It has been three days since Jiang Qing was attacked and killed. It seems that the whole Xia Kingdom is calm, but there is a storm in the dark.

Especially with the Jiang family who have a bad relationship, or even a hostile family, everyone is in danger, for fear that Jiang Oreburgh or Jiang Lan will come to the door.

Because on the day Jiang Qing was attacked and killed, Jiang Oreburgh went directly to the Han family and killed the head of the Han family.

It is not clear whether the Han family did this matter, but the Han family is the most suspected, but before the investigation, Tai Oreburgh directly killed the head of the Han family.

Originally, most of the Han family had been abolished by Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan, from a big family to a small and medium family, and now the patriarch died again.

This status is about to drop again.

Fortunately, Jiang Oreburgh only killed the head of the Han family, and did not kill the rest of the Han family, because Jiang Oreburgh did not find any evidence.

If there is evidence to prove that it was done by the Han family, then it is absolutely impossible for this family to continue to exist.

Whether this matter was done by the Han family is not important anymore, the entire Han family is completely in decline.

So the family that has a bad relationship with the Jiang family is of course afraid.

Jiang Oreburgh behaved so unreasonably, I just ask you if you panic.

Inside the villa, Jiang Qing is competing with Celebi for the position on the confrontation road.

Celebi: Your brain is injured, it's better for me to fight against the road.

Under the extreme outbreak of Psychic, Jiang Qing was indeed mentally damaged, and he could only recover slowly, or buy medicine from the system mall.

Looking at the points required for the medicine, Jiang Qing felt that he was not short of time, so he should take it slowly.

Jiang Qing: "Brain injury is better than you handicapped party"

It is his dignity to fight against the road, how could it be given to Celebi.

This side came over blankly holding the sedative medicine, and Magearna was still following beside him.

Magearna has now become a good helper for Daidai.

Cooking in a daze, it will start.

It sweeps the floor blankly, it cleans the windows.

"Yah dong"

Dazed: I took medicine.

Looking at the black medicine, Jiang Qing showed a bitter expression, this medicine is really too bitter.

Moreover, this prescription was researched by himself by reading medical books in a daze.

This is also Daidai's first contact with the medical field, and he spent an evening teaching himself medical skills, and he is still very profound in Chinese medicine.

And Jiang Qing became his first patient.

After drinking the medicine in one gulp, the bitter Jiang Qing stuck out his tongue, took the water that was handed over to him, and took a few gulps.

"Daily, I feel that I am almost fine, and I should not need to drink this medicine"~"

This medicine was so bitter that Jiang Qing doubted his life, so he continued to drink it. He was afraid that not only would he not be able to recover, but his spirit would even worsen.

After all, suffering is very torturous.

"Yah dong"

He shook his head blankly, indicating that the medicine could not be stopped.

Daidai: I have recently pondered a new recipe, and I will try it for you tomorrow.

Jiang Qing's body trembled: "Stay dumb, I think this recipe is pretty good, let's go with this one"

New formula?

Who knows if this new recipe will be more bitter.

Although this recipe is bitter, at least there is no problem with eating it.

Don't eat stupid new recipes at that time, and eat yourself up.

The people behind the scenes are even happier.

Seeing Jiang Qing almost jumped up from the sofa in fright, Celebi opened his mouth and smiled silently.

It just likes to watch Jiang Qing make a fool of himself.

"By the way, I feel that Celebi is getting fat again, why don't you prescribe a prescription for him to lose weight?"

If you suffer yourself, you have to drag Celebi into the water no matter what.

Just now you laughed so happily, I will make you cry now.

Celebi became anxious when he heard that, Jiang Qing's expression every time he drank the medicine was the source of his happiness for a day, but he didn't want to be this source.

Celebi: I'm not fat, I'm a standard figure.

Looking at Celebi, who is fat in the air, if the flesh on his stomach does not shake, the credibility of this statement is quite high.

"Yah dong"

Daidai: I'll think about a prescription tonight, and I'll prescribe you a diet pill tomorrow.

Celebi: (T_T)

It was such a happy decision.

Celebi doesn't even have the energy to play games now.

It Rage looked at the instigator Jiang Qing, as it was on the first floor, it chose the confrontation road in seconds.

Jiang Qing no longer cares about this, and proudly said: "Then I will beat the child."

Six minutes later, Jiang Qing and Celebi "happily" ended the game amid the greetings of the three teammates.

"Garbage, against the road 1-10-0 you are really good"

Celebi: The jungler is 0-20-1, you are better.

Jiang Qing: "It's not that these teammates can't do it. The mage doesn't roam, the support doesn't follow me, and the shooter uses his feet to operate"

Celebi nodded in agreement: We should have been sanctioned by the system, and we were only matched with some immortal teammates.

Celebi: Still playing or not.

Jiang Qing: "No more fights"

Teaming up with a little trash like Celebi, in addition to losing points, just makes his head hurt.

After speaking, Jiang Qing left the sofa and went to the backyard to serve as a courtier.

As soon as they came to the backyard, two Togekiss flew down from the ginkgo tree and landed in front of Jiang Qing.

There are their Pokémon eggs on the ginkgo tree, and it is estimated that Togepi will be born in more than ten days.

For most Pokémon, it takes about 15 days from Pokémon egg to birth, for Quasi-God, it takes about one month, and for Bug Type Pokémon, it takes only two or three days.

And Togepi takes almost twenty days.

With the appearance of Jiang Qing, other Pokémon immediately surrounded him, even though it had been three days.

But everyone is still worried about Jiang Qing.

When resting in the backyard at night, half of the Pokémon keep vigil, for fear that someone will attack Jiang Qing.

"."Okay, I'm almost fine now"

Jiang Qing patted Arcanine's overstretched head, then bent down and picked up Bagon who was pulling his leg.

Although the little guy was still young, he was very sensible. Knowing that Jiang Qing was injured, he touched Jiang Qing's face with his little hand, and then jumped out of Jiang Qing's arms (Qian Haohao).

I feel that holding myself will tire Jiang Qing.

Knowing what the little guy was thinking, Jiang Qing smiled, and picked up Bagon again: "With your weight, you won't be able to tire me. You can just hold one of you."

Doublade gesticulated in front of Jiang Qing, his sharp breath cutting through the air.

It is expressing that after finding the enemy, it will use this method to replace Jiang Qing Retaliate.

Aggron said that it was too troublesome to do so, and it just sat on the ass and died.

The most guilty ones are Metagross and Gengar.

One was carried by Jiang Qing, but when Jiang Qing was in danger, it didn't make a timely move.

On the other hand, the dzi beads in his body erupted that day, and he couldn't hide in Jiang Qing's shadow, so something happened that day.

In order to appease Metagross and Gengar, Jiang Qing had a splitting headache that day, and tried to pretend that nothing happened.

And this incident really cannot be blamed on them, it is also the result of Jiang Qing's carelessness. .

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