Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

599 Assessment Is Over

As an assessor, Qian Zheng had fought five games in a row and lost five games in a row. His mentality was broken and healed, and then collapsed again.

It can only be said that he has a strong heart.

Now it’s finally the sixth round. In the previous five rounds, Jiang Qing sent Pokémon first, which is also because Jiang Qing was the examinee.

But this time, Jiang Qing has not sent out Pokémon, and Qian Zheng has already sent out his sixth Pokémon.

Then a monkey with a flaming head appeared - on the field.

Pokémon: Infernape (Fire/- Fighting)

Level: 80

Qualification: Green

Ability: Iron Fist

Props: Focus Sash

Gender: male

Moves: Close Combat, Mach Punch, Flare Blitz, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Facade, Flamethrower, Power-Up Punch, Flame Wheel, Torment, Calm Mind, Acrobatics, Flame Vortex

Skill Disc: Protection, Focus Punch, Bulk Up, Work Up, Hyper Beam, Iron Tail, Dig, Fire Blast, Rock Tomb, Brick Break, Overheat Focus Blast

Genetic Abilities: Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Double Kick, Blaze Kick

It turned out to be the Infernape known as the big brother. Judging by his level, it should be Qian Zheng's Trump Card. After all, this is already the sixth battle. He has no reason not to send the strongest Pokémon.

80-level Infernape, the pinnacle of God.

Reluctantly, Jiang Qing didn't feel much sense of loss.

The opponent has already sent out his own Trump Card, and Jiang Qing naturally also sent out Metagross.

Pokémon: Metagross (Steel/Super)

Grade: 79

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Light metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: no gender

Moves: Tackle, Steel Beam, Confusion, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Electromagnetic Levitation, Psychic, Scary Face, Teleport

Disc skills: Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Protect, Light Screen, Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Gyro Ball, Psyshock

Note: Use the heart of Arceus to improve all Attributes and improve qualifications

Note: After using the black light spar, Pokémon absorbs the sun's rays all the time to restore its physical strength (limited to steel system, Rock factory)

Including Metagross, Jiang Qing's six steel-type Pokémon have already appeared. Of course, the main force Pokémon is not limited to these six, and the other main force Pokémon are not steel-type.

The Jiang family is not the only Metagross in this world, even in the Yuan Kingdom, several families own Metagross.

But Silver White Metagross, there is only the Jiang family in the world, and there is no other semicolon.

Since the first generation ancestor of the Jiang family got Silver White Metagross, the Jiang family has gradually shown itself in the Xia Kingdom. With the hard work of generations, the Jiang family has achieved its current status and prestige in the Xia Kingdom.

It can be said that the Silver White Metagross made the Jiang family, Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Lan or Jiang Qing, and their ancestors, and at the same time, the Jian family also became the Silver White Baijin monster.

Yin White Metagross and the Jiang family are so-called two-way travel.

The mention of any one of them brings to mind the other.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross floated quietly at a height of three meters from the Ground.

At this time, Metagross is only one step away from the peak of King Li Tian.

Although Metagross didn't do anything, the muscles of Infernape on the opposite side suddenly tensed up, and he even took a step back subconsciously.

After reacting, Infernape glared at Metagross, the flames on his head were a little higher.

It was frightened by the opponent just now.

Metagross looked as wrong as a monkey, and the other party was a monkey.

Next, Metagross showed everyone what a perfect hexagonal Warrior is.

Speed, strength, defense, HP, special attack, special defense, these six aspects are all impeccable.

Rather than saying it is a hexagonal Warrior, it is more appropriate to say that it is a circular Warrior.

Metagross didn't defeat Infernape with crushing strength, but directly beat the opponent to the ground, and the battle lasted for half an hour.

During the half hour, the number of Infernape moves used exceeded one hundred.

Although the result of defeating Infernape and defeating it are the same, the strength displayed by Metagross is quite different.

Seeing Infernape fainting from exhaustion, Qian Zheng took it back with a wry smile.

So far his assessment task is over.

The result was naturally that Jiang Qing won a complete victory.

Soon after, the assessment video will be placed on the official website of the Trainer Association, and his face will be thrown in front of the people of the whole country.

"You kid, really, why don't you give you money at all to save face, let him win a game at least!" The battle ended, and the protective cover disappeared.

...0 for flowers...

Jiang Lan walked over with a smile, and looked at Jiang Qing with displeasure, but she couldn't hide the satisfaction in her eyes.

Wouldn't it be unfair to his own Pokémon to let him win a game by releasing water.

Of course Jiang Qing knew that Jiang Lan was deliberately running on Qian Zheng.

A qualified trainer will not let a battle that can be won be won intentionally if it is not necessary.

Because the battle is not just you, you are responsible for your own Pokémon.

"It would be a big embarrassment, Jiang Qing's Metagross is much stronger than yours back then, Qian Zheng said with a depressed face.

Jiang Lan's face on the side straightened, and she said sternly, "You're not very old, why is your memory so bad? I'm in his grade, so my Metagross strength is about the same as Jiang Qing's."

Jiang Qing: Dad, you won’t even believe it when you say it.

Unless you are also cheating, but if you are cheating, at your age, our Jiang family has already dominated the world.

Qian Zheng said indifferently: "You really are shameless."

Although he despised Jiang Lan's shameless behavior, he still envied Jiang Lan for having such a monstrous son.

If the aristocratic family wants to continue and prosper, then each generation must have enough Excellent children, so that the family will last for a long time.

Once a certain period of time, the family is in a situation where there is no success, then the decline of the family is inevitable.

Qian Zheng's family is not as powerful as the Jiang family, but it is only second to the Jiang family.

Although he is not the patriarch of the family, the current patriarch is his elder brother.

Of course there are family heirs who are Excellent, but this kind of Excellent can only ensure that the family will not decline and want to make the family's strength to a higher level.

Then the Excellence level of the offspring must reach the level of people like Yue Peng and Xia Fei.

If you reach the level of Jiang Qing, then you will be the ancestor of the Qian family.

"Find a place to drink at night, don't be unhappy"

Jiang Lan hugged his old classmate Qian Zheng's shoulder vigorously. Isn't the relationship slowly increasing through mutual ridicule?

"that is!"

Qian Zheng seemed to have heard a big joke.

Jiang Lan suddenly became unhappy: "Tell you, my drinking capacity has increased over the years, you'll be fine if you drink three."

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