After the five people from Baixiong Kingdom took the medicine given by Yue Peng, except for Suo Fia who still didn't get better, the complexions of the other four people were obviously much better than before.

"Lucario Heal Pulse" Alexis said.

Heal Pulse has the best effect on Pokémon, and the effect on humans will be much worse, and Lucario is not a Pokémon that is good at healing like Blissey.

Heal Pulse was used on So Fia, but it didn't have any effect. Instead, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lucario: Am I poisonous milk?

This wave made Lucario a little unconfident. He looked at Alexei and didn't know whether to continue or stop.

Alexei tells Lucario to stop.

Suo Fia's Contest Condition became worse and worse after spitting out this mouthful of blood, and his breath gradually began to weaken.

The four of Anton walked around in a hurry, but they didn't know what to do.

Xia Guo gave them all the medicines, and there should be no better medicines.

Suo Fia was too weak to speak at the moment, otherwise she really wanted to give the four of them some last words or something.

"This woman is not really going to die, Jiang Qing, please save her quickly."

When Qin Wu saw this, her attitude towards watching the show immediately changed. She had some past with this woman. Although she didn't like her, she never thought of her death.

Here Yue Peng also walked up to Jiang Qing and said, "Can you save her?"

He knew that the only person here who could save Suo Fia was Jiang Qing, if Jiang Qing could do nothing, then Suo Fia would really have to die.

Compared with Pokémon's body, the human body is as brittle as glass.

Before Jiang Qing could speak, Anton had already walked over and knelt down in front of him.

Jiang Qing: (0)

what do you mean!!

Anton: "Before I had a bad temper, I was too impulsive, please save Fia, as long as you can save her, you can kill me now"

After speaking, he looked back at Sofia affectionately, but the other party was already in a coma now, and he couldn't see his eyes at all.

The stone is hammered, and this look is definitely licking a dog.

There is no two-way rush, that does not exist.

"Don't apologize to me, just apologize to it"

Jiang Qing pointed to Steelix beside him.

Hearing this, Anton simply kowtowed to Steelix.

Steelix: Cool!


Jiang Qing took out a glass bottle with a drop of heavy water in it.

This thing can regenerate broken limbs, and it is also the best medicine for internal injuries.

For Fia's injury, this drop was enough.

Anton naturally knew the goods, happily took the heavy water, and did not forget to thank him.

After taking the heavy water, So Fia's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She woke up after a few minutes.

Jiang Qing looked at the Lucario in front of him. Although it couldn't compare with his own, the Breeder's was still quite good.

And also a female, her own Lucario is a male.

I don't know if Lucario likes foreign girls.

Alexei's Lucario also looked at Jiang Qing curiously. It could feel the power of the waveguide on Jiang Qing's body, so it didn't hate Jiang Qing's gaze on it.

And it feels the same kind of breath on Jiang Qing.

As Suo Fia woke up, she walked up to Jiang Qing: "Thank you Jiang"

Jiang Qing nodded lightly.

Anton said worriedly: "Suo Fia, you are just fine, don't talk yet"

Due to the heavy water, Sofia's internal injuries have been healed, but what Anton and the others ate were ordinary internal organs, so now they are the sick ones.

It's him who doesn't talk.

You look like this, not licking a dog, I will write the name of Qing Qing upside down.

As a man licking a dog, I look down on you.

Jiang Qing couldn't help but look at Anton with disdain.

"We have to get out of here first, people from Stars and Stripes and Gaul are chasing us," Sofia said.

Jiang Qing's eyes lit up immediately.

Yue Peng hurriedly asked: "How far is it from you?"

If it is far enough, maybe you can set up a trap and wait for work.

"I don't know, but I don't recommend fighting them here," So Fia said.

Although the underground cave is huge, it is underground after all. If a dozen Elite trainers fight here, the cave will definitely collapse.

At that time, the dangerous thing is the Trainer itself, and it is very likely that they will die together.

If Jiang Qing and the others hadn't come, they might have done so under desperate circumstances.

But now that allies are here, given the choice, of course they will not do this.

And there are still a lot of Pokémon living in the cave. When the cave collapses, there will be a lot of Pokémon dead, so it will be a big evil for them to kill.

"Well, get out of here first" and nodded.

"Is there an exit where you came from?"

The location where Jiang Qing and the others came was exactly the direction that Sofia and the others were heading.


The exit was found by Steelix, and the source of the earthquake also came from this place. The five of them entered this opening directly, and then moved forward until they met Sofia and the five of them.

"Then let's get out of here first"

A group of ten people headed towards the place where Jiang Qing and the others had just entered. On the way, Yue Peng asked Sofia about the situation of the Stars and Stripes and High Point countries.

Knowing that they even killed one person from the Stars and Stripes and two people from the Gaul Kingdom by means of raids when they were few in number, this record made Yue Peng, a soldier, pay attention to him.

And through Sofia's description, I have a certain degree of understanding of the strength of the Trainers of these two countries.

And the existence of Shane, the fortune teller in the Stars and Stripes, made Qing and the others feel right.

The opponent has Future Sight and the ability to divination good or bad luck.

Putting this ability in a secret realm is like adding wings to a tiger, but there are many restrictions. The biggest point is that it consumes a lot of mental power.

If she doesn't have a trusted companion around, she dare not use it at all.

Jiang Qing has always paid little attention to external affairs, so he knows some big families in China, but basically doesn't know about foreign ones.

Except for the vibrato that can sometimes get foreign big bear girls, Jiang Qing has no interest in other aspects.

So it was the first time he heard that Psychic can also be used for divination.

But this should be a variation of Psychic, which belongs to family inheritance, otherwise why only the Shane family has this ability.

After all, there are nearly a hundred high-level Psychic Trainers in the whole world, but none of them know divination, only the Shane family.

"The exit is just ahead"

More than three hours later, Jiang Qing and the others had arrived at the exit.

Sofia and the others stayed in the underground cave for several days, and when they came out to the outside world and were exposed to the sun, they were not used to it.

Seeing the sun again made me feel much better. .

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