There are more than 700 Pokémon that have been discovered including the evolutionary type. If you want to select a most popular Pokémon, then Charizard should hold the top spot.

A Charmander with Green qualification on the market is about 3 million. This price is a piece of cake for the children of aristocratic families, but it is expensive for ordinary trainers.

But among civilian trainers, especially among fire trainers, Charmander can be called a divine favor.

Basically as long as you are a fire trainer, there must be a Charizard in the team.

If you are a Fire Element Trainer and don’t have a Charizard, you’ll feel embarrassed to say it.

Charizard's Species Strength is more than 500, considered Excellent, and has two Attributes: Fire and Flying, which allows you to save a Flying Pokémon.

And the flying speed of Charizard is quite fast, the back is spacious, and the sitting is not crowded.

The most important point is that Charizard has two Mega Evolution forms, which is the only Pokémon known to have two Mega Evolution forms.

This kind of treatment is not even available to Zhun Shendu.

Two types of Mega Evolution forms, this is a bit unreasonable.

Qian Zheng's 590 Charizards are obviously very good for Breeder, his eyes are full of fighting spirit, and the flames on the tail behind him are burning fiercely.

Kartana: I accept your head!

Charizard: I'm afraid this guy has some serious illness.

Kartana's Power Trip attitude made Charizard a little angry, and as his belly bulged slightly, a hot flame spit out from his mouth.

The deep red flames were accompanied by a roiling heat wave, and the temperature in the venue instantly increased a lot.

Facing the attacking Flamethrower, Kartana swiped his right arm forward, forming a half-moon-shaped air blade-shaped city.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Flamethrower was broken by Air Slash without even a trace of blocking force.

But Flamethrower at least slowed down the speed of Air Slash, so when Air Slash came, Charizard had already avoided it in advance.

"Excellent attack power"

Qian Zheng looked at Kartana slightly startled

Charizard flapped his wings and flew in front of Kartana, waving Fire Punch continuously.

Kartana is short in stature, so his flexibility is naturally high, and he easily dodged more than a dozen Fire Punch shots from Charizard.

"Spray (cgbe) fire dragon, flame vortex"

Qian Zheng's eyes flickered slightly.

At such a close distance, the flame vortex enveloped Kartana in an instant, but the next second the flame vortex was split in half by a white light.

"Fury Cutter"

Jiang Qing's words reached Kartana's ears.

Under Fury Cutter, Kartana's limbs turned into sharp swords.

"Dragon Claw strikes back," Qian Zheng said hastily.

Charizard is like an epee Warrior. Although Dragon Claw is powerful, it can't even touch the hem of a lightly armed Warrior like Kartana.

After a while, Charizard's body was covered with dense scars.

"Charizard Mega Evolution"

Qian Zheng went straight to Mega Evolution without any hesitation.

In the next second, a CharizardY appeared on the field.

Compared with CharizardY, CharizardY has become more slender in terms of body, at least the big belly is gone, the change is actually not that big.

If it is changed to CharizardX, the change is quite big.

CharizardY's body has become more slender, and the natural speed has been greatly improved.

In the meantime, his body flashed, and Red's flaming fist hit Kartana's body with a bang, and the latter's body instantly smashed into the ground.


Qian Zheng waved his hand, intending to end the fight.

Under Mega Evolution, CharizardY and others have been upgraded to level 80, the peak of Elite, and Kartana is four times weaker. In this case, once hit by Flamethrower, the opponent will basically be unable to stand up.

"Sacred Sword"

Jiang Qing's expression didn't change at all.

I saw a dazzling white light burst out from the ground, and the Flamethrower melted instantly like snow meeting the sun.

The Sacred Sword remained undiminished, and under CharizardY's horrified gaze, it hit it with a bang.

CharizardY's body fell towards the ground like a meteor, but Kartana flew out from the broken ground at this time! He met the falling CharizardY.

Being hit by the Sacred Sword, CharizardY did not lose the ability to fight, and now it still has the power to fight.

"Charizard Y Flare Blitz"

Qian Zheng didn't expect this Kartana to be so difficult to deal with. Even though his own level and Attribute had the upper hand, he didn't even win the opponent.

With the power of falling, CharizardY's body was wrapped in flames, and under the blessing of the flames, it seemed to be filled with nitrogen and fired.

The body turned into a fiery red streamer, and the air below was continuously compressed by it, forming layers of air waves, like a substantial air wall.

Kartana's eyes were burning, and her sharp aura spread all over her surroundings.

“Kartana, Steel Beam”

Originally, Jiang Qing wanted Kartana to use protection, but judging by its appearance, head-to-head confrontation is its favorite method.

Silver White's Steel Beam erupted from his forehead, instantly joining CharizardY's Flare Blitz Tackle.

In an instant, flames splashed everywhere, heat waves rolled, and the strong air waves created storms around it. Under the impact of the air waves, cracks appeared in the ground below.

The two held each other for about ten seconds, and as CharizardY's body began to decrease, Qianzheng shook his head reluctantly.

Steel Beam defeated Flare Blitz, and CharizardY's body was severely injured in an instant. After falling to the ground, he directly exited the Mega Evolution form.

Kartana: Well, you fell down before you even tried.

After saying this coquettish remark, it flew back to Mei.

Jiang Qing took a look at Kartana, it was hurt, but nothing serious.

Kartana: I will play next time.

Jiang Qing shook his head: "The next game will be handed over to other partners."

This is a 6VS6 match, Jiang Qing's idea is to send six Pokémon.

Kartana naturally cannot play two games.

Avoiding Kartana's entanglement, Jiang directly retracted it into the Poké Ball.

"That Pokémon is so strong," Jin Tian said with a little excitement.

Gao Qiang, who was still unconvinced before, looked slightly stiff at the moment, because Kartana's combat power seemed to be able to hang all his Pokémon, which was embarrassing.

"Grass and steel, I'll take one in my time"

Jiang Lan rubbed his chin. As a steel trainer, he naturally had some hot eyes for Kartana. Fortunately, the secret realm is now in the hands of his son.

You can go in at any time, but the Kartana inside should be very rare, and it may take a lot of time to find it.

Gently patted the Kartana Poké Ball that expressed his dissatisfaction with shaking, Jiang Mao took out the second Pokémon. .

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