"Because it is not sure whether the other person's appearance has been changed by Ditto, so whether this person is Jiang Qing remains to be verified"

Bellsprout said, but subconsciously, he felt that this person was Jiang Qing.

His fingers were constantly operating on the phone.

"What are you doing?" Xia Fei asked curiously.

I entered the faces of the other two into the system to see if Xia Guo had their information.

When entering the face of the proprietress, it shows no information, because the proprietress has always relied on Ditto to change her face to show people in Zhenguo.

But after entering Han Jing's face, the other party's information appeared on the phone immediately.

Name: Han Jing

Sex: Male

Age: 50

Position: Vice President of Seohan Trainer Association

Strength: Quasi-Elite of the water system.

Pokémon: Gyarados, Wailord, Corsola,, Mantine

Note: The other party disappeared suddenly three days ago, which is suspected to be related to Jiang Qing's disappearance.

Because Jiang Qing disappeared in Xihan City, some government officials in Xihan City were naturally investigated, but Han Jing, the vice president, suddenly disappeared for no reason, and he still couldn't be contacted.

At the same time, the secret passage in the proprietress' lounge was found, and the investigators followed the secret passage to the sewer in the city. According to the trail left by the proprietress, they finally came to the seaside where the sewer discharges waste water.

According to the staff of the Trainer Association, Han Jing was in charge of this area at that time.

Under such circumstances, Han Jing must have a lot to do with Jiang's disappearance.

Han Jing, who is missing now, appeared in Seoul, the capital of the kimchi country, and along with him was a stranger who looked like everything else except his face.

And that strange woman is very likely to be the missing proprietress.

"It's a real hammer, this person is beautiful," said important.

Seeing the information above, combined with all the previous ones, even if the strange man's face is not Jiang Qing, there is a 90% chance that he is Jiang Qing.


Bellsprout nodded, and edited the information to the contact person, asking him to keep an eye on them and find out where they were staying.

At the same time, this information was also passed on to the country.

………… Ask for flowers……………

"What should we do now?" Qin Wu asked.

Since that man is very likely to be Jiang Qing, then is it possible to start a rescue operation next?

When she thinks that Jiang Qing, who is so good at being in the secret territory, has overturned in the outside world and needs them to rescue her, she will definitely laugh at him after successfully rescuing Jiang Qing

Not only Qin Wu thought so, Yue Peng and the other three more or less also had the idea of ​​mocking each other after rescuing Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing in the car sneezed fiercely a few times, feeling as if something malicious was targeting him.

The border Region between Xia Country and Kimchi Country.

Ginger Oreburgh received a message from Bellsprout, along with several photos.

"Good grandson!!"


Seeing the strange man [Jiang Oreburgh] in the photo, he could tell at a glance that this was his missing grandson.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was fine, but in the next second, he found that there was dry blood on Jiang Qing's forehead in the photo.

His grandson was beaten to bleed.

The Tenth Army Corps on the border here was assembled yesterday, and fifty kilometers away is the army of the Kimchi Kingdom.

Jiang Oreburgh sits in the 10th Legion, and Kimchi Country sits in its champion An Taiyu, who is also the only champion of Kimchi Country.

From the No. 1 chaebol in Kimchi Country, the Five Star Group.

After seeing his grandson being injured by people from the Kimchi Country, Jiang Oreburgh couldn't bear it anymore, rode on Skarmory, and rushed towards the border troops of the Kimchi Country.

His deputy is General Zhang, the commander of the Tenth Legion, and the other is Xia Shang, an 18th Attribute Elite middle dragon elite, ranking second in the Elite ranking.

When the two saw Jiang Oreburgh suddenly murderously heading towards the border of the Kimchi country, they knew something bad was going on.

"You are ready to support at any time, I will go over to see"

Xia Shang said to General Zhang, and after speaking, he rode on Dragonite and quickly chased after Jiang Oreburgh.

"All troops are ready to enter the battle at any time. Contest Condition, waiting for orders, we will eat each other in one fell swoop"

"Missile Force Received"

"Armor Received"

"Air Force Received"

"Aircraft units received"

"Pokémon Force Fire Battalion Received"

"Pokémon Force Telegram Received"

"Pokémon Force - Nine".

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