"This is a voluntary principle, if you don't want to go, you don't have to go"

Jiang Oreburgh is actually contradictory. He doesn't want to choose to escape because of his grandson's timidity, but the top secret realm is too dangerous. Even if Jiang Qing's talent is amazing, he may never return.

If Jiang Qing was given another five years, Jiang Oreburgh wouldn't be so worried.

"Don't worry, grandpa, I'll be fine"

Jiang Qing heard the worry in Jiang Oreburgh's words, and hurriedly comforted her.

Going is definitely a must, men who hang out are fearless.

"Five places have been determined, you are one of them, but someone will challenge you later, if you fail, your place will belong to him"

"Understood." Jiang Qing nodded.

With Xia Kingdom's huge population base, there are naturally a lot of geniuses born.

Only five people can enter the top secret realm this time, and they can only be less than 30 (including "repeated five EE yen").

Xia Guo has a total of 30 people selected, and the official has decided on five people, and the remaining twenty-five people need to challenge these five people to get the places.

The time is set in two days.

After Jiang Oreburgh continued to chat with Jiang Qing for a while, he hung up the phone.

"Is the result of the investigation by the champion of the Rams the Eight Ga Kingdom?" Jiang Qing asked.

Gongyang Nan nodded, thinking of Jiang Qing's phone call just now, so he asked, "Did Jiang Guanjun tell you?"

"Why did the Baga Kingdom attack and kill you?"

Gongyang Nan asked puzzledly, although the relationship between the two countries is not good, but Baga Kingdom should not have the guts to do such a thing.

So Jiang Qing told Ram Nan what Jiang Oreburgh told him just now.

"There should be a shadow of the Stars and Stripes in it"

It is true that Baga Kingdom cannot compare with Xia Kingdom, but they have a godfather, Stars and Stripes Kingdom and Xia Kingdom are both Mega countries, and they have been vying for the top spot.

If there was the backing of the Stars and Stripes, it would be very possible for the Baga Kingdom to attack and kill Jiang Qing.

At the same time, the Baga Kingdom itself was at odds with the Xia Kingdom, and as soon as it was encouraged by the godfather, and with the help of the godfather, it became more courageous.

Some time ago, he assassinated Xia Guo's strongest ram champion, and now he is attacking and killing Jiang Qing, the leader of Xia Guo's younger generation.

In terms of guts, Baga Kingdom is indeed fat, and in terms of death, he ranks third

I don't know if Baga Kingdom can stop Xia Kingdom's anger at that time.


"Temporary task release"

"Get the quota to enter the top secret realm"

"Mission Reward: Spirit Healing Potion, Time Capsule (two years), 3,000 points"

The voice in his head shocked Jiang Qing mentally.

The temporary task system has not been released for a long time, and now he completes daily tasks every day, most of the task rewards are points, and these points are also the main source for him to purchase various items in the system mall.

At present, he still has a long-term main task, to obtain the Badge of 18 national gymnasiums, this task cannot be completed in a short time.

Now there is a temporary mission, and the mission rewards the first thing, which happens to be prepared for Jiang Qing.

Spirit healing potion, the system mall sells for 30,000 points.

Jiang Qing was not willing to buy it, so he could only endure the mental pain.

The second time capsule (two years), Jiang Qing doesn't know what it is, this is the first time it has appeared, but there is an introduction on it.

After reading the introduction, Jiang Qing was very excited.

Time capsule (two years): After using it, you will get two years of natural growth experience.

Under normal conditions, wild Pokémon below the elite level can increase by about ten levels in two years, while quasi-Elite is estimated to increase by two or three levels in two years.

The Pokémon with Trainer is multiplied on this basis.

Of course, if the strength reaches the Elite level, it won't improve much in two years.

What Jiang Qing lacks most now is time.

There is no need to give him five years, as long as two years, or even one year, Metagross can all become Elite Pokémon.

Of course, it is also possible now, but Jiang Qing still wants to continue accumulating background information.

"what happened to you"

Seeing Jiang Qing's expression, Gongyang Nan was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became inexplicably excited.

I thought Jiang Qing's injury was serious again.

He looked worried at once.

"It's okay, I just thought of something suddenly"

Seeing Gong Yangnan's expression of your mental illness becoming more serious, Jiang Qing hastily explained.


Gongyang Nan looked at Jiang Qing suspiciously, always feeling that what the other party said just now was lying to her.

"Why did you lie to me?" Jiang Qing asked.

And Celebi, who was eating potato chips on the sofa, had a mocking face, and believed that what love just said was definitely not the truth. 0

Only this stupid woman would believe Jiang Qing's nonsense.

The clever Master Celebi has already detected everything.

"Yah dong"

Dumbly handed Jiang Qing a pack of walnuts, and incidentally gave Gong Yang Nan a pack.

"Stay dumb, I'm mentally injured, eating walnuts doesn't seem to work"

Jiang Qing deliberately wanted to refuse, and there should be no other meaning in giving walnuts to others, but giving walnuts blankly is just to let you fill your brains and think you are too stupid.

Being given walnuts in a daze again, Jiang Qing felt insulted.

"Yah dong"

Dazed: You don't want it?


In order to live happily in this family, Jiang Qing chose to be obedient.

Celebi: You are so cowardly, I despise you.

He looked blankly at Celebi, and then handed Celebi a pack of walnuts.

Celebi: I like walnuts the most.

Jiang Qing looked at Celebi with disdain: "You are really shameless."

Celebi: This family cannot survive without a face.

Seeing Jiang Qing talking to Celebi, but Gongyang Nan couldn't understand what Celebi was saying, but looking at Celebi's expression and Jiang Qing's words, the two seemed to be looking down on each other.

And the walnuts in his hand, of course Gongyang Nan knew what Daidaike meant.

"Yah dong"

Dazed: You don’t want it either?

Looking at the dull "pure" eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, Gongyang Nan still took the walnut. 2.3 scenes, dazedly send walnuts.

Eating walnuts and chatting, the atmosphere is very harmonious, but this so-called integration is what Kilometer Nan thinks so much.

Jiang Qing and Celebi have been fighting each other, so Celebi can't speak human words, otherwise, he would have spoken ill of Jiang Qing in front of Gongyang Nan.

Daidai is already busy in the kitchen, and Gongyang Nan is also going to eat here today, so it has specially changed the menu for tonight.

Seeing Celebi gulping and showing off Kuo Le, and after drinking, he looked at Jiang Zhi proudly.

Jiang Qing was ordered to drink only one can of Kuole a day.

Celebi doesn't care what he eats or drinks.

Jiang Qing: "What are you proud of, you are a poor student who was abandoned by the teacher, and there is no way to save it"

Celebi: I'm going to drink another can, this time with lime flavor.

Jiang Qing: I'm so angry. .

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