Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

556 Totem Class Pupitar

After resting in this place for two days, Jiang Qing was not ready to leave until Gengar and Aggron's injuries had healed to a certain extent.

As for where to go, of course I went to find the Totem-class Pupitar.

I'm not afraid that this guy has already been subdued, because the other party hides very well, and if you are not the Chosen One, you will never find its location.

Mount Moltres and head towards the massive mountain on Ula'ula Island.

At an altitude of 3,000 meters, clouds and mist have begun to appear, and the sun shines through the clouds and mist, shedding a thin layer of Lucas.

According to the map given by Tapu-Diedie in his mind, Jiang Qing made Moltres stop at a height of 6,000 meters, and then jumped off its back.

At an altitude of 6,000 meters, the temperature has dropped below zero, and the surrounding area is covered with white snow. Except for a few cold-resistant plants, the surrounding area appears extremely desolate.

Not even a few Pokémon.

At this altitude, not only is the temperature low and the oxygen is relatively thin, but the weak Pokémon are not suitable for living here.

But not long after, a quasi-Elite Ice Ninetales appeared in front of Jiang Qing, but the latter immediately became 07 extremely.

No way, anyone who sees a Moltres behind Jiang Qing will run away.

Metagross cast a glance at Moltres. This guy's appearance is much more bluffing than himself, and of course his strength also lies in this.

If Metagross does not show strength and relies on appearance, most Pokémon will not be scared away unless they are naturally timid.

After walking for more than half an hour, Jiang Qing came to a mountain wall and said, "Hit it inside."

The Totem-level Pupitar is inside, and this place was chosen for it by Tapu-Diedie, thinking of waiting for it to evolve, and trying to find a way to abduct it to its own island.

As Metagross punched down, a large number of Rocks on the mountain wall fell off, smashing about ten meters, and soon a covered cave appeared.

In the dark cave, a pair of red eyes suddenly appeared, and then a huge sandstorm blew out from the cave entrance.

Within this narrow range, sandstorms are very powerful.

Jiang Qing remained motionless, and Metagross blocked the sandstorm with a Light Screen.

The sandstorm had just ended, and there was a sound like air jets in my ears, and then I heard a bang, and I saw Pupitar bumped into the Light Screen, and his expression was still a little dazed

I don't understand why there is something blocking him in front of Hao Duan Duan.

Looking at Pupitar who was a little confused in front of her, Qing showed satisfaction.

As expected of a Totem-level Pokémon, this height is absolutely incredible.

A normal Pupitar is about 1.2M tall.

And the one in front of me is about 4M.

The rarity of Totem-level Pokémon is much less than that of Quasi-God.

Since his debut, Jiang Qing has seen and fought many quasi-gods, but he has not seen any Totem-level Pokémon except his own Aggron.

Of course, Jiang Qing has brushed some Totem-level Pokémon on Douyin.

This Pupitar should be very Rage now, not to mention its red eyes and the waveguide that emits light, the Rage value seems to be about to explode.

Pokémon: Pupitar(Rock/Ground)

Grade: 54

Qualification: green

Ability: Peeling

props: none

Gender: male

Moves: Iron Defense, Tackle, Payback, Leer, Bite, Rock Throw, Scary Face, Rock Slide, Stomping Tantrum, Shocking God, Smack Down, Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rumble, Sandstorm, Hyper Beam

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Skills: None

At level 54, Pupitar evolves into Banjilas at level 55.

So when it is approaching the stage of evolution, it will choose to bury itself in one place, and slowly chrysalis into a butterfly just like insects turn into butterflies.

After waking up, it will evolve into Gilas.

The Pupitar in front of him was supposed to be sleeping for the evolution of Benjilas, but the place where it was sleeping was violently smashed open by Jiang Qing.

The movement caused is naturally to force it to start.

Of course it will be Rage, because its evolutionary path was interrupted by Jiang Qing. Although it is not impossible to evolve, it needs to prolong the evolution time.

Jiang Qing: "Fortunately I came in time, otherwise you would have evolved"

Listening to Jiang Qing's non-human words, Pupitar's eyes became redder.

It crazily bumped into the Light Screen, but with its strength, it couldn't break the Light Screen arranged by Metagross even if it was hit to death.

Jiang Qing is not making fun of it, but speaking the truth.

For Pokémon like Pupitar that evolves through deep sleep, the premise is that the body accumulates enough energy. The more energy accumulated in the body, the evolved Benjilas will naturally be more powerful.

The accumulated energy of the one in front of him is only enough for it to evolve into a Benjilas, and it won't improve its aptitude level, and naturally it won't go beyond several levels.

Now being interrupted by Jiang Qing, delaying its evolution time, then it has enough time to accumulate foundation again.

Seeing that the unlucky boy was still bumping into the light screen, Jiang Qing was really afraid that this guy's brain would be stunned, so he gave Metagross a look, and the latter understood.

Under the mental force, Pupitar suddenly couldn't move.

As the Light Screen was withdrawn, Jiang Qing slowly walked out of the cave, and then came to a wider ground.

"Put it down" Jiang Qing said.

With the disappearance of the mental obsession, Jiang Qing originally thought that Pupitar would rush towards it or run away immediately, but it just stood there quietly at this moment, neither attacking nor fleeing.

When he was controlled by Metagross and brought all the way here, Pupitar had calmed down and knew his situation.

The silver guy in front of him is so strong that he can't deal with it at all.

So I have no right to escape at all.

The right to choose is not yours at all.

"Be my partner" Jiang Qing said.

Pupitar looked at Jiang Qing rather unwillingly, feeling that the other party was trying to overwhelm him.

Jiang Qing smiled slightly and threw out a Poké Ball.

The next second Gabite was standing in front of Pupitar.

Pokémon: Gabite (Dragon/Ground)

Grade: 47

Qualification: blue

Ability: Rough Skin

Props: Dragon Tooth

Gender: male

Moves: Sand Tomb, Tackle, Sand Tomb, Dragon Breath, Bulldoze, Bite, Slash, Dragon Claw

Skill Discs: Take Down, Scary Face, Protection, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Dragon Tail, Sandstorm, Dig, Shadow Claw, Dragon Pulse, Earthquake

Genetic Abilities: Dragon Stars, Twister, Dig, Dragon Claw

Of course, Jiang Qing will not allow Metagross and other main Pokémon to fight against Pupitar, after all, this is a bit bullying Pokémon.

Even if it is defeated in this way, people may not be convinced, so he sent Gabite.

"If you defeat it, keep Solaceon, but if you are defeated by it, you will obediently be my Pokémon" Jiang Qing pointed to Gabite.

Pupitar nodded, his hostility towards Jiang Qing seemed to be a little less. .

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