Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

438 Jiang Qing: Doctor, Am I Sick?

Jiang Qing, who was worried about the test results of his own hospital, went to the public hospital in Nanhu City, and went through all the test items again.

The doctor looked at Jiang Qing's checklist with a serious face: "Mr. Jiang, your checklist-"

"Doctor, is there something wrong with my body?"

Seeing the serious expression on the doctor's face, Jiang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and interrupted the doctor before he could speak.

Seeing Jiang Qing's expression that I really hope that there is something wrong with my body, the doctor's expression is a little weird.

Is the behavior of geniuses so different?

"Doctor, why don't you speak anymore, am I seriously ill?"

The two Unowns got into the body, but they couldn't find out. Jiang panicked. If he really found out something wrong, he wouldn't panic.

"Mr. Jiang, you misunderstood"

"I mean your body is very healthy, and all indicators are the most perfect Contest Condition"

"What is your usual eating habits and sleep schedule, do you take something regularly, this may change nutrition"

Seeing a doctor full of curiosity, just like a curious baby.

Jiang Qing said angrily: "I often stay up late to play games, eat hot pot and barbecue"

After speaking, he left the hospital directly.

The results of the two inspections are all right, so maybe there is really nothing wrong with my body.

Of course, there is another possibility that with the current level of technology, it is still impossible to truly detect the situation in one's own body.

Jiang Qing is more inclined to the second option.

I watched two Unowns get into my body with my own eyes, and then Psychic was promoted from intermediate to advanced. It's no wonder that my body is fine.

The strange thing is that Jiang Qing didn't feel Unown's waveguide from himself, as if they really merged with him.

In this regard, Lucario also gave Jiang Qing the same answer.

Now Jiang Qing has the power of high-level waveguide, high-level Psychic, plus Mega Pallet Town human physique. In terms of personal strength, no one among human beings should be his Rival.

But against Pokémon, it is estimated that you can only wrench the wrench with Pokémon around level 20, and the possibility of him losing is relatively high.

Because the reaction speed of human beings can't be compared with Pokémon, and the Mega Pallet Town's physique has the greatest blessing to Jiang Qing's body, the biggest is strength, and the reaction speed, he is the same as most human beings.

If the reaction speed is not fast, it is very difficult to avoid the attack of Pokémon.

"Grandpa, can you come to Imperial University today, I have something very important

"Sister-in-law, are you free today? If you have time, come to Imperial University. I have something that you will definitely like very much."

"Uncle, are you having a meeting in the imperial capital now, can you come to my school after the meeting, I have something to ask you, I also called grandpa and sister-in-law"

Jiang Qing called the family members, and all three agreed.

I didn't call Jiang Lan, the main reason is that grandpa is here, it doesn't matter if Jiang Lan comes or not, after all, both of them are trainers, so it's fine if one of them comes.

In the General Association of Trainers, Jiang Oreburgh said to the secretary next to him: "I won't go to the afternoon meeting."

The secretary was taken aback, and asked, "Jiang Guanjun presided over the meeting in the afternoon."

If the host doesn't go, then what kind of meeting is there?

"Then postpone it until tomorrow, now help me book a ticket to the imperial capital, the earliest one is today"

"Okay" the secretary nodded.

The Trainer General Association is not located in the imperial capital, but is built on the edge of a top secret place in the Xia Kingdom.

This top-level secret realm is also one of the most dangerous secret realms in Xia Kingdom. Every year, the Pokémon inside will rush out of the secret realm due to various reasons.

That's why the General Association of Trainers was directly established here. Once the Pokémon riots in this top secret realm come out, they will be suppressed immediately.

And the general association will keep at least one champion here.

At the 2022 International Economic Form Summit in Imperial City, Jiang Qing’s uncle Jiang Feng had just finished the meeting. After receiving a call from Jiang Qing, he said to the secretary: "The dinner with the two presidents tonight will be canceled first."

"Okay Chairman Jiang." The secretary nodded immediately.

At the Baicang Mountains National Laboratory, Jiang Qi took off his white coat, and told his assistant, "I have something to go out, and you should keep an eye on the progress of the experiment, and let me know immediately if there is any situation."

“Good Professor”

The assistant nodded, and then asked curiously: "Professor, what is the urgent matter?"

Jiang Qi is a standard Pokémon scholar. What is a standard Pokémon scholar is the one who stays in the Laboratory and doesn't come out for half a year.

Now that the experiment has reached a critical moment, Jiang Qi will not leave at this time.

"It's too boring and I want to go out for a walk," Jiang Qi said.

Of course she would not tell the real reason, even if this assistant is worthy of trust.

And she felt that there must be something important for Jiang Qing to find her this time, otherwise her father and elder brother would not have been called.

Why didn't you call your second brother.

Could it be that Xiaoqing'er and his second brother have a father-son crisis?

At eight o'clock in the evening, in Jiang Qing's villa.

Except for Jiang Lan, the Jiang family is all here this time.

'. "My dear grandson, why are you so mysterious this time? You must have found something in the ruins of the ancient kingdom, right?"

Jiang Oreburgh reacted very quickly. Jiang Qing just came out of the ancient kingdom ruins today, and immediately called them all here.

"Xiaoqing, what you said is true"

Uncle Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"Could it be that Xiaoqing'er found some valuable research materials?"

Jiang Qi's energy level changed instantly.

Three people, three different titles.

"I did gain a lot in the ruins this time"

Jiang Qing nodded, then took out a Poké Ball and said, "Let me introduce it first."

With the Poké Ball opened, Magearna appeared in front of the three.

"A new species of Pokémon that has not been discovered, the color should be of the steel type"

Jiang Qi was the first to speak. As a Pokémon scholar, she knew all the known Pokémon. It was obviously the first time she had seen Magearna in front of her, and she also accurately stated its Attribute.

"The new steel-type Pokémon, I don't know how powerful it is," Jiang Oreburgh muttered.

"Xiaoqing, have you mastered the channel of this new steel-type Pokémon? If so, you can make a lot of money by operating it," Jiang Feng said.

One is from the perspective of Pokémon scholars, one is from the perspective of Trainers, and the other is from the perspective of businessmen.

From the point of view of these three people, they are all right.

"It's not just a new breed of steel-type Pokémon"

Jiang Qing shook his head, if it was just a newly discovered steel-type Pokémon, then there was no need for Jiang to call all three of them to Imperial Capital University.

The existence of Magearna is far beyond the so-called new steel Pokémon. .

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