Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

434 Celebi: I Have A Way

He pulled the soul heart out of the stone brick, and then threw it on the ground, and even kicked it.

Metagross: This is sick.

Celebi: Arcanine upper body.

Looking at Jiang Qing who suddenly went crazy, Metagross and Celebi were all stunned, how can such a good-looking person go crazy.

Is something not found.

It doesn't matter if you don't find it.

"Return the blood of the royal family, where the hell do you want me to find it?"

The aborigines of this ruins are not here at all, and they are very likely in the original time and space. Under such circumstances, how can Jiang Qing find the so-called blood of the Mixiu royal family.

Celebi took the soul heart back, the unactivated soul heart looked like a dingy stone.

Celebi: What royal blood.

"It is to activate this thing, it needs the blood of the royal family of this country, it is really teasing me, no one from this country is here, how can I find it?"

"Forget it, we'll go out tomorrow"

Jiang Qing had completely given up, this time it was really a waste of time.

Looking at Magearna Jiang Qing, he said, "It's not that I won't revive you, it's really impossible, so you can be a light bulb in the future."

A good steel-type Eudemons can't be revived, it's really uncomfortable to think about it. 183

Celebi: Royal blood, as long as you have this thing, you can revive it.

Pointing to Magearna.


Jiang Qing nodded, seeing Celebi's expression of thought and said: "Don't think about it, I can't even think of a way, let alone your brain that only has fried chicken."

The so-called blood of Mixiu's royal family is completely a dead question with no solution.

As for why the blood of the royal family is used, the reason should be that the genius scientist Eliphas made Magearna, which was originally for the royal family.

It can be said that Magearna is exclusively for the royal family, so of course a ceremony must be held to enhance the style, so it is necessary to use the blood of the royal family to activate Magearna's soul heart.

Hearing that Jiang Qing looked down on him so much, Celebi immediately shouted: Who says I can't do anything.

"What can you do, the aborigines in the ruins are not here, where is the royal family?"

Celebi: I can travel back in time, I travel back a hundred years.

"You might try this"

Jiang Qing suddenly came to his senses, as if he could really give it a try.

The ruins of this ancient kingdom appeared in the Xia Kingdom decades ago. If Celebi traveled a hundred years ago, then the ruins should (agag) still be in the original time and space.

But here comes the problem, Celebi's ability is to travel through time, not time and space.

"Then try it quickly, remember that it's the blood of the Mixiu royal family, if you don't know, just look for the one who wears the crown, his blood will definitely work"

Celebi put his hands on his hips: I know, I'm smart.

Jiang Qing, who is used to retorting, stopped her words abruptly this time.

As Celebi activated his ability, the space in front of him rippled, and then Celebi flew in, disappearing as if his body had been submerged in the water.

“It's amazing”

This is the first time Celebi has shown the ability to travel through time in front of Jiang Qing, and Jiang Qing has never asked the other party to show it before.

Not to mention asking Celebi to take him through time.

Because in the words of Celebi, taking human beings through time will cause many unstable factors, and the most likely result is that this human being will die in time.

Don't look at Ash traveling through time several times in the anime, it's the same as playing games, that's because he is the protagonist, you can try another passerby.

Just try and die.

"Forgot to ask Celebi how long it will be back"

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Qing didn't see Celebi coming back, thinking that the ratio of the two times might be completely different.

And this wait is two months, which Jiang Qing did not expect.

For two months, almost all of the eating, drinking, and lazing were in this castle. Fortunately, Jiang Qing prepared very well in terms of food, whether it was the food hidden in Gengar's stomach or the food in the middle of the system.

Enough for Jiang Qing to eat happily for more than a year.

"Metagross, do you think Celebi won't come back?"

Jiang Qing was lying on a chair in the park with a toothpick in his mouth, looking at the blue sky and white clouds above his head.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: No, it's so greedy.

"Yes, even if there is fried chicken and French fries, there must be no carbonated drinks"

Celebi's ability to travel through time, as long as it has a reason, can stay in the past forever. This is a racial talent that cannot be envied.

Jiang Qing released all Pokémon except Metagross.

The energy in the relics is good for them, and it is necessary to absorb a little bit.

“Let's eat hot pot at night”

Jiang Qing turned his head to look at Daidai who was trimming the grass in the park.

Without humans, the vegetation in this park would have grown crazy long ago, and under the sluggish pruning, these grass techniques have returned to their previous exquisiteness.

"Yah dong"

He nodded blankly.

Looking at the Gengar shape I cut out, I am very satisfied.

Of course, not only Gengar, but other Pokémon have been blankly cut out. Even Jiang Qing has it. The resemblance is quite similar, but the color is wrong, and the green one always looks strange.

There are also two Beautiflies flying in the park sky, one of which is the one Jiang Qing saw at the beginning, and another one suddenly appeared behind.


For more than two months, Jiang Qing came to the park the most times, and these two Beautiflies are not afraid of Jiang Qing anymore.

Looking at the male Beautyfly who performed the courtship dance again, Jiang Qing curled his lips and said, "Don't dance, it's been two months, have you been taken care of?"

"Looking at you is like licking butterflies"

Hearing this, the male Beautifly didn't stop his movements, but looked at Jiang Qing with a somewhat unfriendly gaze.

Xiong Beautifly: If it weren't for your light bulb, people would have agreed.

You just can't move around and be in the park all day long.

Watching the male Beautifly who finished the courtship dance try to approach the female Beautifly, but just as he approached, he was slapped by the other party's wings.

"One slap a day, you don't have a long memory"

Male Beautifly: up to you.

Speaking of which, it flew to Gengar, the latter smiled bitterly, and took out a tree fruit from his stomach to it.

The male Beautifly holding the fruit flew to the female Beautifly and handed the fruit to her, who happily took the fruit.

"You are also a slag butterfly"

When the licking butterfly meets the slag butterfly, it is doomed that there will be no results.

I don't know if she understood Jiang Qing's words, but the female Beautyfly actually showed a weeping expression, looking really aggrieved.

Xiong Beautifly got angry, flew to Jiang Qing, and said creakingly.

What are you talking about, it's my white Moonlight, I don't allow you to say that about it.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault"

Jiang Qing raised his hands in surrender.

The male Beautifly left contentedly, and went to ask the female Beautifly for credit. .

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