Metagross broke through and became the late Elite, and at this time, it is definitely very timely. Of course, this is thanks to the system.

He was given the Time Capsule in a timely manner, which was completely prepared for Metagross.

The four are not asking how Metagross became Elite, it is directly the later stage.

Now that the five of them are in the top secret realm, they cannot be distracted.

"Follow the plan," Yue Peng said.

In the team of five, Yue Peng is the captain, not because he is the strongest, but because he has the most experience in outdoor life.

Jiang Qing and the others nodded.

They didn't leave the place, a brand new top-level secret realm, the first thing you have to do is to figure out the surrounding environment and where you are.

The five each sent another Pokémon.

Jiang Qing Dragonite, Xia Fei Dragonite, Yue Peng Archeops, Qin Wu Charizard, Xiang Wutong Delibird.

All five Pokémon have Flying Type.

Following the orders of several people, five Pokémon flew in five directions.

"Wait for them to come back, we are acting"

The purpose of sending out five Pokémon is naturally to find out the surrounding environment and whether there are powerful Pokémon nearby.

If you rush forward without knowing anything, you may have stepped into the territory of a powerful Pokémon without knowing it. 093

If you want to survive longer in the unexplored top secret realm, one word is stability.

"Coconut Eggs"

"Coconut Eggs"

There was the sound of Leafage rubbing against branches, and some kind of Pokémon Growl.

"It sounds like an Exeggutor," Xia Fei said.

It does sound a lot like Exeggutor.


Qin Wu suddenly pointed to the front, with a slightly shocked expression on her face.

Looking in the direction of her finger, she saw seven unknown Pokémon that looked like Exeggutor, but whose necks grew out of the sky, walking in front of her.

And the sound of "coconut eggs, coconut eggs" is constantly coming out of my mouth.

"Is this an Exeggutor?"

"But isn't the neck too long?"

Xiang Wutong opened his mouth and looked at the seven "Exeggutor" in front of him. The length of the neck is really disproportionate to its body.

"This may be another form of Exeggutor," Jiang Qing guessed.

A normal Exeggutor is about two meters tall, but the Exeggutor in front of him should be about ten meters tall by visual inspection.

At this height, most Pokémon have been killed in seconds.

"You mean another way of Exeggcute's evolution?" Xia Fei said.

"Almost." Jiang Qing nodded.

He can't say that this Exeggutor is in the form of Alola, and the other party doesn't understand it.

On the contrary, it is another evolutionary form of Exeggcute, which is easier for people to understand.

Because the Pokémon of the Regional Variant has not been found yet, the Exeggutor in front of me is the first time.

"Conquer first"

Yue Peng gave Reggie Locke a look.

These seven are different in shape. The Exeggutor is not very high level, so it is only elite.

I have never seen an Exeggutor in this form, of course I have to subdue it, and then take it outside for research.

Reggie Locke made a shot, and the seven Exeggutors had no counterattack power at all, and were quickly packed into the Poké Ball.

Of the seven Exeggutors, two were given to Jiang Qing, two to Xia Fei, and one to each of the remaining three.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket, it's safest to be open.

"This Exeggutor should have Dragon Type"

Xia Fei himself has the power to control dragons, and is particularly sensitive to dragons. He felt a burst of dragon energy from Exeggutor's Poké Ball.

It proves that this Exeggutor has Dragon Type, and the leaf on the top also means that it has Grass Type.

Then this Exeggutor should be the Grass Dragon Double Attribute.

"Look like a Dragon Type?" Xiang Wutong acted like you don't lie to me.

The dragon-type Pokémon discovered now, looks more or less similar to dragons. Even if it is Druddigon who has the shame of the dragon family, it is normal to have a dragon-type by looking at its head.

And now this Exeggutor who looks different, looks different from the dragons in the outside world.

If it's really a dragon.

Then this Exeggutor is estimated to be the least dragon-like (dbbg) dragon Pokémon.

"Your dragon is still the same as you, it's getting more and more strange."

Xiang Wutong seized the opportunity to stab Xia Fei.

"Just be jealous," Xia Fei said flatly.

He knew exactly what Xiang Wutong meant by saying this, but he was jealous of the addition of a dragon-type Pokémon, and perhaps his strength would be improved as a result.


When Reggie Locke defeated the seven Exeggutors just now, it inevitably caused some commotion.

Some Pokémon ran away immediately after hearing the noise, while others ran over curiously to see if there was any bargain.

"Different color Rattata" Qin Wu said in surprise.

A Black Rattata appeared in front of several people, but in the next second behind it appeared more than a dozen Rattatas exactly like it.

They are all in Black. If you look closely, the appearance is actually a little different from Rattata.

Obviously this is definitely not a heterochromatic Pokémon, because there are too many of them, and the number of heterochromatic Pokémon is not like this.

“Another Rattata in a different form”

Jiang Qing doubts whether this top-level secret realm is the Alola Region in the anime.

Exeggutor in Alola form, and Rattata.

It may be accidental that one appears, but it may not be accidental that there are two.

Metagross directly controlled ten Pokémon with mental force.

After subduing them, there were exactly two of the five people.

“Surprised again and again”

Qin Wu held the Poké Ball, with a little excitement on her face.

She tamed two Pokémon with different shapes just now, at least it was a good start, and then she looked at Jiang Qing.

"Jiang Qing, your African Attribute seems to be overshadowed by my lucky Attribute"

Jiang Qing: "I am not an African chieftain"

The expression is very flat, as if telling a real thing.

It's just that Metagross didn't cooperate very much. When Qin Wu said that he was not a chieftain, he even showed an expression that you all know.

"Don't pretend, the five of us are fighting against Xia Shang's Pokémon, what kind of move is your Metagross, it is paralyzed by Thunder Punch, the second protection fails, and the special defense is reduced by Shadow Ball"


Jiang Qing stretched out his palm to stop Qin Wu from continuing, and then said with a stubborn face: "You also said that Metagross recruited hackers, and that's why it's none of my business."

"Metagross you say is not"

Jiang Qing looked at Metagross with a smile.

Now it makes sense, it's not that I'm not a chieftain, but my Pokémon are all non-chieftains, that's why it's like this.

Metagross: As long as you like it.

"Kang Jin"

Seeing Metagross nodded slowly, he obviously gave in.

Metagross: I am still very clear about the full meal.

Jiang Qing: Very good, extra meal at night.

"Metagross you blink if you're under duress".

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