Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

607 Jiang Qing: I Like Women

Unable to guard against it, Gu Tang, who was attacked from behind, came directly to a dog to eat mud, and his chin directly scratched the rough ground for more than half a meter, and a bloodstain appeared on the ground in an instant.

Most Pokémon scholars are pampered, and Gu Tang is no exception. The severe pain directly made him scream.


He just felt like his jaw had dropped, and the pain made him roll on the ground.

The melon-eating students around were stunned.

Originally, when they saw Jiang Qing appearing, they wondered if Jiang Qing would fight Gu Tang, and watching the excitement was no big deal.

In fact, I wish Jiang Qing would fight Gu Tang.

In the end, Jiang Qing really made a move, without even talking nonsense, he kicked Gu Tang on the back.

Oh, no, nonsense.

But Gu Tang's clothes are exactly the same as Jiang Qing's.

Many female students looked at Jiang Qing with bright eyes, Jiang Qing's kick just now was really too manly.

This is an oath of sovereignty.

"You called me here because of him"

Jiang Qing walked up to Gongyang Nan and looked at the woman angrily.

"He's so annoying"

Listening to Gu Tang's miserable Growl, Gongyang Nan showed a little impatient look.

I have been pestered by this man for half a year, and I have rejected him countless times, but this guy is like a brown candy, clinging to me and not letting go.

And he kept showing his so-called talent in front of himself.

Winning the Lugia Award at this age is truly remarkable, but nothing more than remarkable.

If she wins the Arceus Award, then she will look up to Gu Tang.

And Gongyang Nan has been nominated for this year's Lugia Award, but Gu Tang didn't know it.

Gongyang Nan won the prize at an even younger age than Gu Tang.

"Who are you!"

Gu Tang clutched his bloody chin, the severe pain distorted his facial features, but luckily the pain was much less than before, otherwise he would still be rolling on the ground.

Because Jiang Qing's back was turned, he didn't see his face, but he also found the same clothes.


Metagross looked at Gu Tang, thinking that if this guy attacked Jiang Qing from behind, he would punch his head to pieces.

Fortunately, Gu Tang still had reason, and when he noticed the color of Metagross, his complexion suddenly changed.

Silver White Metagross, that is

As Jiang Qing turned his head, Gu Tang saw his face, and immediately verified the guess in his heart, and his heart sank immediately.

"Jiang Qing, even if you are Jiang Guanjun's grandson, it's too Power Trip, you know, I'm an associate professor at Imperial University, your behavior like this [the school can completely expel you"

Imperial University: Expulsion? Are you kidding, I will expel a future champion, you think too much.

This guy opened his mouth to be Jiang Guanjun's grandson, and directly gave the surrounding melon-eating students the feeling that Jiang Qing was bullying others, and he even had a bad feeling towards Jiang Oreburgh.

So I'm still a little cautious. After all, I'm a Pokémon scholar, and I can't do this job if I'm not smart.

"Now you can call me Pavilion Master Jiang. If you have the ability, let the school expel me." Jiang Qing smiled.

He didn't rely on his family to rely on his grandpa's trash.

Looking at Gu Tang calmly, Jiang Qing continued: "There is also Gongyang Nan who doesn't like you, so don't hang around her like flies."

"Then she doesn't like you either"

Gu Tang said with a gloomy face, feeling extremely unwilling.

Whether it is Jiang Qing's identity or strength, he cannot control it.

His identity can only shock the Common people, but now he is a Common man in front of Jiang Qing.

"I like him"

Before Jiang Qing could speak, Gongyang Nan next to him came directly to Wang Zha.


The melon-eating students around were suddenly excited. This most beautiful teaching assistant confessed to Jiang Qing in public.

She is three years older than Jiang Qing, although she is a third-year girl and holds a golden brick.

Jiang Qing was startled by Gongyang Nan's sudden words.

Sure enough, this woman is greedy for her body.

Jiang Qing remained silent, even though he was a bit straight, he also knew that he couldn't speak at this time.

"Nan Nan, he doesn't like women"

Gu Tang looked at Gongyang Nan in disbelief, and then pointed at Jiang Qing.


The melon-eating student, the big melon, the shocking big melon, it turns out that Jiang Qing doesn't like women, no wonder several school girls chased him, but they didn't succeed, and there was never any scandal about Jiang Qing playing with women.

To the children of the aristocratic family, this is like a white lotus.

The relationship turned out not to be Jiang Qing's self-care, but not liking women.

that is, he likes

It seems that there is a chance”

A boy muttered to himself.

The partner in the dormitory next to him, when he heard this, suddenly showed a look of panic.

I will never take a bath with this guy again if I kill him!

"Gannie Niang"

Jiang Qing kicked Gu Tang in the stomach, with an uncommon expression on his calm face, he said, "I like women."

Gu Tang was kicked seven or eight meters away by Jiang Qing, and now he couldn't stand up completely, and lay motionless on the ground.

Gongyang Nan was startled, if he died, even as Jiang Qing, he would be in trouble.

Before Gongyang Nan checked last time, Jiang Qing grabbed her hand and said: Don't worry, I won't die."

Although he was angry, he would not kick Gu Tang to death foolishly.

Murder in public, and his own life is not in danger, and it is still because of a small conflict.

If this kicks him to death, it doesn't matter whether Jiang Qing is the youngest quasi-champion of Xia Kingdom, and whether his grandfather is the champion.

Under the face-to-face challenge of Xia Guo's law, he would have to step on the sewing machine for several years.

No matter how big and powerful your family is, it cannot be stronger than a country.

Killing people face to face, if Jiang Qing is still safe and sound, will definitely trample on the laws of the Xia Kingdom, and at the same time, a large number of Common people will no longer trust their country.

So if you want to kill him, you can't do it in public, you can only do it secretly.

Gu Tang was just kicked by Jiang Qing and passed out.

"Notify the school doctor"

(by Zhao) Jiang Qing said to a melon-eating student next to him.

The melon-eating student immediately nodded and took out his phone, while the person next to him looked at Jiang Qing with disappointment, and asked tentatively, "Do you really like women?"

I am Nima.

If it weren't for the circumstances, Jiang Qing really wanted to give this guy a kick.

Why does this guy look weird-what's the matter with this lost waveguide.

"Let's go"

Seen by this guy's eyes, Jiang Qing said something to Gongyang Nan, and then left.

Gongyang Nan quickly followed Jiang Qing.

Not long after, the school doctor arrived and treated Gu Tang.

As for the forum of Imperial University, there were naturally many posts about this incident.

The melons of Jiang Qing and Gongyang Nan also spread throughout Imperial University.

In the villa, the live broadcast ended in a daze, watching his beloved kitchen full of bubbles.

"Yah dong"

Daidai: People!! Stand!.

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