Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

548 Tapu-Moo Moo Now

Today's weather is excellent, the sun is high, and the temperature is moderate. Riding on Moltres' back, Jiang Qing holds the Dowsing Machine in his hand and looks at the red dots displayed on it.

I'm not interested in this size.

This doesn't work either.

This is okay.

Finally, a suitable red dot appeared.

Jiang Qing said: "Go east"

Moltres nodded, then changed direction.

Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from the red dot, Jiang Qing had a strange expression on his face. He forgot that this Moltres guy didn't distinguish between north and south.

Seeing Moltres confidently flying towards what he thought was the east, Jiang Qing sighed and pointed to the left with his finger.

"the east is there"

Moltres was taken aback: Why didn't you say it earlier? If you didn't speak, I thought the direction was wrong.

Jiang Qing somewhat misses the time when Moltres was not his own Pokémon. If the other party dared to do this at that time, he would have been beaten by a big force.

It can't work now, my little spirit hurts by itself.

If you make a mistake, bear with it.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Qing had already arrived above the treasure, and the ground below clearly had battle marks.

It is worth mentioning that, in Ula'ula Island, there are almost no Pokémon above the Elite level, because most of the Pokémon that have not mastered the level have been subdued by the Great Ding Kingdom and the Kimchi Kingdom.

And the entire island is full of traces of battles. From a high altitude, one can see a sudden baldness in the dense forest from time to time.

After landing, Jiang Qing followed the guidance of the Dowsing Machine to the location of the treasure, a half-meter-high Rock, which was still full of cracks.


Jiang Qing shouted.

Metagross punched this Rock, and as the Rock shattered, a bead rolled to Jiang Qing's feet.

"Sure enough, it's a Ground bead"

Picking up the beads, Jiang Qing muttered.

The red dot just now is bigger than the treasure Arnold. According to previous experience, this treasure is very likely to be the Attribute bead.

Just when Jiang Qing was about to leave here.

Metagross and Moltres suddenly sounded the alarm together.

"Kang`] Jin"


He could see a Wood Hammer with a width of nearly a thousand meters bombarding Jiang Qing. The Wood Hammer covered an area that Jiang Qing couldn't even run with eight legs.

But Jiang Qing didn't panic. Following Moltres' Flamethrower bursting out in anger, the huge Wood Hammer attack stopped suddenly in mid-air.

The attacks of the two sides were stalemate in the air for a moment, and the Flamethrower defeated Wood Hammer in the next second.

"moo moo"

When Wood Hammer was defeated, the Pokémon that attacked Jiang Qing also appeared in his Sky.

It is Tapu-moo, the patron saint of Ula'ula Island.

But at the moment the other party was very angry, Jiang Qing couldn't help frowning with that wave of Rage, he didn't know how he provoked Tapu-Moo Moo, made him so angry, and even attacked him secretly.

Pokémon: Tapu-Moo (Grass/Fairy)

Grade: 87

Qualification: blue

Ability: Grass Maker

props: none

Gender: None

Moves: Leafage, Rock Smash, Withdraw, Disable, Miracle Seed, Mega Drain, Horn Attack, Whirlwind, Scary Face, Horn Leech, Zen Headbutt, Mean Look, Nature's Madness, Wood Hammer, Mega Horn, Rocket Head, Grassy Terrain

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Skills: None

Note: the mood is extremely Rage

The Elite's late Tapu-fins, and are still in a very angry state.

"Tapu-moo moo is there some misunderstanding"

Jiang Qing didn't think it was because he took the Ground beads that made Tapu-moo so angry, and the pattern of the patron saint would not be so small.

Tapu-Diedie gave him even the fire treasure.

"moo moo"

But at the moment, Tapu-moo, who was angry, didn't want to listen to Jiang Qing's explanation. With a wave of his arm, it was another Wood Hammer.

But this time the Wood Hammer is much smaller than the previous ones, only about a dozen meters long, and the energy is also more solid, almost turning into substance.

Jiang Qing's face turned angry, he is not a good-tempered person.

I didn't provoke you, I didn't tell you about your fucking sneak attack, I asked you why, I didn't say anything, and shot again.

"Metagross Meteor Mash"

An angry voice rang in Metagross' ears.

The solid Wood Hammer faced Meteor Mash, and the moves of both sides collided fiercely. With an explosion, Metagross and Tapu-Moo both retreated nearly 100 meters.

Does either side have an advantage?

"Metagross Mega Evolution"

Jiang Qing didn't hesitate, facing the late-stage champion Tapu-Moo, with the current level of Metagross, it would take a lot of time to defeat it.

Under Mega Evolution, the level of Metagross has been raised from 78 to 80, reaching the peak of Elite.

Although Mega Metagross still hasn't broken through to the quasi-championship, don't forget that with the strength of Mega Metagross, even if it has been improved by two levels, the increase in combat power is not just as simple as two levels.

Tapu-Momoo should be seeing Mega Evolution for the first time, so after discovering that Metagross's appearance has changed drastically, he was slightly taken aback.

"Put you down and you'll talk to me properly"

Jiang Qing looked at Tapu-moo coldly.

As his words fell, Mega Metagross used Teleport to come to Tapu-Momoo, and hit the opponent with Meteor Mash.

With a huge roar, Tapu-moo was punched into the ground, but at the same time it was knocked into the air, a green seed hit the Mega self-golden monster.

Seeds germinate quickly on Mega Metagross.

When Tapu-moomoo was driven into the ground by Mega Metagross, Moltres was flying at low altitude, Jiang Qing jumped up, grabbed Moltres' feet, and then turned over and sat on Moltres' back.

Immediately afterwards, the ground below was constantly shaking and shattering, and a large amount of gravel splashed out.


Tapu-Moo flew out from the ground, staring at Mega Metagross, the strength of the opponent made him have to be cautious.

The Leech Seed on Mega Metagross is absorbing its stamina and feeding it back to Tapu Moomoo.

The lost physical strength is very little for Mega Metagross, and it uses black light spar, as long as it is exposed to sunlight under the sun, it will restore (Zhao Hao) physical strength.

But today's weather is very good.

"Mega Metagross Gyro Ball" Jiang Qing said.

The Mega Metagross' claws came together, and its body began to spin rapidly. As it spun faster and faster, the centrifugal force generated caused the vines wrapped around it to fall off.

A small whirlwind also formed.

Green leaves burst out from Tapu-moo's body, which looks similar to Razor Leaf, but it's not, this trick is Leafage.

A large number of Leafage hit the Mega Metagross.

But it was all pulverized by Mega Metagross' Gyro Ball.

Facing Gyro Ball's attack, Tapu moo immediately retracted his body into the enclosure.


There was a violent friction between the two sides, and there was a piercing sound, Jiang Qing had no choice but to plug his ears with Psychic.

Otherwise his eardrums would be perforated.

PS: The information of Jiang Qing Pokémon has been uploaded in the work related section, if you are interested, you can take a look.

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