Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

506 Jiang Qing: Defeat Metagross And I Will Teach You

It didn't take long for the Bruxish leader to wake up, and those younger brothers immediately surrounded him. The leader's fall made them feel extremely terrified.

Now that it is awake, it is finally at ease.


The Bruxish leader swam to the shore and said to Jiang Qing: What do you want to do.

This tone is not bad, after all, it is the defeated side, and it has also seen that it can't even beat the injured Kartana.

And next to Kartana there is a Pokémon with a stronger breath.

Can you have a bad attitude?

"I want to go to the bottom of the pool, I hope you don't interfere," Jiang Qing said.

If you don't subdue them, you will definitely not be able to go to the bottom of the pool.

Even if they are subdued, there is no guarantee that they will not do anything after entering the water.

Underwater can really play their strength "four one zero".

Bruxish nodded, deeply relieved.

It was defeated, and thought it would be asked to leave the pool, but now the opponent just wants to go to the bottom of the pool, which is not a request at all in its view.

What's so interesting at the bottom of this pool? Could it be some treasure.

The leader of Bruxish is not an idiot either. He is an Elite Pokémon with an IQ no different from that of a human. After thinking about it, he thinks there is a treasure at the bottom of the pool.

But I feel that this possibility is not very big, after all, their family has lived in this pool for many years, and it knows what is in the pool better than anyone else.

Here Jiang Qing has sent Daidai to bring the Dowsing Machine.

As Daidai dived into the pool, the Bruxish couldn't help being agitated, and their territory was invaded by other Pokémon.

However, their commotion stopped immediately after the Bruxish leader yelled a few words.

"By the way, how deep is this pool?" Jiang Qing asked.

Bruxish Chief: Thirty meters deep.

Thirty meters is not very deep, I am afraid that the treasure is buried deep, so it will take a lot of effort to dig it out.

While he was still there, Jiang Qing walked to a rock by the pool, and said to Kartana, "Cut it flat."

With the flash of a knife, a smooth stone stool of suitable height appeared.

Sitting on the rock, Jiang Qing took out the game console from the system space. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no signal in the secret realm, he would have enjoyed playing Pokémon Glory long ago.

Because the energy in the secret realm is much higher than that of the outside world, even if a signal base station is built, the signal will be interfered.

And the higher the level of the secret realm, the more serious the interference.

And these signal base stations will also be destroyed by Pokémon in the secret realm, unless you keep sending people to guard them.

Therefore, countries have given up the idea of ​​building base stations.

Jiang Qing is currently playing a fighting game, and the chosen character happens to be a swordsman.

Kartana was beside him, curiously watching the fight between the two on the screen.

Jiang Qing shouted: "Look at my big move, Bladestorm"

The swordsman looking at the screen suddenly had countless sharp swords around him, and these sharp swords formed a Twister, involving Rival in it.

Kartana: This trick is so cool, I want to learn it.

Jiang Qing: When you beat Metagross, I will teach you.

For this kind of Pokémon with Zhong Er's youthful soul, it is useless for you to directly reject it, you have to use other methods.

After defeating Metagross, looking at Metagross lying beside Jiang Qing, lazily basking in the sun, Kartana was full of fighting spirit and stretched out her arms: When I recover from my injury, your place will be mine.

During this time, it already knew that in Jiang Qing's team, Metagross was the well-deserved boss.

As a hot-blooded Zhong Er young soul Pokémon, how can he be inferior to others.

Kartana: A real man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live under others for a long time.

Metagross didn't speak, and looked at Jiang Qing faintly, as if saying: You don't care.

Controlling the swordsman to defeat Rival, Jiang Qing patted Metagross on the head and said: It has no gender, just like you.

Speaking of this, Jiang Qing asked: "Kartana, how do you breed the next generation?"

Many sexless Pokémon breed the next generation by dividing themselves. In the game, they rely on Ditto Soft Boiled, but this is not the case in reality.

Like Metagross, Magnezone, Klinklang, these all rely on splitting to reproduce the next generation.

Among the genderless Pokémon that have been discovered so far, there are many steel types.

Kartana shook her head and said she didn't know.

It has never seen its parents since it was born, and it grew up entirely on its own.

After most Pokémon reproduce the next generation, they will take care of it to grow up, and when they have the ability to face the wild alone, the group will drive it out.

Only a very small number of Pokémon hide the Pokémon egg in a hidden place after breeding the next generation, and then walk away.

After the Pokémon is born, it will not come back, and whether the newly born Pokémon can survive depends on its luck.

Basically, a Pokémon that has no parental care since childhood has a chance of dying more than 90%.

And often the number of such Pokémon is very small, and it is completely turning itself into an endangered species.

Kartana is one of them.

It has been more than a month since I came to this secret realm. Apart from Kartana, Jiang Qing has not seen other ultra beasts, which shows how many there are.

If Kartana hadn't told it that it had seen its own kind in the secret realm, Jiang Qing almost thought that there was only Kartana, the ultimate beast, in this secret realm.

As for Kartana not knowing how she bred the next generation, Jiang Qing has no doubts.

Some genderless Pokémon have to wait until a certain age, and the group will know how they reproduce.

And Kartana is only thirty years old now.

Relying on oneself at the age of 30 to become a mid-Elite, among the wild Pokémon, it is equivalent to ordinary people starting from scratch, and realizing wealth and freedom at the age of 30, the difficulty can be imagined.

As far as Jiang Qing's Pokémon are concerned, in terms of age alone, Kartana ranks second, and the first is naturally Celebi, who opened her mouth a hundred years ago and shut her mouth a hundred years ago.

3.7 "Kang Jin"

The dozing Metagross suddenly opened his eyes.

And Kartana, who was watching Jiang Qing playing the game, also suddenly looked back.

Noticing the abnormality of the two Pokémon, Jiang Qing put down the game console and pressed the pause button in a hurry: "Why is something coming?"

In addition to being the territory of Bruxish, this pool is also the only water source in this area. Many Pokémon come to drink water every day.

Because of the battle just now, the Pokémon who wanted to come to drink water were afraid to come.

Now the aftermath of the battle is gone.

Naturally, some thirsty Pokémon couldn't resist walking over.

I took a look at these Pokémon who came to drink water, they were not high in level, and their qualifications were not blue.

Jiang Qing lowered his head and pressed the start button to continue playing the game. .

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