Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

494 Jiang Qing: There Is A Surprise

The Tapu-fin that was plowed hard by Metagross on the ground was injured, but at the same time, its body was also in a state of embarrassment, because its shell was not closed due to mental obsession

So now it's full of dirt, gravel, leafage and other dirt.

Most water-type Pokémon are clean freaks, and Tapu-fin is one of them.

Looking at himself so dirty, the inner anger exploded like a Volcano.

With a bang, Psychic's shackles were broken by it, and in the next second, a thick white mist emitted from it, covering Metagross in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the range of dense fog is expanding.

Jiang Qing hastily let Dragonite drive away from this range.

Under the thick fog, the line of sight couldn't penetrate at all, and even the connection between Jiang Qing and Metagross became insignificant, as if it would be cut off in the next second.

If the induction is completely cut off, the Mega Evolution of Metagross cannot continue.

"Is this move Mist?" Xiang Wutong asked with some uncertainty.

The thick white fog is similar to Mist, but it feels different from the Mist I have seen before. The Mist in front of me gives it a feeling of fright.

Tapu-Fin's Ability is a mist maker. With the blessing of this Ability, the Mist skill has already changed.

Normal Mist, is to cover yourself,74 to make Rival reduce his abilities.

The Mist that Tapu-Fin is currently using almost cut off the communication between Jiang Qing and Metagross, and now his words should not reach Metagross' ears.

At this time, Metagross, who was in the dense fog, no longer knew where to go, up, down, left, and right. It was obviously flying all the time, but it couldn't fly out of the range of the dense fog.

"fin fin"

Tapu-Fin panted heavily, staggered, and almost fell out of the air.

The dense fog that traps Metagross has been created, and its physical strength has completely bottomed out, but this time it is full of confidence, Metagross will never be able to get out of this dense fog.

This dense fog was formed with a large amount of Fairy-type energy, which has a great confusing effect. If a dragon-type Pokémon enters, at least half of it will be destroyed.

And Metagross went in, although he didn't suffer much damage, but the power of confusion in the thick fog made Metagross unable to find his way inside, and also gave it a huge illusion in terms of time.

Metagross felt that he had been flying for at least a few hours, but in fact the outside world was only less than a minute.

Lonely, hopeless, lonely, if (aifi) humans or Pokémon are in this environment for a long time, their spirits will completely collapse.

"fin fin"

Tapu-Fin: If you surrender, I can lift the fog, otherwise your Pokémon spirit may collapse after a long time.

Tapu-Fin is angry that Metagross made himself so dirty, but he never thought of mutilating Metagross. As the guardian of the island, it is a Pokémon that does not like to kill

This is completely two extremes with the Kartana who opens his mouth and cuts off your head, and shuts up and I will hack you to death.

Looking at Tapu-Fin, who felt that the outcome was decided, Jiang Qing smiled slightly and said, "Wait, there may be surprises."

Tapu-Fin frowned, feeling that Meiqing was unwilling to admit defeat, and his impression of Jiang Wei dropped a few notches in an instant.

The opponent's insistence on going his own way may cause Metagross to suffer incurable injuries.

Do you want to go your own way?

Of course not.

As if in response to Jiang Qing, the voice of Mega Metagross came from the dense fog.

"Kang Jin"

Mega Metagross: Here comes the surprise!

The dense fog itself isolates the sound from inside and outside, and now there is the sound of Metagross.

That is to say, the dense fog has been broken.

Tapu-Fin looked in disbelief at the thick fog that was beginning to lighten, before seeing the figure of Mega Metagross in it.

After a few breaths, the dense fog completely disappeared.

Tapu-Fin: How did you break through the fog.

Mist combined with its own Ability, even the other three Pokémon who are also patron saints, will be tricked by accident.

Even after coming out on their own, both physical and mental aspects will be greatly consumed.

But Mega Metagross looked like a normal person now, which made Tapu-Fin subconsciously rubbed his eyes, feeling that he was hallucinating.

But after opening his eyes, he still saw Mega Metagross standing in front of him intact.

Tapu-fin-fin: how do you do it.

He was able to get out of his own thick fog by himself, and he hadn't suffered any harm.

Mega Metagross: rely on brains.

In fact, it really depends on the brain.

In the fog, I don't know the space, I don't know the direction, and I also confuse the time.

Most Pokémon have the same rich emotions as humans, and this emotion has become a sharp knife to hurt themselves in this dense fog.

Because of feelings, once you stay in such a place without time and space for a long time, and there is no one to talk to, you will definitely not be able to bear it mentally.

After a long time, he might become a lunatic.

But Metagross is different, it has a Mega computer, has absolute reason, and in this case, it will not be swayed by emotions.

The confusing effect of the dense fog on it naturally disappeared.

If it were Jiang Qing's other Pokémon, except for Daidai, any Pokémon surrounded by this dense fog would probably be unable to get out.

It can also be regarded as Tapu-Fin has a lot of luck, and Rival happens to be Metagross.

Jiang Qing: "Do you want to continue fighting?"

The Contest Condition of the two sides is already obvious at this time. Tapu-fin is now severely disabled, and although Mega Metagross has also suffered some injuries, it is much better than Tapu-fin.

Unless Tapu-Fin has a game-changing move, and it has the stamina to pull off.

Tapu-Fin shook his head: I lost, you can leave this island.

Although the effect of the Aqua Ring used before still exists, and the injuries on the body are constantly being healed, but the injuries are actually not very serious.

It's that the physical strength is already severely lacking, and now even floating in the air is a bit reluctant.

According to the previous agreement, the island can be obtained after defeating it, and now Jiang Qing has done it.

"If I come back to this island, if I want to leave again later, I have to fight you again," Jiang Qing asked.

It would be a bit troublesome if you have to fight Tapu-fin every time you leave this island.

Tapu-fin's face is slightly black, but fortunately its skin color is relatively dark, so it can't be seen.

Tapu-Fin: No, you are free to come and go from my island.

It has already been defeated once, and it doesn't want to be defeated a second time, and the dense fog is its big killer, which doesn't work against Metagross.

The only way to defeat Metagross is to borrow the power of the island. .

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