Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

488 News Of The Gate Of The Secret Realm

The injured Charizard was naturally ignored by Imran Khan. He walked towards Charizard step by step and stopped about 30 meters away from Charizard.


Charizard: Stupid.

Imran Khan didn't know that Charizard was scolding him, and thought that Charizard yelled at Growl because he was afraid, and couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

But there was a kind expression on his face: "Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you"

If he wants to subdue Charizard, the best way is naturally to make Charizard be subdued willingly. Of course, if Charizard doesn't appreciate it, then he can only use coercive means.

After saying this, seeing that Charizard didn't make a sound, he thought that Charizard had accepted his kindness, so he couldn't help but walked forward a few more times.

But when he reached the fourth level, the opposite Charizard suddenly launched an attack on him, and a hot Flamethrower attacked him.

But the flames were blocked by Rapidash beside him.

Salman Khan behind him sneered: "It seems that this Charizard doesn't appreciate your favor"

Imran Khan's face was also a bit embarrassed. You, a seriously injured Charizard, dared to resist yourself, and couldn't even see the most basic situation.

"hands on"

He said to Rapidash beside him that at this time Imran Khan was no longer in the mood to communicate with Charizard and increased his feelings.

Let's subdue it first, there is plenty of time to increase feelings later.

Just when Rapidash was about to strike, Charizard suddenly turned into a red light and disappeared.

This made the faces of the two of them change drastically.

This red light is obviously the same red light as when the Poké Ball retrieves the Pokémon.

In other words, this Charizard is not a wild Pokémon at all, but a Trainer.


It's a trap!!

The two came up with the idea together.

At the same time, Jiang Mao and other five people also came out from their hiding place.

Kartana, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, was not pretending anymore, and flew to Jiang Qing's side slowly.

The two trainers of Ah Sanguo turned pale when they saw the person who set up this trap.

Nima, a native of Fengguo.

The relationship between Ah San Guo and Xia Guo is not very friendly.

The main reason is that A Sanguo has no strength, and they still like to talk about it. Many people in China think that A Sanguo is number one in the universe, and Xia Guoxing is nothing in front of them.

Half a year ago, A Sanguo also imprisoned a Pokémon scholar from Xia Guo, and A San Guo ignored Xia Guo's warning and was unwilling to let the scholar go back to China.

Xia Guo sent out the military, and Yue Peng was one of the operatives.

And one of Imran Khan's Pokémon died in Yue Peng's hands during this operation.

Imran Khan also recognized Yue Peng among the five at this time, and his expression was not angry, but a little scared.

It was because Yue Peng killed his Pokémon that he understood Yue Peng's strength, which made him even more desperate.

Not to mention that Xia Guo still has the advantage in terms of numbers.

The number and strength are not superior, and it is still a hostile contest condition.

On the second day of coming to the top secret realm, let them encounter such a Rival, really good.

"You Xia people are despicable"

The atmosphere was somewhat silent, and Salman Khan held back a word for a long time.

But this sentence made his companion Imran Khan almost jump up and slap him.

No matter what time it is, it's fine if you don't please the Xia Guo Trainer, you still anger them, it's because you think you didn't die fast enough.

"Are people in their country so brave?" Jiang Qing asked.

"It should be because I drank too much holy water, which ruined my brain." Xiang Wutong looked at the two of them rather coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's make a quick decision," Yue Peng said.

Jiang Qing's Metagross, Qin Wu's Blaziken, Yue Peng's Reggie Locke, Xiang Wutong's Abomasnow, and Xia Fei's Dragonite "five Pokémon are about to wipe out the two of them together.

Imran Khan hurriedly said: "Don't kill us, we have found the location of the gate to the secret realm"

"As long as you don't kill us, we'll tell you"

True or false, luck is so good.

When the five heard this, of course they didn't do anything.

Because entering the top-level secret realm from the outside world, they will be randomly teleported to a certain place in the secret realm, instead of directly appearing behind the gate of the secret realm.

It is the first time to explore a new top-level secret realm, the treasures, resources, Pokémon, etc. are very important, but it is obviously more important to find the door to the secret realm.

Originally in Yue Peng's plan, they first explored the secret realm for two months, and then searched for the gate of the secret realm.

Unexpectedly, the people from Ah Sanguo had already been found.

"You guys are so lucky"

Jiang Qing, who is a non-chief, obviously did not believe what these two people said.

Imran Khan was afraid that Jiang Qing would not believe him, so he explained in a panic: "The place where we randomly appeared is near the gate of the secret realm."

Nima, this luck is really good.

Because entering from the outside world randomly appears somewhere in the top secret realm, so if you are lucky enough, you might land near the gate of the secret realm.

If you don't kill us, we'll tell you"

"Otherwise it will take a long time for you to find the door to the secret realm."

Perhaps because of this, these two trainers from the Three Kingdoms actually felt that they were doing well again.

"It's true that drinking too much holy water can't help your brain." Jiang Qing shook his head.

Then he gave Metagross a look.

Metagross nodded and flew towards the two of them.

Of course, their Pokémon wanted to stop Metagross, but they were rubbed against the ground by Qin Wu and the other four's Pokémon.

In this crushing situation, the two Trainers of the Three Kingdoms didn't even have the chance to send out other Pokémon, and were directly controlled by the Golden Monster.

As the Psychic of Metagross flooded into Imran Khan's mind, he searched his memories of the past two days bit by bit.

Searching memory is a very delicate job.

If your Psychic is too big, you will kill this person directly, if you are too small, you will not be able to search for the king).

Most of the psychic systems are unable to search human memory, which is the main reason why these two trainers of the Three Kingdoms think that Jiang Qing will not kill them.

Because Metagross has a Mega computer in its body, it controls Psychic and its own power. Except for the same kind, none of the other Pokémon is its Rival.

The eyes of Imran Khan, whose memory was being searched, turned white, his body twitched constantly, and Salman Khan, who was watching, turned pale.

It didn't take long for Metagross tossing Imran Khan, now an idiot, to the ground, killing him and ending his misery.

"Please, don't kill me, I am willing to be Xia Guo Trainer"

The death of his companion made Salman Khan kneel on the ground in fright.

But the next second, he was off to accompany Imran Khan.

"You deserve to be Xia Guo's Trainer"

Qin Wu spat at his corpse. .

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