Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

467 Metagross: Massage Strength Is Okay

The second Wen Xi, who has already sent Pokémon, is an extremely beautiful Ninetales with saffron-colored hair, red eyes, and nine tails that slowly open behind him like a peacock.

With this appearance, it can definitely fascinate a lot of people.

Many Celebrities like to raise Ninetales because of their noble and elegant image.

And the nine tails behind Ninetales have mysterious power, and it can live for a thousand years, which is a very long-lived Pokémon.

Pokémon: Ninetales (Fire)

Level: 75

Qualification: Green

Ability: Flash Fire

Props: Charcoal

Gender: male

Moves: Flame Vortex, Extrasensory, Spite, Inferno, Grudge, Burn Up, Ember, Imprison, Confuse Ray, Disable, Quick Attack, Nasty Plot, Safeguard,, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp

Skill Discs: Hyper Beam, Protection, Solar Beam, Swift, Attract, Sunny Day, Rest, Heat Wave, Psyshock

Genetic Abilities: Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Iron Tail, Dig

Ninetales in the middle of Elite, and still male.

In the Ninetales family, the proportion of males is relatively small, and most of them are females.

Jiang Qing didn't take back Metagross, and won't.

The five of them are the most outstanding geniuses officially recognized by the Xia Kingdom. If they don't show their absolute strength, how can they convince the public.

One to five is the best way to show one's strength.

I am a Pokémon, and I will fight the strongest Pokémon among the five of you, and see what you have to say later.

"Ninetales Sunny Day" Wen Xi immediately issued an order.

His Ninetales are only in the middle stage of Elite, and they don't have the ability of Mega Evolution yet. In order to narrow the gap with Metagross, first create a favorable weather for him.

As a ball of light spits out of Ninetales' mouth, a small sun is formed.

Jiang Qing didn't stop it.

Under Sunny Day, fire skills will be improved to a certain extent.

In fact, weather skills are the easiest to crack.

As long as your Pokémon is stronger than the opponent, after the opponent uses the weather skill, you also use the weather skill, you can directly break the opponent's weather skill and grab the weather that is beneficial to you.

Under Sunny Day, Ninetales Saffron-colored fur is shining, as if covered with a layer of veil, adding a sense of mystery.

"Metagross Metal Claw"

Jiang Qing launched the attack first, and as the words fell, Metagross' body disappeared in place.


Ninetales' body quickly ran on the field, and his posture was extremely elegant.

Metagross' Metal Claw didn't hit.

Watching the Ninetales scurrying around the field like flies, Metagross's Mega brain went into action.

Calculated in an instant, where Ninetales and so on will appear.

"Ninetales stop," Wen Xi said quickly.

Just when Metagross appeared where Ninetales was about to come, Ninetales actually stopped.

Jiang Qing looked at Wen Xi with some differences. This guy was able to discover that Metagross was calculating the movement trajectory of Ninetales. There was something about this command ability.


Ninetales opened his mouth, and a crimson flame sprayed out. Because of the blessing of Sunny Day, the power has increased a lot.

The air in front was distorted by the scorching heat.

Facing the Flamethrower, Metagross focused his eyes, and a crescent-shaped Psycho Cut was launched, and there was a tearing sound in the air.

The Flamethrower was split in half from it.

With Ninetales screaming, Psycho Cut knocked him out.

If its power hadn't been weakened by the Flamethrower, it might not be able to get up now.

"so strong"

Wen Xi's pupils shrank slightly, and now he understood why it took less than two minutes. Only when you really meet this Metagross will you know the horror of the opponent.

Looking at the time card, my mother will not be here for a minute.

"Body Slam"

Metagross flew to the sky of Ninetales, and then fell rapidly, with four claws facing downwards. With the sharpness of the claws, if you are hit, your stomach will be pierced.


Wen Xi roared.

Ninetales, who had just stood up, rolled to the side violently.

The next second, with a bang, the Metagross fell from the position it was just now, and a large crater appeared, and some flying rags hit Ninetales like bullets.

Metagross is a light metal ability. If it weren't for this ability, with its original weight, if it hits the ground so high, the effect of vibration is similar to that of Earthquake.

"Ninetales Iron Tail"

Looking at Metagross so close at hand, Wen Xi seemed to see an opportunity.

The nine tails on the back of Ninetales raised high.


As the first tail falls, the second, third, fourth - ninth follows.

Lightning five consecutive nine whips.

A series of nine Iron Tails hit Metagross, and the huge force drove Metagross directly into the ground.

Seeing this, Wen Xi clenched his fists tightly, as if he saw victory.

Nine Iron Tails, although one is not heavier than the other, the power is the same.

But you are hit by nine Iron Tails, the combined damage is absolutely terrible.

With this power, it is more than enough to build a building.

Ninetales was out of breath, this way of using Iron Tail was terribly exhausting for its stamina.

Its eyes were fixed on the pit ahead.

Click click click.

As some rubble fell, Metagross' body slowly rose from the pit.

Under the sunshine of Sunny Day, the silver-white body didn't even have a trace of scars, but instead reflected a kind of metallic luster.

Metagross: The massage is not bad.

Ninetales: You're being polite.

Metagross: Go down.

Meteor Mash is constantly enlarged in the eyes of Ninetales, and under Iron Tail, its body is still in a fatigued Contest Condition, and it cannot be avoided at all.

As the eyes go dark, it doesn't know what will happen next.

Time card time, one minute and fifty-nine seconds.

Wen Xi silently took back Ninetales. During the battle, he had already seen the result, but he still had a little hope, after all, what if there was a miracle.

Sure enough, a miracle did not happen.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross looked across the field, waiting for the third man to enter.

"I've done enough damage to Metagross, don't waste the opportunity I created," Wen Xi said seriously.

Looking at the Metagross that I can still hit ten, the remaining three looked at Wen Xi with expressions that you thought I was blind.

"Internal injury, you should understand"

Three people: I believe you are a ghost.

After finishing speaking, he walked up to Mo Fei, and said lightly: "Time is the same as you, and I almost lasted longer than you."

Could it be that looking at Wen Xi, he felt that this guy was far better at pretending than love.

Jiang Qing pretends to be capable, but you still pretend to be in front of me if you have no strength.

Shameless things. .

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