The sweet smell is very attractive to most Pokémon. Pokémon who smell this smell will easily be Captivated if their willpower is not firm.

Celebi's willpower is definitely of the unsteady kind, but it is unmoved in the face of the sweet smell.

Seeing this scene, Kuixing couldn't help but admire: "It's indeed a Pokémon of fantasy."

The sweet scent added to the energy cube in his hand comes from Elite-level Pokémon, and Celebi can resist it.

Celebi: Dogs don't even eat this stuff, it smells like fried chicken.

"What if the boss doesn't come over?" said the first deputy head.

If Celebi doesn't come, then they can only use force, but once force is used, whether they can catch Celebi is still unknown.

Kuixing gave Scizor a look, and the other nodded.

"Get Electro Web ready for me," Kuixing said.

Capturing Celebi is very likely to fail, and if the movement is too loud, it is very likely that Togekiss in the canopy will find it. By then, Celebi will run away without catching Togekiss.

It is very likely that nothing was caught this time.

The safest way is to give up Celebi and continue to capture Togekiss with the highest success rate.

But as a poaching group, a phantom Pokémon Celebi dangles in front of you, looking like you are coming to catch me.

You can live with this situation.

Not to mention the poaching group, as long as it is a Trainer, it will definitely throw a Poké Ball at Celebi.

And the Celebi in front of me looks really stupid, and I feel like I can get it very well.

The members of the poaching group took out several RPGs, and as long as Kuixing spoke, they would shoot the RPGs at Celebi, forming an Electro Web at that time, covering Celebi.

"Do it" Kuixing shouted.

after a few seconds

Nothing happened.

Kuixing didn't have time to question his subordinates, but when he found that Celebi was about to leave, he hurriedly shouted: "Scizor stop it!"

Scizor turned into a bolt of red lightning and chased after Celebi.

Kuixing, who turned around, was about to get angry, but saw that the subordinates behind him all fell to the ground one by one, even the three deputy heads fell.


Seeing this, Kuixing suddenly felt a huge chill in his heart.

Unexpectedly, without anyone noticing, he let all his subordinates fall down, and when they fell, they didn't even make a sound.



A strange laugh rang in his ears.

Then a white Gengar appeared in front of him.

Facing Gengar's Hypnosis, Kuixing immediately closed his eyes.

It's a pity that with his human body, even if he closes his eyes, he can't resist the sleep technique.

A huge drowsiness constantly swept through his mind, and just when he couldn't resist, the hat on his head twisted for a while, and suddenly turned into another white Gengar.

Gengar was taken aback, looking at the "partner" in front of him with the same color as himself

Hypnosis subconsciously stopped.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, "White Gengar" took Kuixing back quickly.

The drowsiness disappeared, and Kuixing immediately threw two Poké Balls.

A Ninjask, a Shedinja, both are mid-Elite Pokémon, plus the departed early-Elite Scizor.

With three Elite-level Pokémon and the support of a secret family, it's no wonder that the Trainer Association has failed to capture him for more than ten years.

With this strength, if you don't send a late Elite or even a peak Trainer, it's almost impossible to catch him.

Under the same level, the possibility of a Trainer wanting to kill or capture another Trainer is almost zero.

There are more than 500 Elites in Xia Kingdom, but most of them are in the early or middle stage of Elite, and there are not many in the later stage.

The characters in the later stage of Elite basically hold important positions. Even if there are free people, they basically won't take on the task of arresting poaching groups.

Because it is too dangerous.

Tasks in the Trainer Association, as long as they are related to people, reward points are higher than those related to Pokémon.

For example, one task allows you to capture an early Elite Trainer, while another task is to capture an early Elite Pokémon.

Both are in the early stages of Elite, but the former will definitely have more points than the latter after completion.

After all, dealing with Pokémon is much easier than dealing with people.

"I knew it wouldn't be so easy"

A regretful voice came into Kuixing's ears.

I saw a figure slowly coming out from behind a big tree.

...asking for flowers...

And the white Gengar had already floated in front of this person, looking at him with a smile.

Jiang Qing patted Gengar: "It's not your kind, it's Ditto"

Without Ditto, Gengar's Hypnosis would have succeeded.

Who would have thought that the hat that Kuixing has been wearing all this time was actually changed by Ditto.

Because of Ditto's ability to change into various things, it is strictly controlled by the Trainer Associations of various countries, and Xia Guo is of course the same.

To any of the wild Ditto's at wild eve.

Ditto is also one of the very few Pokémon mastered by the Xia Kingdom.

Even if Jiang Qing wants to get a Ditto, he has to go through a lot of review.

Unexpectedly, Kuixing owns a Ditto.

White's ability to change is Normal, but its ever-changing ability is really hard to guard against. It is simply a must-have Pokémon for murder, arson, rape and robbery.


Hearing the words, Gengar looked at the "white Gengar" in disbelief, who looked exactly like himself, how could it be Ditto.

As if to verify Jiang Qing's words, "White Gengar" squirmed for a while, and turned back into a petite Ditto.

"Think about it and surrender," Jiang Qing said to Kuixing.

As he finished speaking, Metagross and Lucario appeared to his left and right.

"It was actually found by you"

The appearance of Jiang Qing did not make Kuixing feel flustered. The storms he has experienced, even in the face of death, his expression may not have changed much.

Looking at Ninjask and Shedinja next to Kuixing, these two Pokémon evolved from the same royal Ninja.

If the Trainer has Doi Ninja, and has a blank Poké Ball.

Then when Ninja evolves, the shed shell will become Shedinja, and the body will evolve into Ninjask.

One Pokémon evolves into two Pokémon. Among the known Pokémon, only Tianju Ninja is like this.

And Shedinja's body is empty inside, and it doesn't need to breathe, and it can float in the air even without wings.

The magic of this Pokémon has not been understood by Pokémon scholars until now, and a course about Shedinja was even derived later. .

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