Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

513 Morelull And Giving Back To Nature

The night is not silent, and many Pokémon like to move at night and look for food.

A troop composed of nearly a thousand Morelulls in the forest is slowly moving towards the pool, and the spores on their heads are like night lights, illuminating the surroundings.

Because of the large number, from a high altitude, a long dragon of lights is formed.

"Kang Jin"

Jiang Qing who was fast asleep was woken up by Metagross.

"What's wrong"

Jiang Qing called Yawn, and through a small window of the tent, he found that it was still night.

"What's the matter?"

Metagross: There's a lot of Morelull coming.


Jiang Qing only knows that they are nocturnal creatures, and the mushrooms on their heads are so delicious that many Pokémon like to eat them.

Even if the mushrooms on the head are eaten, they will grow back overnight, so it doesn't do much harm to Morelull.

But this stuff doesn't taste very good to humans.

Walking out of the tent, the Pokémon around have also woken up.

"Excuse me, there are a lot of them"

Although I didn't see Morelull, the forest not far away was illuminated. This brightness is not something that two or three hundred Morelull can achieve.

According to the trajectory of the bright light, it seems that it is really coming to where he is.

For unknown reasons, Jiang Qing took the Pokémon back to the Poké Ball.

Riding Dragonite into the air.

Not long after, nearly a thousand Morelull came to the pool.

Jiang Qing thought they were here to drink water, but on second thought it seemed wrong.

Because many grass-type Pokémon can absorb water and nutrients from the land through Ingrain.

Immediately he saw the Morelulls climbing up the wall beside the pool, from which the great waterfall flowed.

Jiang Qing has already turned on the phone, and he feels that something interesting will happen next, so he intends to record it.

Morelull is ingrained on the mountain wall in a vertical way, and the light emitted by nearly a thousand Morelull illuminates the mountain wall very brightly.

From time to time, Flying Pokémon fly by and eat the mushrooms on Morelull's head.

Even the Bruxish at the bottom of the pool jumped out of the water to eat the mushrooms off Morelull's head.

But as nearly a thousand Morelulls collectively made a sound, all the Pokémon eating the mushrooms on Morelull's head stopped.

In the next second, countless fluorescent spores emanated from Morelull's head, and then slowly floated into the air.

Not knowing that these fluorescent lights are very problematic, Metagross used Psychic to block all the fluorescent lights floating towards them.

At the same time, Jiang Qing in the air found that not only this place had fluorescence, but also other places.

Because it is dark night, even if it is far away, the fluorescence is very obvious.

With the fluorescence sinking into the earth, sinking into the flowers and trees.

Some dwarf trees started to grow, the most obvious change was the flowers and plants, the flowers bloomed at night, and the grass became greener.

"This is giving back to nature." Jiang Qing murmured.

Pokémon and nature are in a symbiotic relationship, and the protection of nature is definitely ranked first in Pokémon.

Even some Pokémon exist to protect nature.

Such as Diglett, where it sits can increase the fertility of the soil.

Celebi, who protects the forest, and Shellder, who can purify water.

After more than half an hour, the fluorescence disappeared, and then the evolved white light appeared.

Not all Morelulls evolved, however, less than a fifth of Morelulls evolved into Shiinotic.

The remaining Morelull may not evolve until the next time they give back to nature, which may be half a year or a year.

The evolution is over, Morelull and Shiinotic slowly left the mountain wall, they want to find a dark place to rest before dawn.

Jiang Qing returned to the tent again, but there was already an owner in the tent.

A dozen Morelull are sleeping soundly in the tent.

Looking at his tent, Jiang Qing was a little puzzled. Does my tent meet the dark conditions. 【

Or is it because you were too sleepy to find a dark place in time, so you just made do and slept in your own tents.

"Let's go, don't sleep"

Looking at the time, it was only over an hour before Li Tianliang, so he simply stopped sleeping, and the drowsiness is gone now.

The tent is left for the Morelulls.

Sprayed the tent with deodorant to get rid of my own smell, and sprayed the surrounding area.

He doesn't want to be tracked by others with scent, even if he is not afraid, but he is afraid of trouble, Shenbao is the most important thing.

If Yue Peng and the others defeated Tapu-Fin and came to Karla Island, then he would not be able to take out the Dowsing Machine again.

But when Yue Peng and the others came, he should have left this island long ago and went to the next one.

Morelull caused a lot of commotion, and many Trainers and Jiang Qing started to act ahead of time because they were woken up by Morelull.

Meiqing in the sky sat on Dragonite's back and looked at a Trainer riding on Braviary's back a few hundred meters ahead.

With such a big Soaring in the sky, the two can still meet in a straight line, which is no one's luck.

The opponent's Braviary exudes an early Elite breath.

The Braviary Pokémon is just like its name, Bravery is a very courageous Pokémon, and is extremely loyal to Trainer.

It is a Pokémon unique to the Pampas country in Europe, and it is also a totem of this country, and it is rarely exported to other countries.

So it is basically determined which country the Trainer in front of you is from.

The trainer on the opposite side saw that the other party was riding a quasi-god Dragonite, and Lian was a little dignified for a moment, but fortunately the other party was only one person.

No matter where you are, quasi-Shendu is a sign of status.

Because of the darkness, the other party did not see Jiang Qing's face clearly.

Jiang Qing actually saw who told him that he had a good physique.

She is a blond, blue-eyed girl who is also very iconic, and can be said to be a standard (Hao Zhao) Western beauty.

We've encountered all of this, let's see if she finds something good.

Jiang Qing took out the Dowsing Machine, and soon ten red dots were displayed, seven of which were right in front of Jiang Qing, obviously the treasures of the girl in front of him.

But the size of the red dot

".~I really have no interest in robbing at all." Jiang Qing whispered.

I really wonder if this woman has been robbed before, it has been more than a month, no matter what she looks for, they are all rubbish, and only seven of them are found in a row.

"Let's go Dragonite"

Don't rob her anymore, it looks so pitiful.

Jiang Qing directly changed direction and left.

Anis breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, she didn't want to conflict with trainers from other countries at all.

"The voice just now seemed to be from the Xia Kingdom. There are five trainers in the Xia Kingdom. Why is he the only one? Could it be that they are acting separately?" Anis muttered. .

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