The Conference hall of Imperial University, this place can accommodate 5,000 students, the number is actually not too many, most of the time the Conference hall is closed.

There are no empty seats here today, even the aisles on both sides are full of students.

Because the one who came to the conference class today is the current Dragon Elite, Xia Shang Elite who is ranked second in the Elite Ranking, and Jiang Lan is the first.

If such a powerful person gives lectures, anyone who can come in, no matter if they are from the dragon department or not, will come in.

Jiang Qing's second attribute is dragon, so this time he also came.

Xia Shang Elite, even if he usually wants to get in touch, it is very difficult.

For a person of his status and from the Xia family, his love status is a junior in his eyes.

Of course, the relationship between Jiang Qing and the Xia family is not bad. Jiang Qing has been in the special high-level secret realm Dragon's Den managed by the Xia family, and Dragonite has become an Elite-level Pokémon there.

Xia Yu sat on Jiang Qing's left, and Han Bingqing sat on his right.

"Aren't you a grass trainer, what are you doing here?" Jiang Wei asked.

Han Bingqing coquettishly said: "I'm here to chase stars"

Well, in fact, most of the students who come here are not here to attend lectures at all, the main thing is to chase stars.

Xia Yu said: "I will get you an autograph when the time comes"

Xia Shang is Xia Yu's uncle, so getting an autograph is completely childish, and this guy even used this autograph to chase after Stephanie's son in school.

Of course, he didn't want to chase Han Bingqing, who in Imperial University didn't know the relationship between Han Bingqing and Jiang Qing, and of course Gongyang Nan.


Han Bingqing nodded.

Elite's signatures, especially Xia Shang's elite signatures, if sold, can be sold for several million.

This is not a joke, but true.

In this world, the biggest Celebrity is not Actor, Singer, Internet celebrity, etc., but a professional trainer.

Especially the 18 Attribute Elites, and the top 30 Trainers on the Elite list, are all sought after by the public.

For an exhibition match, the appearance fee is sky-high.

It didn't take long for Xia Shang to walk into the conference hall. He was probably in his fifties, his height was estimated to be only about 1.7 meters, and he was fat.

If he is just an ordinary person, this appearance is definitely a passerby.

But he is a dragon elite, and he is still expected to become a champion at the age of six thousand.

However, in the outside world, in addition to the title of Dragon Elite, Xia Shang also has the title of Wannian Er Er.

Because before Jiang Oreburgh became the champion, Jiang Oreburgh was the first and he was the second.

Now Jiang Oreburgh is the champion, but Jiang Lan is the first Elite, and he is the second Elite.

He was oppressed by Jiang's father and son all his life.

Presumably because of this, Jiang Qing always felt that Xia Shang on the podium seemed to be looking at himself, or at Xia Yu on the left.

The dragon type is recognized as the Pokémon with the strongest attack power, and many quasi-Shendu are dragon types, which makes the dragon type the first among the eighteen Attributes.

The content of Xia Shang's class is very shallow. After all, most people probably can't understand the profound things, but these simple things have added Xia Shang's understanding.

That unique understanding gave Jiang Qing a feeling of enlightenment.

Xia Yu muttered beside him: "Uncle said these things, I have never heard him say it before, he won't hide everything from his own nephew, right?"

If Xia Shang knew what Xia Yu said, he would probably be thrown out.

"Next I ask a question"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xia Shang said: "As a Dragon trainer, if your Rival strength and command experience are almost the same as yours, and he is an Ice or Fairy trainer, how can you defeat him?"

"There are still five minutes before the end of get out of class, you can think about it, if you come up with something, just stand up and answer."

When other Attribute Trainers heard this question, they were immediately happy.

When the dragon trainer heard this question, his expression was as if he had eaten shit.

This is Xia Yu's expression.

He thought again of his fear of being ruled by the woman Xiangsi Liu in the past ten years.

The dragon type is indeed very powerful, and there are many quasi-gods. Perhaps because of this, Tu Tian sent the ice and fairy types to make the dragon type.

Ice-type moves to fight dragon-type Pokémon, either double or quadruple.

Your famous dragon quasi-god like Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp is quadruple weak ice.

If you are not careful, you may be instantly killed by Rival's ice-type Pokémon.

The Fairy type is even more extreme, directly immune to dragon moves, of course, there is a limit to this immunity, and the level difference between the two cannot be too large.

In the Elite Challenge, Xia Shang defeated the Fairy Elite, but lost to the Steel Elite Jiang Lan and the Ice Elite.

……… Ask for flowers…

Jiang Qing's second attribute is dragon, but he is not afraid of ice and fairy.

So this question is ignored.

No one answered, maybe some people have the answer in their hearts, but they are not confident.

"Jiang Qing, do you have the answer?" Xia Shang asked.

All eyes are on Jiang Qing, and many people know that Jiang Qing's second attribute is the dragon element.

"It should be a flash of inspiration," Jiang Qing said.

Ash is called the Master of Reverse Attribute. What is the reason for this? Because of Reverse Attribute battles, he basically wins. In addition to the protagonist's halo, there is another point that he always suddenly thinks of some moves that turn the tide of battle when he is commanding.


Xia Yu covered his face and said softly: "How could it be this answer?"

Xia Shang nodded his head: "Yes, it's just a flash of inspiration, or a flash of inspiration."

"As a professional trainer, you should all have felt this way"

"When I was at a disadvantage in the battle, I suddenly thought of a tactic or a very suitable move to deal with a certain situation"

"It changed the game"

Hearing what Xia Shang said, most of the trainers nodded. They have all encountered this situation.

"Inverse attribute battles are absolutely unavoidable in your career and will happen many times"

"If fighting against the Attribute means losing, then what's the point of fighting?"

"Remember, Trainer is a profession that can create miracles, trust your partner"

"Okay, get out of class is over"

After finishing talking, Xia Shang left directly. As the second Elite, he has a lot of things to do. To be able to come to Imperial University to give lectures, it was also because Imperial University spent a lot of thought on inviting him.

"How could this be the answer"

"When I played against Acacia Liu, why did I never have a flash of inspiration?" Xia Yudu said.

He has been losing for more than ten years, and he has long been used to it, so there is no sudden inspiration.

Jiang Qing stood up and patted the self-doubting Xia Yu: "Find a way to marry her and let her give birth to you, so that you will lose the most and be the winner in the end."

Han Bingqing: (???)

Xia Yu: I seem to have opened the door to a new world. .

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