Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

619Z God Organization

In the evening, Jiang Qing had dinner with Xiang Wutong. Of course, there were no brothers from the Gao family, nor the Zhang family. No matter their status or strength, they were not qualified to sit and eat with them.

I chose the hotel run by Jiang Qing's family, Gardevoir Hotel.

Gardevoir Hotel is one of the signs of a city's wealth.

If there is no Gardevoir Hotel in this city, it is basically relatively backward.

"This taste is much worse than that made by Dai-Dai"

While eating the lobster on the plate, Xiang Wutong commented lightly.

"That is"

Jiang Qing smiled proudly, the food cooked by Daidai is definitely the best in the world, even Ai Guan waiter is not as good as it.

Of course, Jiang Qing can only think about this in his heart, and dare not say it to Ai Guanshi.

"Have you heard what the God Z organization did in Pampas recently?"

Xiang Wutong casually ate the rest of the lobster, took a sip from the wine glass, his movements looked like Solaceon, but with a touch of elegance.

As the heir of a family, strength and talent are necessary, and moral character and etiquette are also required.

Otherwise, if the heir of the family is a rough man without any etiquette, he will be somewhat embarrassed in front of other families.

"It's not in a secret realm, it's such a big commotion, how could I not know about it?" Jiang Qing said.

Just a few days ago, God Z, a terrorist organization, carried out Pokémon Self Destruct in 25 densely populated places in the capital of Pampas.

There were hundreds of thousands of casualties, and major roads and buildings were damaged.

The entire country is currently under a Contest Condition of panic, fearing that Self Destruct will also appear in the place where I am, and at the same time the entire country has also entered a Contest Condition of martial law.

Many Pokémon can learn or learn the Self Destruct skill through the skill disc.

As for Pokémon Self Destruct, the power of a large Self Destruct is also very terrifying. A quasi-Elite Pokémon Self Destruct is entirely possible to blow up an Elite-level Pokémon to serious injury. If you are lucky, you can even use it.

And Pokémon is easy to carry.

So Self Destruct has become a terrorist attack method that many terrorist organizations like to use.

In this regard, most countries have relatively strict control over skills learning CDs such as Self Destruct, Self Destruct, and Explosion, and the prices are also very high.

Of course, if Pokémon can learn Self Destruct by leveling up, then there is no need to buy a learning CD.

But such Pokémon are relatively rare.

"Could it be that they also came to Xia Kingdom?" Jiang Qing asked.

Xiang Wutong should not talk about this matter for no reason.

"Well, I just contacted Yue Peng yesterday, and he told me that the military has been dispatched now."

Xia Guo is the most powerful in attacking terrorist organizations, and it is not that Z God Organization has never been to Xia Guo. Most of the opportunities have failed.

Even if some were successful, the losses caused by the timely intervention of the Xia Kingdom officials were within a controllable range.

However, it is precisely because of this that many terrorist organizations want to attack Xia Guo, as if they regard Xia Guo as a milestone.

Perhaps whichever terrorist organization conquers the country of Xia can become the leader of the terrorist organization.

Now that he had already known in advance that the God Z organization was coming, he needed to worry too much.

And the military has already been dispatched, with a military with many strong men, the God Z organization is probably gone forever.

The waiter Machoke put a plate of steak in front of Jiang Qing and cleaned up before leaving.

"Is Yue Peng also involved?"

Lightly sliced ​​a small piece of steak and put it in your mouth, it was cooked ok.

"It should be. If this guy makes great contributions to this incident, he might become a senior colonel."

For a twenty-five-year-old senior colonel, this is really a bit extraordinary.

"Yue Peng asked me if I wanted to join in"

"It is said that the military also invited other non-military trainers"

Jiang Qing looked at Xiang Wutong, his expression seemed a little moved: "Do you want to go?"

"Fighting Terrorist Organizations is Everyone's Responsibility"

Xiang Wutong straightened his face, and spoke magnificent words.

"speak English"

Jiang Qing said angrily.

"Hey, the military merits given by the main military this time moved my heart."

Military merit is to get rewards for the military to perform tasks. After accumulating a certain amount, you can use military merit to buy some items you like in the military.

As the largest military organization in the Xia Kingdom, the strength of the military is unmatched by any family in the Xia Kingdom, so the quantity and quality of the treasures he has are naturally very impressive.

0......seeking flowers......

However, most of the tasks of the military will be handed over to their own families, that is, soldiers, and only some difficult tasks will be given to some non-military Trainers.

But the difficulty is great, the natural military skill is also great, and of course the danger is also great.

Xiang Wutong wants to join the military for this operation, in addition to military merits, there is also the meaning of training himself.

"Are you interested in forming a team together?" He asked.

If Jiang Qing also participates, even if there is danger this time, with Jiang Qing present, nothing will happen.

To put it simply, this guy wants to exercise himself, but he is afraid that one will die accidentally, so he wants to bring ginger as a life-saving talisman.

Brave and cowardly.

Jiang Qing didn't know that Xiang Wutong thought so, thought that the other party was simply inviting him, shook his head and said: "Not interested."


He is not short of resources, unless the military gives him treasures, there should be no treasures that can make him feel excited.

And during this period of time, he plans to pick out all the remaining 16 national gymnasiums, and at the same time, he doesn't think the military's operation will fail.

Among the six champions of the Xia Kingdom, one was trained by the military, one had already joined the military, and the remaining four were all second-placed in the military.

It is useless to send out a champion directly, no matter how many people from the God Z organization.

Jiang Qing refused, which was more or less expected, and Xiang Wutong didn't continue the invitation, but he hesitated in his heart whether to participate in this task.

If you team up with Yue Peng, it seems that this guy's strength is not as good as mine.

Yue Peng in the military: 000

It took more than an hour for two people to eat a meal. On the way, some customers in the store recognized Jiang Qing and Xiang Wutong and came over to try to get close to them, but they were stopped by the hotel manager before they approached. .

Jiang Qing is his own young master, so of course he won't let these people disturb his family's young master and his friends for dinner.

Moreover, these people are all from local families in Haijing City, so he doesn't know how much the family weighs.

However, when the girl came over, the manager hesitated, after all, the meaning of the girl might not be so simple.

And it's already nine o'clock, and it's obviously good to have multiple girls in the nightlife.

Just when the manager was hesitating whether to let them go, Jiang Qing and Xiang Wutong had finished eating and left the mountain. .

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