The program ended at 10:30 in the evening. Except for the salty chocolate, overall the program was considered a success.

After the end, Teacher He walked up to Jiang Qing who was about to leave and said with a smile, "Would you like to have a supper together, Jiang Qing?"

"There is a grilled beef sausage restaurant in Sehan City, the taste is very good, of course, if you don't like this kind of food, then go to another restaurant"

Many people don't like intestinal food because of their cleanliness and its unique taste.

"Jiang Qing's restaurant tastes really good, and it's opened by someone from the kimchi country, so it's very authentic," Lin Ran continued.

“Then you can eat it”

Jiang Qing nodded, he was never picky about his food, he would eat whatever he gave, of course it would be better to have more meat, this is what satisfied the caretaker who took care of him since he was a child.

It's just that now that Jiang Qing has grown up, he is a bit rebellious, and has begun to resist drinking Moo Moo's milk, which makes Ai Guanshi a little headache.

Moomoo milk is so good for the body, why doesn't this child like to drink it?

This grilled beef sausage shop is not far from TV Station, about 20 minutes away.

Jiang Qing and Lin Ran arrived at the shop in Teacher He's car.

"Excuse me, there are so many 390 people"

Walking to the door of the store, Jiang Qing saw that a dozen stools at the door were full of waiting customers, some of them were still standing not far from the door.

If they lined up to get a number, it would be their turn in the early morning.

"I told the boss in advance, let's just go in," He Teacher said.

As a well-known host in the country, Teacher He is well-known in Seohan City, and knows most of the local families in Seohan City.

And he is a member of the local He family in Tomato, but he has no trainer talent, so he changed his career to become a host, and he did not expect to make a lot of achievements in this industry.

"Hey Teacher, you are here"

The waiter led the three of them to a small box, and not long after, a beautiful woman in her thirties walked in, with a plump figure, light makeup on her face and a wavy hairstyle.

Before congratulating Teacher and Lin Ran in the car, they said that the proprietress of this store is very beautiful. At first, many customers came rushing to her, and then they were conquered by the taste of this store.

Later, I learned that the proprietress is a widow, but the business in the store is getting better and better.

Certain livestock: This is even more heartwarming.

"The business in Xiuyan's shop is really getting better and better. If I didn't know you, I would have to wait for an hour or two to get this bite."

"Thank you Hei Teacher"

Because Teacher He is a celebrity, he often comes to this store, and after being known, many people also come to open it.

Of course there are also rumors that Teacher He has an affair with the proprietress. .

Xiuyan covered her mouth and smiled, exuding an Attractive breath.

Of course, in terms of beauty and sexiness, she is still not as good as Qin Wu. This woman is the most tasteful among all the women Jiang has seen so far.

The so-called taste is feminine.

Gongyang Nan's appearance and body are not inferior to Qin Wu's, but he is too cold.

In front of unfamiliar people, she is too lazy to say a word to you.

It's not like Qin Wu, as the King of the Sea, her licking dogs are all over the Xia Kingdom.

When the proprietress greeted Teacher He, Jiang Qing had already taken off his mask.

It's Xia Tian now, and I have to wear a mask when I go out. It's really boring. Being famous is such an annoyance.

"You are Jiang Qing!!"

The proprietress covered her mouth and looked at Jiang Qing in surprise.

She knew Teacher and Lin Ran, and when she saw the young man wearing a mask came with them, she thought it was a new TV Station employee, Teacher He valued him, so she took him out for supper.

Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be Jiang Qing.

Although the proprietress is from the Kimchi country, she has lived in Xia country for more than ten years, so of course she knows Jiang Qing's name.

"Hahaha, let's be pleasantly surprised, so this is Xiuyan's treat," Teacher He laughed.

"Of course." Xiuyan nodded.

After asking Jiang Qing if she had any taboos, she left with the waiter.

About 20 minutes later, the proprietress came in with grilled beef sausage, and of course kimchi, which is a must in kimchi country.

"Eat slowly, I'll go to the back kitchen to have a look"

"Well, you don't need to greet us." Teacher He nodded.

And Jiang Qing was already cooking the rice, feeling the fat of the beef intestines bursting in his mouth, the crispy exterior crackled, and the taste was really good.

"How about it, it tastes good," He Teacher said.

Jiang Qing gave a thumbs up.

“Their home fried chicken is also good”

Lin Ran picked up a piece of fried chicken for Jiang Qing.

This action made Teacher He look at Lin Ran with deep meaning.

He is a child of a local family in Xihan City, so of course he knows that Lin Ran is from the Lin family.

Although the Lin family is lonely now, they are still the undisputed masters in Xihan City.

If this Lin Ran really made it to Jiang Qing's list, then the Lin family will not be left alone, but will take off with the momentum.

Eating fried chicken, the Poké Ball with Celebi on Jiang Qing's waist was shaking constantly, and then Jiang Qing directly locked the Poké Ball, so that this guy couldn't help but Captivate ran out

Beef intestines, fried chicken, kimchi, and all kinds of snacks, in general, none of them are healthy.

Dadai, who was staying in the Poké Ball, even wondered if the cow intestines had been cleaned up, but because Jiang Qing was having dinner with friends, otherwise it would have run out long ago.

He Teacher, as a well-known host, of course has a strong emotional intelligence, so the atmosphere at the dinner table is quite good.

Lin Ran also cooperates from time to time.

He Teacher and Lin Ran were still drinking some wine, but Jiang Qing didn't drink it, he wanted to drink it, but

The dull Poké Ball is shaking [obviously very dissatisfied with eating beef intestines, which in its view has not been processed cleanly.

Dadai didn't think the beef intestines were edible, but felt that the beef intestines had not been cleaned up, and Jiang Qing had to take care of this stuff by himself, so that Jiang Qing could eat it with peace of mind.

If he drinks again, Daidai will definitely jump out of the Poké Ball.

As for directly locking the Poké Ball.

Jiang Qing: I don't want to die young.

The three of them ate for about half an hour, and naturally some dishes were added in the middle.

Lin Ran covered his head with his right hand and said in a little confusion, "Why do I feel a little dizzy?"

Jiang Qing looked at the half-finished bottle of beer next to her, and said with contempt: "If you don't know how to drink it, don't drink it."

With this amount of alcohol, children can drink better than you.

"Nonsense, I'm like"

Before the words were finished, the person lay down on the table directly.

This is second drunk.

Jiang Qing was taken aback, and was about to ask Congratulations to Teacher, but saw that the other party also staggered and fell on the table, and said in his mouth before falling down: "Thing

Looking at the food on the table and the people who fell one after another, Jiang Qing seemed to think of something.

In the next second, his body also shook a few times, and then he fell on the table. .

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