Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

588 The Secret Realm Disappears

The arrival of Jiang Oreburgh made the three of the Stars and Stripes shrivel up instantly, Hideki didn't dare to say a word, and Noda from the Baga Kingdom directly became a shrinking Squirtle.

Several countries that have good relations with the Stars and Stripes are afraid to speak up, and they don't even have the courage to look at Jiang Oreburgh.

No way, Jiang Oreburgh's reputation abroad is much higher than in China.

Let me ask which country is present that has not been killed by Jiang Oreburgh. Even some countries that have good relations with Xia Guo will always be dishonest, and they will be honest if they kill a few.

So Jiang Oreburgh's reputation was earned.

Don't look at him always playing the role of kind grandpa in front of Jiang Qing, but in front of the enemy, he is a killing god and a devil.

When Jiang Qing saw his grandfather came, the few people who were hostile to him were immediately discouraged, and he was immediately happy. He pointed to the three people in the Stars and Stripes and said, "Grandpa, this guy just bullied me."

Three members of the Stars and Stripes: Nima, please be human.

Jiang Oreburgh was instantly angry, damn it, dare to bully my grandson, you ate gentian.

"King Champion, there is nothing"

The three people in the Stars and Stripes shook their heads immediately, at such a speed that they almost broke their necks.

Jiang Qing is so fucking shameless, he killed their Pokémon and bit them instead.

Jiang Oreburgh also had 657 eyes, but he didn't expect that Chaoyong Kuangfei's body was still lying on the ground.

"Crack" X3

"Still quibbling"

Jiang Oreburgh directly punched three big corners.

"Grandpa and him"

Jiang Qing pointed at Noda again.



Noda only felt a pain in his face, and then passed out directly.

"It's useless, it just fell down like this"

Jiang Oreburgh looked at Noda with a look of disdain. Before he could use any force, this guy fell down. I'm afraid it was not an act.

Jiang Qing kicked Noda in the stomach, but the guy didn't wake up.

"Grandpa, this guy shouldn't be pretending"

When the people around saw this scene, they were even more afraid of the grandpa and grandson. This motherfucker doesn't plan to be human anymore, does she?

The three Elite Trainers of the Stars and Stripes are crying inwardly, why their own champion didn't come, if they did, Oreburgh would at least restrain themselves.

Now that the opponent is completely overpowering others with strength, I have to endure my displeasure, otherwise God knows what crazy things Jiang Oreburgh will do.

Maybe he impromptu performed in front of his grandson to break the legs of a certain country.

With the great god of his own grandfather here, Jiang Qing really wants to say to these people, everyone here is rubbish.

"Okay, my dear grandson, have you vented enough? If not, kick and slap a few more times," Jiang Oreburgh said.

The three of Stars and Stripes shuddered subconsciously.

"Enough Grandpa"

Jiang Qing nodded.

Immediately the group left.

Xia Guo's warships have been docking at the west of the island since Jiang Qing and others entered the secret realm. Now that Jiang Qing and the others have finally come out, the warships can also return.

Jiang Qing walked on the plywood of the warship, and with a thought, all the surviving Trainers in the top secret realm were moved out of the secret realm by him.

With Jiang Oreburgh leading people away, trainers in many countries naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

The three trainers of the Stars and Stripes think they can do it again, because there is no Xia Guo trainer here, which means that he is the boss here now.

"Someone came out again"

I don't know who yelled.

Then, suddenly there were many more people on the side of the gate of the secret realm, and with the appearance of the last person, under the surprised eyes of everyone, "The gate of the secret realm disappeared directly.

"The secret realm disappeared?"

An Elite trainer from a certain country said in a daze as he watched the gate of the secret realm disappear before his eyes.

"It shouldn't be, the top secret realm is very stable"

The stability of primary and intermediate secret realms is not very high, especially primary secret realms, which may disappear within a few years.

When it disappears, it will spit out the humans in the secret territory.

Relatively speaking, the stability of high-level secret realms is much higher and will not disappear for decades or even a hundred years. (cecc)

As for the top secret realms, none of the top secret realms that have been discovered so far has disappeared.

But now this happened.

This is the first time that the top-level secret realm that has just appeared for more than half a year is so unstable that it disappeared directly.

Why are you so sure that this top-level secret realm has disappeared, because many Trainers came out at once.

This is definitely the top secret realm before it disappears, vomiting out all the Trainers inside.

um - almost twenty

wait only twenty

There were a hundred trainers who went in, counting the five trainers from Xia who just came out, that is to say, only twenty-five people survived.

"What about Phil?"

"Where is our kimchi country trainer?"

"Where are the people from the Great Dian"

"Why didn't Gaul see it?"

Elite trainers from several countries headed by Stars and Stripes felt chilled when they saw that there were no trainers from their own country among the trainers.

Didn't come out, I'm afraid it wasn't already

"Hahaha, I knew you could do it if you asked for it"

The Elite trainer from the White Bear Kingdom was overjoyed. None of the five genius trainers in his own country died, and all five from the Stars and Stripes Kingdom died.

What could be better than this.

After you go back, you must drink his four or five catties of Volt Plus.

“Annis, that's so nice”

Anis looked at the Trainer who came out with her, but she didn't see the one who saved her, she was startled, could it be

But after thinking about it, it seemed impossible, after all, that man had subdued Moltres.

Looking at her aunt Annis who was hugging her tightly, she asked, "Auntie, has Xia Guo Trainer come out?"

"Yeah, they came out one step ahead of you, you know that Jiang Qing of Xia Kingdom actually subdued Moltres, and"

She didn't say anything later, because the people from the Stars and Stripes and Baga Kingdoms were still there, and their expressions were very bad.

Jiang Qing, Moltres?

Isn't Jiang Qing a man?

Anis was confused for a moment, the one who saved her was a woman.

Could it be that two of Xia Guo Trainer subdued Moltres.

It seems that only this explanation can make sense.

From the beginning to the end, she never doubted the gender of the man who saved her. After all, she was very beautiful, who would have thought it would be a man.

"Impossible, how did you trash survive, but Phil didn't come out?"

The Stars and Stripes Trainer suddenly roared towards the surroundings.

He found that most of the people who came out came from small and medium-sized countries, and only the White Bear Country was a big country.

All these trash survived in the secret realm, but the five elites of the Stars and Stripes died there.

And it's not just them, the trainers from Great Dian and Gaul didn't come out either.

The Stars and Stripes suddenly discovered that no Trainer came out alive in any country that had good relations with them.

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