Seeing Jiang Qing's firm attitude, as if he must go to the small island in the middle, Yue Peng nodded and said: "Then be careful yourself."

For Jiang Qing's strength, he is still very relieved. Metagross can defeat the peak Elite before breaking through to the Elite level.

Now Metagross is already in the middle and late stages of Elite, so as long as Rival is not the champion, even if he is a quasi-champion, even if he can't beat, he can still run.

"I'll come find you as soon as we're done here"

"Yeah" Jiang Qing nodded.

Then he separated from the four of them and headed towards the small island.

Qin Wu said dissatisfiedly: "He definitely knows that there are good things on that island, so he wants to discuss it alone."

"No one has ever entered this top secret realm except us. What does Jiang Qing know? Maybe the island is attractive to him?" Yue Peng said.

As the captain, Yue Peng had to handle the relationship between several people in the team.

Although the relationship between the five of them is okay now, everyone knows that this so-called relationship is actually not reliable at all, except for Xia Fei and Xiang Wutong.

He made two quarrels and 08 returned to make troubles. If one party is in trouble, the other will definitely give up his life to save it.

They can be regarded as a whole, while Jiang Qing, Yue Peng, and Qin Wu are individuals.

Jiang Qing wants to act alone, Qin Wu thinks that Meiqing has another purpose, and Xiang Wutong wants to go to the snow mountain, Xia Fei will definitely accompany him.

Disagreements and contradictions emerged, and Yue Peng, the captain, expressed a headache.

He is a soldier, and he is really not good at handling things in this area.

Just when Jiang Qing was about to leave the island on Dragonite, a purple shell-like thing suddenly stood in front of Dragonite.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross stood in front of Jiang Qing, staring directly at the guy who appeared suddenly, his eyes were serious.

Its Psychic kept looking around, but he didn't realize how this guy appeared. If the other party had just shot Jiang Qing, he definitely didn't have enough time to react.

"fin fin"

With a brisk sound, the shell-like thing opened, and a mermaid-like Pokémon appeared in the shell.

Pokémon: Tapu-Fin (Water/Fairy)

Grade: 85

Qualification: blue

Ability: Mist Maker

props: none

Gender: None

Moves: Disarming Voice, Water Gun, White Mist, Black Mist, Aqua Ring, Water Pulse, Brine, Defog, Heal Pulse, Surf, Muddy Water, Mean Look, Nature's Madness, Moonblast, Hydro Pump, Soak, Lianwu Field

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Skills: None

Note: Island Guardian (cannot be subdued) Assist island strength can temporarily enter the championship

Even the guardian Shendu came out, what else could this top-level secret realm be if it wasn't the benchmark Alola Region.

Looking at the Tapu-fin in the eye, Jiang Qing didn't feel any hostility from the opponent, but the opponent blocked its way.

The four Yue Peng noticed the situation on Jiang Qing's side, and he rushed over immediately.

"Quasi-Champion Pokémon"

Xia Fei looked at the Pokémon in front of him with serious eyes. This was the first time they encountered a quasi-champion since they entered the secret realm.

And it's a Pokémon I've never seen before.

Tapu-Fin: You cannot leave this island.

"Why?" Jiang Qing asked.

Could it be that after leaving the island, there will be some dangers? It shouldn't be so mysterious.

Tapu-fin shakes his head: just can't leave.

There is no reason, just not to let Jiang Qing go.

Jiang Qing's face sank, what was the matter if he couldn't leave this island, not to mention that he was going to Aether Paradise, he also wanted to go to the other three islands.

So he had to leave this island.

Tapu-Fin: If you want to leave this island, you must defeat me.

"It's enough to beat you"

Tapu-fin fin: hmm

"Then you will borrow the power of the island?" Jiang Qing asked.

Tapu-fin level 85, quasi-championship strength, this strength after Metagross Mega Evolution, is still sure to defeat it.

But if the opponent borrows the power of the island to become a champion, then no matter how evil Metagross is, he can only be beaten on the ground.

Tapu-Fin looked at Jiang Qing quite unexpectedly, how did this human know that he could borrow the power of the island.

Then it shook its head: The power of the island is not used against you.

"Jiang Qing, hurry up and tell me what's going on," Qin Wu said eagerly.

The four saw that Jiang Qing had been communicating with this strange Pokémon, and the other party didn't intend to take the initiative to attack, but they didn't have Psychic, so they could only act in a hurry.

"If you want to leave this island, you must first defeat it. It is the patron saint of this island [and the other throne island also has the same patron saint as it," Yang Qing explained.

Hearing this, the hearts of the four sank.

If this is the case, it will be very difficult for them to beat the quasi-champion with their strength, but it is still possible if they are at the peak of Elite.

"We should be able to defeat him together," Xia Fei said.

You can't fight single-handedly, but group fights are still possible.

"It's better not to" Jiang Qing shook his head.

If the rules of the game are broken, the opponent may borrow the power of the island and become the champion. At that time, even he will not be Rival.

Xia Fei just wanted to ask Jiang Qing why he didn't let the group fight, when he saw that Tapu-Fin's aura was getting stronger and stronger, and within a few breaths, he rose from the quasi-champion to the champion.

Then Tapu-Fin looked at Xia Fei like this, and seemed to ask again: Are you sure you want to go together.

If you don't talk about martial arts, then don't blame me for not talking about martial arts either.

It said before that the power of the island is not used to deal with Jiang Qing and the others, but if they don't behave, it doesn't mind using this power to educate them.

Being stared at by a champion Pokémon, Xia Fei's expression froze and he looked at Xiang Wutong beside him as if asking for help.

And Xiang Wutong turned his head away, saying that he didn't know this guy, which made Xia Fei almost curse, this guy is just so heartless.

Xia Fei: "I'm joking, I'm joking"

Seeing that Tapu-Fin was still looking straight at him, Xia Fei hurriedly explained.

Tapu-Fin then regained his momentum, and at the same time his breath fell to the quasi-champion.

Seeing this, Jiang Qing shrugged: "I said the best and the worst"

Xia Fei said angrily: "But you didn't say that it can become the champion."

The difference in strength between a champion and a quasi-champion is not as big as Normal. Xia Guo in Norda has more than 500 Elites, but only six champions.

Some trainers have been stuck at the pinnacle of quasi-champions for a lifetime, but they can't become champions.

Once you become a champion, it is almost impossible to win with numbers.

Champion-level Pokémon, to a certain extent, can fight a first-level god for a few rounds, and after a few rounds, they will be killed by the first-level god. .

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