Metagross and Aggron chatted quite happily, basically around the topic of education about Kartana, the new thorny boy, of course the big brother has to smooth out his thorns.

The last thorn was Honedge, but it was treated to death in a daze.

As for Kartana, the thorny head, now he doesn't even give face to being dumb, which arouses the comparison between Metagross and Aggron.

We have done things that you can't do, doesn't it mean that we are better than you in terms of (management)?

Looking at the two dead guys, Jiang Qing took Aggron back to the Poké Ball, you are enough, can you think about what you said before you die, did Daidai in the Poké Ball hear-.

It's fine to kill yourself, don't bring-me.

Patting the swaying Poké Ball, Jiang Qing whispered, "They're really not things, you'll teach them a lesson when you're alone."

"Metagross took me to the gate of the secret realm" Jiang Qing said.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross nodded, unaware that it had already offended Daidai, the four Mega brains were now calculating how to educate Kartana.

The two Asan Kingdoms traveled a lot in one day, and it took Metagross and Jiang Qing and other five people a full half a day to arrive at a big mountain.

This mountain is about 500 meters high, and there are not many trees, but some are bare, and there are many exposed tourmalines on the surface of these bare rocks.

There are some Pokémon lying on these tourmalines, namely Geodude, Graveler and Golem, but their forms are different from the outside world.

The Geodude, Graveler, and Golem here all have thick eyebrows, and the Attributes are also different. The Golem outside is Rock and Ground Type, while the Golem here is Rock and Electric Type.

The Attributes are different, and the food required between the two is also slightly different.

These Pokémon Jiang Qing and others did not subdue them, because there were already these Pokémon among the spoils obtained from Ah Sanguo.

Those exposed tourmalines on the ground can actually be sold to the outside world for a lot of money, and they are also considered a good resource. This thing can also be used as an energy source for power generation.

But when you come to the secret realm, you have limited things to carry, and basically no one will choose to take a few stones out.

Jiang Qing wanted to poach the calcium carbide gas away. Although it can't be used as a staple food for Aggron, it can still be eaten as a snack.

It's a pity that Yue Peng and the others are here, and the stones they dug out cannot be put into the system space at all.

Have a chance to dig again.

Thinking this way, Metagross has brought them into a cave, and there are traces of fighting in the cave.

It is likely that the two trainers from the Three Kingdoms drove away the Pokémon inside, so after entering the cave, Jiang Qing and the others did not encounter Pokémon.

"Who would have thought that the gate of this secret realm would be hidden in a cave?" Xiang Wutong sighed.

Right now, in front of them is a three-meter-high, three-meter-wide door to a secret realm. As long as they walk in, they can leave this secret realm.

Although the gate of the secret realm is three meters long, Pokémon over three meters can still go out. Even if the gate of the secret realm is only one meter long, Pokémon of ten meters can still enter and exit.

"I really want to thank them, but they didn't die in pain, this should be regarded as repaying them." Qin Yujiao laughed.

Two Asan Kingdom Trainer: Thank you!!

Originally, the top-level secret realm was huge, and it was the first time I entered it, so it was very difficult to find the door to the secret realm.

Under this premise, if the door to the secret realm is hidden in caves, tree holes, or Soaring in the sky, it will be even more difficult to find.

If you are unlucky, you may never find it in your lifetime.

Fifty years ago, a top-level secret realm appeared in Gaul. None of the Trainers who entered it came back. Everyone thought they were dead. After that, Gaul sent many Trainers in one after another, but none of them came back. come out.

Until five years later, an Elite trainer came out, and this trainer was the first trainer sent in by Gaul.

At that time, Gaul sent a hundred trainers in, and a dozen of them were Elite. Finally, after waiting for five years, one Elite came out.

According to what this Elite said, the reason they couldn't get out was because they couldn't find the door to the secret realm. They searched for a full five years, and they continued to suffer casualties due to various dangers along the way.

At the same time, because they stayed in the secret realm for too long, the medicines they carried had been exhausted, resulting in more casualties.

If he hadn't accidentally rescued a wild Onix, by some coincidence, the rock snake led him to find the door to the secret realm.

0...seeking flowers...

And the door to this secret realm is actually hidden in the underground river.

Underground underground river, this is a fucking place that normal people can find.

If it wasn't for this Onix, he would either die in this secret realm in the end, or be trapped in the secret realm for the rest of his life.

Of course, luck and misfortune depend on each other. After five years in the top-level secret realm, he certainly got a lot of resources and even a treasure.

Relying on these, the opponent became a champion at the age of fifty.

Now the other party is over eighty years old and has become the patron saint of Gaul.

It is not unacceptable that the secret gate of this top secret realm is hidden in a cave, at least it is much better than hiding in an underground river.

Of course such examples are rare.

And as long as the first batch of pioneers who entered the secret realm come back, it means that the door to the secret realm has been found.

After finding the door to the secret realm, the big stone in the hearts of the five people finally fell to the ground.

There is already a way out, and now it is just a matter of exploring the secret realm.

The five people walked out of the cave, Yue Peng said to Reggie Locke beside him: "Hide the cave"

Reggie Locke, who is the Rock God Pillar, can be said to be superb in the use of the energy of the Rock system. Under its operation, the cave disappeared.

And the appearance of the whole mountain has undergone certain changes.

Even if the two trainers of Ah Sanguo were not dead, Samson would not be able to recognize them when they came back here.

"It can still be like this"

Seeing Yue Peng's coquettish manipulation, Jiang Qing was taken aback.

He really didn't think of such a thing as hiding the door to the secret realm that went out.

Now the gate of the secret realm is directly hidden in this mountain, which is no different from being hidden in an underground river.

Except for people with bad luck, other than Jiang Qing and others, people from other countries will not be able to find the door to this secret realm.

"Do you remember the exact location?" Yue Peng asked.

If he was the only one who remembered, Jiang Qing and the others didn't. If he had an accident, Jiang Qing and the others would be unlucky.

Jiang Qing nodded, he has a good memory and sense of direction, and besides is the Mega computer Metagross. .

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