The proprietress didn't go far in the sewer, but was stopped by a group of Rattata, led by a Raticate.

The total number is about two to three hundred, and all of them looked at the proprietress and Machamp beside her with unkind expressions.

For Rattata of Growth in the sewers, humans are their enemies, and many of their partners die at the hands of humans every year.

So after seeing the proprietress, their only thought was to kill her and eat her.

Following the leader Raticate's order, the Rattatas rushed towards the boss lady.

"A bunch of trash, Machamp" the proprietress snorted coldly.

Machamp put down Jiang Qing, and rushed towards these little pullers.

Rattata's levels are not very high, most of them are in the 10s and a few are in the 20s, even the leader Raticate is only in the 30s, and Machamp's "280" is a quasi-Elite.

Under such a level of crushing, unless their number exceeds a thousand, they will not be able to cause effective damage to Machamp.

Machamp danced with four fists, and each punch could take away a Rattata.

But there were still a few Rattatas that broke through Machamp's defense and rushed towards the boss lady.

Instead of sending out the Pokémon again, the proprietress took out a pistol and pointed it at Rattata, who was coming towards her.

"bang bang bang"

After a few shots, those Pokémon were all shot in the head and fell to the ground dead.

This marksmanship has to be said to be very accurate, and it is still a moving target.

But she still missed one, and saw a Rattata bit her shoulder. Under the pain, the proprietress grabbed the Rattata on her shoulder and threw it down.

The Rattata was thrown out, and her backpack flew out at the same time.

Originally, she wanted to retrieve the backpack, but several Rattatas rushed towards her. In desperation, she had to give up the backpack first, and pointed the pistol at these Pokémon again.

And Gengar took advantage of this time to put all the Poké Balls in his backpack into his mouth, and there was no space in his stomach, because this space cannot hold living things.

But the Poké Ball can be put in the mouth.

In order not to cause suspicion that the backpack loses weight due to the disappearance of Poké Balls, it also contains an equal number of blank Poké Balls.

There are many miscellaneous things in its stomach, and Poké Ball naturally has it.

After doing all this, it returned to Jiang Qing's side.

Jiang Qing didn't take the Poké Ball, because there was no place to put it, and there was no backpack. If it was pinned to the belt, Machamp would definitely find it when he came back.

So it was put directly in Gengar's mouth.

Fortunately, Gengar has a special body structure, otherwise a dozen Poké Balls would definitely not fit in.

A few minutes later, Machamp strangled the leader Raticate to death, walked to the lady boss covered in blood, and looked at the injured woman with some guilt.

"Don't blame you, I'm fine"

The old gangster comforted that she only had one Pokémon in Machamp, otherwise she wouldn't know how to use a pistol.

Why is there only one Pokémon in Machamp, because Xia Guo stipulates that non-professional Trainers can only have one Pokémon.

Therefore, in the Common family, there are basically only one or two domestic Pokémon.

As for why marksmanship is so accurate, it is naturally practiced in shooting clubs, and there are clubs like this in many cities.

As long as you spend money, you can experience real gun shooting.

In the end, how did she get the gun in her hand? With her secret identity, getting a gun is not a simple matter.

Picking up the backpack on the ground again, she opened it cautiously, and found that the Poké Balls were all there, then put the bag on her back again, and Machamp also picked up the unconscious Jiang Qing.

In the grilled beef sausage restaurant, Teacher He and Lin Ran who were unconscious were carried onto the ambulance by the firefighters who rushed to put out the fire, because the fire was not big, and it was not the floor of the grilled beef sausage shop that caught fire.

So Teacher He and Lin Ran did not join the group.

The two were quickly taken to the hospital by ambulance.

After a series of examinations, it was determined that there was nothing wrong with the two of them. As for why they fell into a coma, it might be caused by inhaling some smoke, and they should wake up after a while.

However, the blood of the two people was still drawn and checked to see if it was caused by smoke poisoning.

The hospital also notified the family members through the ID cards carried by Lin Ran and Teacher He.

Soon Lin Ran's father, Lin Wen, and grandpa rushed over.

Seeing that Lin Ran was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll go see Jiang Qing," said Old Lin.

Lin Ran, Jiang Qing, and He Teacher had supper, Lin Ran told them before...

So Mr. Lin thought that Lin Ran and Teacher He were both in the hospital, so Jiang Qing presumably was also in the hospital.

But after inquiring, Jiang Qing was not the person who was sent over because of the fire, which shocked Mr. Lin.

His first thought was that Jiang Qing was trapped in the fire, but on second thought, this was absolutely impossible, how could Jiang Qing be trapped by the fire given his strength.

Did he leave early?

Since Jiang Qing wasn't here, Elder Lin didn't think too much about it.

At this time, a doctor in a white coat came in and asked, "Which of you are the family members of Lin Ran and He Jiu?"

"The two of us are Lin Ran's family members, I am her father, and he is Lin Ran's grandfather," Lin Wen said quickly.

"Doctor, is my daughter okay?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "It's okay, but we found Ronnifer in the blood of your daughter and He Jiu, that's why he fell into a coma, and we have already notified the people from the inspection bureau to come

Ronifer is extracted from Roselia flowers, which has a super dizzying effect, and the effect is more than a hundred times that of Common sleeping pills.

If the safe dosage is exceeded, it is very likely to make people sleepy for a lifetime.

Therefore, this drug is banned in the Xia Kingdom and the folks in many countries.

Now that Ronnifer was detected in the blood of these two people, the hospital will naturally report it to the inspection bureau.

"Lonnifer, it's impossible, doctor, did you make a mistake?" Lin Wen said.

One of my daughter's 5.1 is bad, and the other is not a severe insomniac, how could it be possible to use Ronnie Finn.

"You can't make a mistake." The doctor shook his head: "Just stay here and wait for the people from the inspection bureau to come."

After speaking, he left.

"How could it be Ronnie Finn? Someone drugged her?" Lin Wen muttered.

He does not mean that.

When Mr. Lin beside him heard this, his expression changed suddenly, and he took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Qing's number, but the voice of shutting down came from the phone.

"Dad, what's the matter with you, but you're fine, there must be some misunderstanding here"

Lin Wen thought that his father was worried about Lin Ran, that's why his face was so ugly, so he stopped comforting him.

“Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing”

Elder Lin kept repeating Jiang Qing's name.

"By the way, dad Jiang Qing, isn't he in the hospital?" Lin Wen asked curiously.

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