Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

572 I Don't Want This Rubbish

"Jie Jie"

Finding that he has not only survived the crisis, but also raised his level from the quasi-Elite peak to the mid-Elite stage, this change made Gengar laugh out loud.

I am indeed the chosen ghost, and I am not dead.

next second.

There was a snap.

The head was hit hard by Jiang Qing, and then the voice of Jiang Qing Rage came from his ears: "If I didn't come back in time just now, you know what I will become like?"


Although the expression is Rage, the tone is very worried.

Looking at the Pokémon corpses all over the floor, Jiang Qing suddenly knew why Gengar did this just now. He must have eaten these souls, causing the energy in his body to skyrocket, making it impossible to digest.

If he hadn't come in time, this guy might have really exploded like an air baloon, and even if he didn't die, his vitality would be seriously injured.


Being slapped by Jiang Qing, Gengar naturally didn't get angry, he couldn't see how worried Jiaqing was, so he couldn't help licking Jiang Qing's face with his tongue.

Jiang Qing subconsciously wanted to take out the cherry fruit, but suddenly stopped.


I moved my arm and found that it was not paralyzed. It seemed that it was just an ordinary lick, and then I looked at Gengar with a look of relief: "After the breakthrough, the mind also changed-"

The word "mature" has not been said yet.

In the next second, Gengar licked Jiang Qing again, and then a familiar numbness came.


Watching his Trainer take out the cherry fruit tremblingly, Gengar held his stomach and smiled.

After lifting the paralysis, Jiang Qing tugged at Gengar's cheek and said angrily, "Sure enough, I shouldn't have hoped for you."

The interaction between Gengar and Jiang Qing made the five members of Pokémon who died in Pokémon even worse. They even felt that Meiqing did it on purpose.

After more than half an hour, all the trophies have been collected, and the injured Pokémon of the White Bear Kingdom have also received some treatment.

"A total of fifty-six Elite-level Pokémon were found from Stars and Stripes and Gaul. Among them, there were only four Elite Pokémon in the late stage, and they were seriously injured. The other Pokémon were not dispatched"

Stars and Stripes and Gaul sent a total of 19 main Pokémon, but only four survived. Although the other Pokémon are also Elite, they are all in the early or middle stages, so they were not sent out at the beginning.

I want to send it out later, but I don't have this chance to be popular.

"In addition, there are 80 Pokémon below the Elite level, and the specific qualifications are unclear."

The total number of Pokémon carried by the six of them is more than one hundred, not to mention the Pokémon they captured in the secret territory.

Basically, for an Elite trainer, the number of Pokémon is between 30 and 60, which can be roughly divided into the first echelon, the second echelon and the second mediocre team.

For example, Jiang Qing currently has sixteen Pokémon, including Celebi and Magearna, two Pokémon who are not good at fighting.

In terms of the number of Pokémon, Jiang Qing is definitely less.

The number of Pokémon of Qin Wu and Zhen Min is more than three days.

Although Jiang Qing is not as good as them in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, it will definitely kill them in seconds.

"We don't want Pokémon above the Elite level, but those below the Elite level are fine," So Fia said proactively.

Battle King So now is naturally the time to share the spoils.

Suo Fia was very self-aware, and before Yue Peng and the others asked about the distribution plan, she took the initiative to say a distribution plan.

And this distribution plan is very unfair to them.

They were used as bait, and each of them killed a main Pokémon, but in the end they got the least.

It sounds unfair, but it's actually very fair.

Because Suo Fia knew very well who brought the victory of this battle, if there was no Xia Guo Trainer, they would have died.

The weak obey the strong.

They are the weak.

Especially after seeing the strength of Xia Guo Trainer, he understands the gap between the two even more.

Not to mention, the quasi-champion Moltres is what they need to look up to right now.

Metagross: You know shit.


Yue Peng nodded. Originally, he wanted all the Elite Pokémon. He didn't expect the other party to be so smart and offered them directly. Of course, he would not refuse.

After the distribution of Pokémon, the rest are the treasures found by Stars and Stripes and Gaul and snatched from other Trainers.

The total number of zeros and zeros is quite a lot, a total of 186 treasures are counted, most of the treasures are known to everyone, and a few have never been seen.

Jiang Qing scanned it with his probing eyes, and was a little disgusted. Except for a few Attribute beads, he really didn't like other treasures.

"We want these beads, and the rest are for you." Jiang Qing pointed to the five Attribute beads.

Suo Fia, the others, Yue Peng and the others were taken aback.

The two groups now have the same idea that Jiang Qing is so generous.

But on second thought, it's definitely not what I thought.

Jiang Qing definitely knew the function of this unknown bead, and it had a great effect, so he chose these beads and gave up other treasures.

Of course Yue Peng and the others also thought of this, nodded and said: ".»We have no problem, how about you?"

Sofia: We have the right to refuse.

Now there may be trainers from other countries alive on this island, but absolutely no one is the Rival of the Xia country trainers, and they should be the only ones who are threatening.

So Suo Fia is also afraid that Jiang Qing will kill them, after all, not only the loot will be theirs, but even their Pokémon will become theirs.

In fact, even if Jiang Qing seized all the spoils, they would not dare to say anything.


Suo Fia nodded, her face was quite happy, although she knew that the five unknown beads should be very precious, but the other party only took these five.

The remaining one hundred and eighty-one treasures are all theirs, and many of them are quite precious in their eyes.

They exchanged so many treasures with five unknown beads, it seems that they still made money.

Anton and the others were so moved that they almost shed tears, and looked at Jiang with the eyes of a good person.

"Why don't you take some more"

Sofia felt a little embarrassed.

"No, I don't like this rubbish." Jiang Qing waved his hand to the hall.

So Fia:...(⊙_⊙;)...

Even Yue Peng and the four of them were shocked by Jiang Qing's words.

These are all rubbish, when did rubbish become treasure.

In particular, Jiang Qing's expression seemed to be really disgusting, and it wasn't from acting.

At this moment, Suo Fia and the others, Yue Peng and the others, secretly scolded Jiang Qing, a big dog.

Xia Fei muttered: "Fewer people is better, more resources

Xiang Wutong beside him nodded approvingly. .

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