Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

540 Moltresvs Tapu-Die Die Down

Hitting Tapu with Agility doesn't do much damage, but it's extremely insulting.

Since Tapu-Diedie became the patron saint, since when did she suffer such grievances, and she was beaten up by the former tool bird?


A silver-white moon rises behind him, and as the moon rises, white energy crystals burst out from Tapu Didie.

Moltres eats a full Moonblast before being caught off guard, which is also Tapu's performance against Rage.

The eruption of Moonblast caused Moltres' body to be crushed nearly a thousand meters away, and even the flames on his body were blown away.

The huge pain made it difficult for Moltres to breathe.

But it doesn't matter, its mood is extremely high at the moment, because it hit Tapu-diedie more than a dozen times, so what if it hits Tapu-diedie a dozen times. .

Moonblast is over, followed by Tapu-Diedie's Psyshock.

At a distance of nearly a thousand meters, Psyshock arrived almost instantly, and Moltres' body was sent flying again.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross became anxious when he saw Moltres being hit one after another.

"It's okay," Jiang Qing said flatly.


A loud cry came from Moltres' throat.

As the legendary Pokémon, they all have a common feature, that is, they have strong resilience, that is, they have super endurance.

If Rival hadn't defeated it with a crushing posture, it would most likely be dragged to death by Moltres.

Tapu-Diedie Moonblast damage is indeed high, if it is replaced by Moltres more than a month ago, it may be really dangerous, not to mention the Psyshock that took a blow later.

But as far as Moltres is concerned, these two blows can only knock out one-third of its blood at most, and with its recovery power, the bloody nose is recovering quickly.

"Flame Charge"

A thousand meters away, Jiang Qing's voice still reached Moltres' ears.

Because he used Psychic.

Of all the special abilities, Psychic is definitely the most useful, and the most useful for both Pokémon and Pokémon.

Of course, the premise is that your Psychic is at least an intermediate level, if it is a primary level, it will hardly play any role.

Red flames enveloped his whole body, as if he had installed a motor on himself. Under the Flame Charge, Moltres' speed was rising in a straight line.

Tapu-Diedie uses Psyshock, trying to intercept Moltres' Flame Charge.

Psyshock didn't turn into an arrow this time, but turned into a circle of waves, when Moltres crashed into the waves.

Every time you get closer to Tapu-diedie, the flame of Flame Charge will be weakened by one point, and the speed will also be reduced accordingly.

Psyshock was stunned because Tapu-diedie used the effect of a speed bump.

The use of this move is really powerful, only by being very proficient in using the move of Psyshock, can it be done like this.

Metagross says I can too.

About 50 meters away from Tapu-diedie, Moltres' Flame Charge was finally exhausted by Psyshock's energy.

At the same time, Tapu-Diedie's Psyshock was also exhausted.

Compared with the sprinting Moltres, the Tapu-Diedie who maintains Psyshock will obviously be more tired. Turning Psyshock into a speed bump is not as easy as imagined.

But before it could breathe a sigh of relief, a hot Flamethrower shot out from Moltres' mouth.

The high temperature brought by the strengthened Flamethrower is terrifying.

But it's not over yet, Jiang Qing said: "Flame Charge"


With a loud cry, Moltres completely turned into a bird made of flames, accompanied by a fiery red streamer across the air.

Tapu-Diedie just broke away from the Flamethrower, when a bird of flame slammed into it ferociously.

Tapu-Diedie: Don't even think about it.


The full moon appeared again, Flare Blitz came, and Moonblast followed.


A huge roar resounded through the world.

The powerful shock wave caused the sea below to recede hundreds of meters, exposing the seabed, and some unlucky Magikarp jumped on the seabed, not knowing how they managed to get on it


Because Jiang Qing was protected by Metagross, of course nothing happened.

Moonblast and Flare Blitz are still colliding.

With their Tackle, the air waves spread outward in circles.

Looking at Moltres who was evenly matched with him, Tapu-Diedie said very unwillingly: Tool bird!!

0. Ask for flowers...

Moltres didn't seem to hear this name, and its only thought at the moment was to defeat Tapu Didie.

But the moves between the two sides seem to be really evenly matched, and no one can break the other. At that time, it will probably end in a draw due to exhaustion of energy.

At this time, Jiang Qing's voice came to Moltres' ears again: "Sharp turn and turn back"

When Moltres heard this, his eyes lit up.

Originally, Flare Blitz and Moonblast were colliding fiercely, but as Moltres suddenly retreated, Moonblast had no Rival, and naturally broke out completely.

The speed of fire roasting is faster than that formed by Moonblast explosion.

Tapu-Diedie was still giving energy to Moonblast, but suddenly saw Moltres retreating, and its figure disappeared immediately after the retreating action.


The Moonblast burst was forward, and now Moltres came up behind Tapu-Diedie with a sharp turnback.


There was a heavy Tackle sound, and the body of Tapu-Diedie was like a meteor Normal, falling on the seabed that was not yet covered by sea water.

The vibration and shock waves generated make the sea water retreat again.

No need for Jiang Qing to say, under this kind of opportunity, Moltres will naturally kill, Flamethrower opened his mouth, and the scorching flame wrapped Tapu+Diedie again.

At this time, the retreating seawater surged up again, trying to cover the seabed, but because of the Flamethrower of Moltres, under the scorching temperature, even if the seawater poured backwards, it was all evaporated.

This weakens the power of Flamethrower to a certain extent.

But enough is enough.

As Jiang Qing shouted to stop, Moltres stopped the Flamethrower, and the sea water finally poured back, and at the same time buried Tapu Didie in it.

The panting Moltres flew in front of Jiang Qing, it was very tired, and its injuries were not small, but it was unusually energetic.

“Good job”

Jiang Qing patted Moltres' slender neck in appreciation.

The good things during this time are finally not in vain.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross agrees.

I thought in my heart that if I went up by myself, the battle would have ended long ago.

With Jiang Qing's approval, Moltres narrowed his happy eyes. This is no better than defeating Tapu-Diedie.

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