Three days later, the Kuixing poaching group still hadn't found the two Togekiss.

"Boss, why don't we catch those Gyarados first?" said the first deputy head.

Going further, there is the central lake in the wilderness area, where several Gyarados live.

Although this Gyarados is not as good as Togekiss, it can also be sold at a very good price, and the most important thing is that Gyarados is in the lake "not as untraceable as Togekiss.

"Keep looking," Kuixing said flatly.

The first deputy head was silent and nodded.

In the entire poaching group, the words of the leader Kuixing are orders, as long as he does not change his mind, it is useless for others to say anything.

"Gyarados is one of the key Pokémon in the wilderness area. Once we enter the central lake area, we will definitely be discovered by people in the wilderness area," Kuixing said.

There are many rare and rare Pokémon varieties in the wilderness area, which is the main reason why many Trainers come here.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the number of these precious and rare Pokémon races is within a reasonable range, there will be a certain number of capture quotas in the wilderness area.

And to get this spot, it depends on how much you are willing to spend.

And in order to prevent the trainer who entered without this quota, but secretly subdued it, and to prevent the poaching group from entering.

Around these rare and rare Pokémon populations, there will always be patrols, or some pokémon that watch out.

It would be even harder for them to find the Togekiss if their location was revealed in order to capture a few Gyarados.

Gyarados can be caught, provided that Togekiss cannot be found.

"By the way around this area, let's go here"

Kuixing held a map of the wilderness reserve in his hand, and continued to walk forward to a large central lake, which was not necessary.

If Togekiss wants Soft Boiled, he will definitely choose a tree to build his nest.

There are very few trees around the central lake. If Soft Boiled had chosen to nest there, it would be easy to be found. Togekiss would definitely not choose there.

On the contrary, the area he is pointing at now is the largest forest in the wilderness area, and there are many trees with a height of 100 meters.

It is also the place with the most Flying Pokémon.

"Boss, Boss, Ziqiu said that there are Pokémon around the body that are similar to Togekiss." A member hurriedly came to Kuixing.

"It's probably some Flying-type Pokémon again," the second deputy head muttered.

Venonat's eyes have the function of radar, and can roughly guess what Pokémon it is based on the size of the Pokémon, so the accuracy of this radar is not very high.

Although I have shown Togekiss' photos to it, I still got it wrong several times in the past three days.

After finding the Pokémon that Venonat mentioned, it was not Togekiss at all, but Bi Diao, a Pokémon that seemed to be similar in size to Togekiss like Butterfree.

But Venonat is sounding the alarm, and you can't help but look.

"Go and have a look," Kuixing said solemnly.

So the group walked slowly towards the place Venonat said.

It wasn't very far, just a few hundred meters away from them. Ten minutes later, the Kuixing poaching group saw the Pokémon that Venonat was talking about.

"Togekiss, really Togekiss"

The first deputy leader looked at Togekiss who was eating the fruit, and suddenly showed an excited expression, as if he saw tens of billions waving to him.

"Why is there only one and the other?"

"Should be hatching eggs"

After watching this Poksky eat the berries, he plucked off the remaining berries and hid them in his thick feathers. Most likely they brought them to the other half who were hatching the eggs.

Perhaps sensing the existence of a crisis, Togekiss looked around vigilantly, but did not continue picking berries, flapped his wings, and quickly left the place.

"Boss, do you want to make a move?"

Seeing Togekiss fly away, the third deputy head hurriedly said.

"Let it go, or we'll find its other half and that Pokémon egg"

After speaking, he glanced at Scizor next to him and said, "Follow it, don't be discovered by it"

Scizor nodded, and then his body turned into a flash of red lightning and disappeared on the spot.

"If there are Togepi's Pokémon eggs, the price will not be lower than a Togekiss, or even higher"

For an adult wild Pokémon, if you capture it by abnormal means and sell it, its obedience is very low. "Trainer needs to spend a lot of time and energy to improve the intimacy with this Pokémon.

And there is another premise, that is, this Pokémon does not hate you.

After all, in order to capture Pokémon, the methods used by the poaching group are not very humane. They may kill its wife and children when they do it.

Then the poaching group sold this Pokémon with a dead wife and child to you "Do you think this Song Pokémon doesn't hate humans.

Every year, some Trainers buy Pokémon from informal channels, causing themselves to be injured by this Pokémon, or even die by this Pokémon.

Therefore, although the price of buying Pokémon sold by the poaching group will be lower than that on the market, it must bear certain risks, and it is also a test of Trainer's own strength.

But if you directly buy the Pokémon eggs from the poaching group, there is no risk at all, so sometimes the price of Pokémon eggs will be higher than the price of adult Pokémon.

As for why they bought Pokémon from the Poaching Group, there are two reasons.

The first point is that this Pokémon is rare, it is difficult to buy through regular channels, and the price will be very expensive.

The second point is that there are a lot of Pokémon of this kind, and they are sold through regular channels, but the ones bought from poaching groups are cheaper, and you may accidentally miss out and buy Pokémon with good qualifications

Because the Pokémon of the poaching group basically do not pass the qualification test. After all, the test costs money, so if you are lucky enough, you may really be able to buy a blue-colored Pokémon. (Qian Wang's) Scizor is an Elite-level Pokémon, and it can definitely keep up with Togekiss, which Kuixing is sure of.

Now all he has to do is wait here for Scizor to come back.

The members were all excited when they saw Togekiss, they didn't expect to find the target Pokémon after only a few days.

And it is such a precious Pokémon as Togekiss.

'. "Boss was really hit by what you said, Togekiss is really in this reserve," said the first deputy head.

He heard Kuixing say that the female Togekiss would return to the place where she was born, Soft Boiled, but he didn't really believe it at first, after all, there has never been such a statement from the outside world.

Now it seems that Kuixing was right.

"Tell the brothers to be ready [Two Songs Togekiss Ten Songs can't let go"

Kuixing was also very excited inside, as long as he caught these two and even brought a Togepi egg, he would definitely be able to sell them for a sky-high price. .

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