Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

473 Training Content

After thinking about it, Jiang Qing felt that he didn't have to worry about having too many debts, since he already owed Xia's family favors anyway, so it didn't matter if he owed another one.

The number of treasures like tear crystals is extremely rare, and the Jiang family doesn't even have one.

Jiang Oreburgh didn't stay long. As the champion of the Xia Kingdom, although he was not as busy as the Rams, he usually had a lot of things to deal with.

After Jiang Oreburgh left, Jiang Qing lay on the bed, and Celebi's Poké Ball opened automatically.

Celebi: Take off!


It's been a day since I played Pokémon Glory, and now that my mental injuries have been healed, I have to fight against Lu Qing and Jubilife.

"Stay in the wild"

Of course, if you want to have a happy Celebrate, the premise is that the Tongtian generation Daidai is there, otherwise the fight will not be Celebrate, but you will be looking for abuse.

Celebi: Nidoking has a new skin, buy me one.

Looking at the new skin of Nidoking on the homepage, the mechanical future, full of sense of technology, Celebi was instantly moved.

Jiang Qing: "Didn't I charge 20,000 yuan to your account?"

Celebi said embarrassingly: I ran out, I smoked the glory crystal.

Jiang Qing raised his brows and asked curiously: "All the 20,000 yuan has been drawn."

Celebi: Smoked.

Jiang Qing: "How many crystals were drawn"

Celebi proudly stretched out his left and right hands, each raising a finger: eleven.

Drawing glory crystals is entirely dependent on luck, but two thousand yuan can definitely win one, but if you draw ten glory crystals in a row, one will be given to you.

Thinking of this, Quan looked at Shi Libi scornfully: You are not a chieftain.

After hearing this, Celebi said extremely unconvinced: I was infected by you, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, do you understand?

Jiang Qing was taken aback for a moment, then he was annoyed and pulled Celebi's chubby cheeks and said, "You have learned idioms, so do you know what is called a parent of food and clothing?"

Celebi said inarticulately: You took advantage of me.

The slippery feeling from his hands made Jiang Qing let go of his hands in disgust.

Jiang Qing, who was still sleeping soundly the next day, was forced to turn it on by Dadai.

"Daidai, I'm still sick, you can't do this"

Jiang Qing called Yawn very dissatisfied.

During his mental injury, Daidai agreed that he could sleep in and skip breakfast, which made Jiang Qing painful and happy.

And now there is no joy, only pain.

"Yah dong"

Dazed: You are ready.

Jiang Qing said unwillingly: "But the pain of getting up early may cause my injury to recur."

However, Dadai ignored it and brought the breakfast to Jiang Qing.

Dazed: eat

easy to understand.

Jiang Qing: "Oh"

easy to understand.

After breakfast, Jiang Qing came to the town of Meowth, the indoor battleground where the selection was held yesterday.

At the same time, four people including Xiang Wutong, Yue Peng, Xia Fei, and Qin Wu had also arrived, plus Jiang Qing, the five people had already arrived.

And standing in front of them is the current dragon Elite Xia Shang, who is also the second in the Elite ranking and a quasi-championship Trainer.

Ten days later, the five of them will go to a top secret place on an island in the Western Ocean, accompanied by a total of 100 trainers from nearly 30 other countries, large and small.

The unexplored top secret realms are full of crises, and besides the partners around them, the other ninety-five trainers are competing for Rival.

Even when Wei Xia's partners face a huge opportunity, they may secretly plot against you.

The five of them are companions, Rivals, and even enemies at some point.

And no matter what role they want to Role Play in the future, the most important thing is strength. If you don't have strength, it's a shame to still Role Play, so you should think about how to save your life.

"I will train you these few days, I hope you can survive"

When he said the last three words, Jiang and the other five shuddered.

Jiang Qing: Nima, this is the rhythm of death.

"Come on, read this first"

Xia Shang waved his hand, and soon someone handed Jiang a piece of paper for each of them.

It says the daily training content.

Seeing the training content above, Jiang Qing and the other five were so good, their faces changed wildly.

Jiang Qing: Grandpa, the Jiang family may be on the verge of becoming extinct, so let your father and mother have another one while they are young.

Training content.

1. Five-person irregular field fight

2. Survive alone in the wild forest for a day and a night without the company of Pokémon

3. If you survive the attack of the quasi-champion Dragonite, you can use Pokémon, only one.

4. Extreme survival training in the wild, you can use Pokémon

5. Work together to defeat his Pokémon

There are only five training items, not many, but this intensity

Jiang Qing: If you want to kill us, just say so.

Just the first field fight without rules, and it was a five-person melee, even if he had the power of high-level Psychic and high-level waveguide, he didn't dare to say that he could win.

And among these four people, he is not the only one with special abilities.

In one-on-one field fights, Jiang Qing thought he could defeat any of them, and he would not hesitate in one-on-two.

But if five people fight in a melee, the complexity and danger will be much higher.

The second training content is even more dangerous.

Survive a day and a night in the wild without Pokémon.

Pokémon below level 10 poses a very low threat to humans, but if it exceeds level 10, the danger will rise in a straight line.

For an eleventh-level Catterpie, a String Shot might strangle you to death.

Without the company of Pokémon in the wild, it is basically difficult for ordinary people to live for an hour in this situation.

Among the five training contents, the most dangerous one is the second one.

These five training contents are also very targeted.

The third item is to test their own strength. It is very likely that champion-level Pokémon, or even mythical beasts, will appear in the top secret realm, and they will encounter this level of Rival.

I don't expect you to win, but at least you have the ability to escape.

The fourth item is actually similar to the second item. They all test your ability to survive in the wild. The difference is that one can use Pokémon and the other cannot.

Because in the secret realm, if you are unlucky (Nuo Zhao is good) and all Pokémon are injured and cannot be used, then you can rely on yourself, and the second content is very important.

As for the fifth item, it is to test the cooperation ability of Jiang Qing and other five people, and to cultivate their tacit understanding.

Entering the top secret realm, five people acting together can maximize the safety aspect, so there must be a certain basic tacit understanding between the five people, so that they can better exert their own strength.

"You've read it all," Xia Shang said.

Jiang Qing and the other five nodded. They finished reading this content in a minute, but it took five minutes for Xia Shang to ask.

I guess it was to give Jiang Qing and the others a certain amount of mental preparation time.

"If you want to quit, you can leave now"

Of course, no one is willing to leave, not to mention that the five of them are extremely confident in their own strength, and they can't get through it just because of their face. If they really leave, it will not only lose their own face, but also their family's face.

Xia Fei felt that if he left, the old man in front of him would definitely kill his relatives righteously. .

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