"Be familiar with Magearna first, otherwise you will scare it," Jiang Qing said.

Seeing that Magearna was looking at him defensively and with a little fear, Gongyang Nan nodded involuntarily.

She wondered if she was too ugly, which frightened Magearna.

"Chucky duh"

Togepi jumped off the sofa and walked up to Ram Nan.

Fortunately, Gongyang Nan didn't like the new and dislike the old, and hugged Togepi in his arms. Of course, it would be even better if she could look away from Magearna at this time.

Jiang Qing looked at Togepi with some disappointment, he ran away after a while, and you didn't realize that your master didn't care about you.


Here Arcanine walked in, looking at Jiang Qing expectantly with a dog face~.

Arcanine: Master - let's go to the dog park.

Before reining in Moltres, Jiang Qing promised a jealous Arcanine to take him to the dog park - three times.

There was also a dog park in Blue Cang, but Jiang Qing was busy with challengers during that time and sent Arcanine to the field every game.

It just makes him want to consume his energy so that he doesn't have the energy to go to the dog park.

It turned out that Arcanine did exactly what Jiang Qing thought, playing a game every day, but it didn't expect to go to the dog park.

And with Arcanine's IQ, maybe it will forget after a long time.

As a result, as soon as she returned to Imperial University, Arcanine thought about going to the dog park.

Jiang Qing: I just lay down and you want to go to the dog park.

"Would you like Lucario to take you there"

Anyway, whoever is going is not going, just let Lucario accompany it.

Hearing this, Arcanine didn't know that Jiang Qing wanted to play tricks, so she quit immediately.


Arcanine: Master, you lied to the dog. I'm going to kill that stupid bird now.

Arcanine got angry, she compromised the owner to tame the mistress in order to go to the dog park, but now the owner wants to go back on his word, so I will bite the mistress to death.

I don't even think about the strength of Xiaosan.

Although Celebi didn't know what Jiang Qing promised Arcanine, he immediately stood in front of Arcanine and sued Jiang together with it.

Celebi: You can even lie to a dog, but you are still human.

Arcanine: Although I am not human, you are really a dog.

Magearna also looked at her Trainer curiously.

Could it be that my Trainer really lied to the dog?

"Ahem, I didn't say no, I will go."

Jiang Qing doesn't feel guilty about lying to the dog, but she just can't stand Magearna's pure gaze and always feels that she is in the other party.

After reassuring Arcanine, Jiang Qing stood up from the sofa and patted Arcanine on the head angrily: "Let's go."


Here Magearna suddenly pulled Jiang Qing's clothes.

If Trainer left, wouldn't he want to stay with this terrible woman.

Facing Magearna's timid eyes, Jiang Qing reluctantly took out the Poké Ball and took it back, and then said to Gongyang Nan: "In the future, you will get to know each other slowly."

Magearna, a socially phobic patient, probably wouldn't stay with Gongyang Nan if she wasn't around.


Gongyang Nan nodded in frustration, then turned and went to the backyard. Anyway, she can still study Moltres and Kartana, and before that, she can get acquainted with Magearna first.

Here Jiang Qing has already taken Arcanine out, Metagross followed Jiang Qing immediately, and Gengar also hid in Jiang's shadow.

Among the top secret realms this time, only twenty-five trainers came out, among which the Stars and Stripes, Gaul, Baga and other countries entered the trainers and none of them survived.

Apart from the fact that the secret realm itself is very dangerous, the Stars and Stripes also wondered whether their Trainer died because of the Xia Kingdom or the White Bear Kingdom.

It was just a suspicion at first, but with the disappearance of the top secret realm, which suddenly appeared in the territory of Xia Kingdom, it seems that there is no need to doubt it.

The top secret realm of the Western Ocean just disappeared, and it appeared in Xia Kingdom. There is no such a coincidence in the world. It is probably because Xia Guo Trainer did something in the secret realm.

At that time, not long after the five trainers of Xia Kingdom came out of the secret realm, the secret realm vomited out all the trainers inside. At that time, they didn't suspect anything, thinking it was a coincidence.

Looking at it now, where is it a coincidence, it definitely has something to do with Xia Guo.

Then the Trainer, Ba Samson, who died in the secret territory, was related to Xia Guo.

Even for Stars and Stripes, a mega country, the death of five trainers like Phil is extremely distressing, because these five are all champion seedlings.

It is acceptable to die one or two, but all his mothers are dead.

What made them most uncomfortable was that none of Xia Guo's trainers died, and they got a huge opportunity in it, and even this secret realm was taken away by Xia Guo with some unknown method.

0...asking for flowers...0

It's strange to have a balance in my heart.

So recently, several countries headed by the Stars and Stripes are constantly putting pressure on the Xia Kingdom.

Of course, Xia Guo ignored them at all, and would fight if he had the ability, and Xia Guo's ally Bai Xiong Guo directly expressed that he would fight the Stars and Stripes with Xia Guo.

Anyway, your Stars and Stripes has no evidence, and even if you have evidence, so what, your skills are not as good as people, and you will die if you die.

Since you are a professional trainer, and you entered a top-level secret realm, you have to accept it if you don't want to be killed.

Last time at Imperial University, Jiang Qing was killed by Baga Kingdom.

This time Jiang Qing came out of the secret territory, and also killed the Pokémon of Baga and Stars and Stripes, showing the strength of a quasi-champion.

With this kind of talent, the Stars and Stripes would definitely not want Jiang Qing to become the champion.

They don't dare to be bright, because they are afraid that they will play dirty.

So Jiang Qing now takes Arcanine to the dog park, and also brings Metagross with him, lest he accidentally be fooled by the other party again.

Came to the dog park again, Arcanine happily ran over.

Not long after, a ball was held in his mouth and placed in front of Jiang Qing.


Jiang Qing threw the ball out. With the blessing of Mega Pallet Town's Constitution, his strength is extremely terrifying.

The thrown ball directly turned into a streamer.

Of course Arcanine was faster, and it let the ball fly for a while before catching it.

This scene stunned a girl next to her.

Can't believe that a person can throw a ball in a streamer.

Jiang Qing: "Just push more iron"

Noticing the girl's gaze, Jiang Qing explained calmly.

Girl: I'm afraid you think I'm a fool.

"You are Emperor Qing-oh, that's all right"

The girl quickly recognized Jiang Qing, and then showed an original expression.

Jiang Qing is a quasi-champion at such an age. In her opinion, she has already left the category of human beings. So with such power, there is a problem, no problem.

Jiang Qing: I feel that you are a little rude.

Here Arcanine has been entangled by two female Arcanines, and they all expressed their sexual interest in Arcanine.


Arcanine: Get out of the way, you guys are blocking my ball.

Jiang Qing: single dog and. .

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