Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

425 Aggron Vs Hariyama

The air was continuously compressed under Rage's fist, layer upon layer, and the entire space was filled with a strong sense of oppression.


With such a powerful Fist of Rage, Jiang Qing didn't dare to push it too hard.

Melmetta didn't have time to get up from the ground, but she could use protection even if she was lying on her stomach.

Rage's fist hit the protection, as if a Meteorite hit the upside-down protective cover. At the moment of the collision, terrifying air waves spread around.

There were bursts of violent roars in the air.

Even so, protection still does not mean breaking.

The red flame on Rage's fist was gradually extinguished, and its power was reduced by half.

"Flash Cannon"

Before the protection disappeared, Melmetta turned around and emitted a silver-white light from her head.

The Flash Cannon hit the Fiery-Monkey in the abdomen, and blasted against its body to the top of the protective cover. The continuous Flash Cannon made the Fiery-Monkey scream.

He wanted to break free, but unfortunately the impact of the Flash Cannon was too great, and he couldn't break free for a while.

With the end of Flash Cannon, Fire Monkey fell to the ground with a plop, Jiang Qing thought the battle should be over "but the next second Fire Monkey stood up tremblingly.

In terms of willpower alone, the Fighting Pokémon is the best in this regard.

"Well done, Hot Monkey, I'm so touched"

Ye Ping, a muscular man, was moved to tears.

Watching this scene, Jiang Qing felt a chill. This guy is probably suffering from some serious illness. Does he need to be like this?

"Fire Monkey show us our integrity, Reversal"

For a forty-year-old person, his words are so mediocre.

Form two belongs to form two, but Jiang Qing dare not be careless.

Reversal: The less HP, the most powerful move.

Looking at Hot Monkey's current Contest Condition, this HP is obviously close to bottoming out, so the power of Reversal must be very powerful.

As Jiang Qing expected, after using Reversal, the aura of Hot Monkey has reached the peak of Elite, and it is infinitely close to the quasi-champion.

The space around him exudes a strong sense of oppression.

Melmetta only felt that the air around her became extremely heavy, as if it was normal with mercury.

Protection is no longer available.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing secretly scolded the non-chief.

"Melmetta High Horsepower" Jiang Qing snorted coldly.

Melmetta turned into a wild giant beast, walked towards the fiery monkey with heavy steps and roared.

The moves of the two sides collided with each other.


The deafening sound made the ears buzz even through the protective cover.

At the moment of the collision, the Pokémon on both sides flew backwards.

However, Melmetta stabilized his body after flying upside down for tens of meters, while Fire Monkey landed directly on the protective cover.

This time the fiery monkey didn't stand up.


Beating Rival, Mel Mehta did a Bulk Up pose, also with some injuries on his body.

Not waiting for Melmeta to continue to shout, Jiang Qing took it back into the Poké Ball.

Pokémon: Aggron (Steel/Rock)

Level: 70

Qualification: blue

Ability: Heavy Metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: male

Moves: Roar, Tackle, Harden, Headbutt, Protect, Iron Head, Rock Close, Metal Claw, Take Down, Iron Defense, Autotomize

Skill discs: Earthquake, Sandstorm, Dig, Shock Wave, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Water Pulse, Dragon Claw, Focus Punch, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Stone Edge

Genetic Abilities: Land of the Earth, Heavy Slam, Endeavor, Dragon Rush

Jiang Qing's second Pokémon is the Oreburgh Behemoth Totem-level Aggron, and the current Aggron's height is almost gone.

It was 6.5 meters before, and it took three months to reach 7 meters now.

The increase in height has been much lower than before, and it seems that it should stay at more than seven meters in the end.

Totem-level Aggron, its huge body, even standing, gives people a great sense of oppression, coupled with the hideous appearance, the timid Pokémon "directly scare the fighting power.

Ye Ping sent out his second Pokémon with a solemn expression.

Pokémon: Hariyama (Fighting)

Grade: 78

Qualification: Green

Ability: thick fat

Props: Assault Vest

Gender: male

Moves: Tackle, Focus Energy, Arm Thrust, Fake Out, Force Palm, Whirlwind, Knock Off, Detect, Seismic Toss, Focus Punch, Endure, Close Combat, Heavy Impact Luan Fei Lunge

Skill discs: Bulldoze, Low Sweep, Protection, Body Slam, Bulk Up, Iron Head, Ultimate Shock, Earthquake, Hyper Beam

0...seeking flowers...

Genetic Abilities: Counter, Dynamic Punch, Punch

Hariyama, although its height is not even half that of Aggron, but its wide palm can burst out with powerful force, and it can slap a ten-ton car flying with one slap.

That is to say, it can fly Aggron with a single slap. After all, Aggron does not weigh ten tons.

Hariyama's big hand like a palm fan, Solaceon's waved a few times in the air, and there was a whistling wind.

"Aggron Rock Blade"

Jiang Qing launched the attack first, and the distance between the two sides was almost 100 meters. With Aggron's heavy tonnage, it's better to pull it first.


Aggron's left foot was heavy on the Ground, and the rock pillars protruded rapidly from the Ground.

"Hariyama, Arm Thrust" Ye Ping said.

Hariyama waved his hands forward, and the rock pillars were shattered by his hard hands. As Arm Thrust moved forward, its body was already close to Aggron.

"Continue Arm Thrust"

Arm Thrust is a continuous move, but unlike Rollout, it doesn't increase in power over time.

"Metal Claw"

Facing Hariyama's Arm Thrust, Aggron raised his claws, which were covered with strong steel energy.

Metal Claw kept colliding with Arm Thrust, and the strength between the two sides seemed to be somewhat equal, and neither of them retreated.

The Ground under the feet of the two Pokémon is constantly shattering, and the shattered Rock is pulverized by the strong air waves in a second.

"Hariyama Force Palm"

Arm Thrust was not enough to repel Aggron, Ye Ping immediately switched his moves.

Although Hariyama looks like a fat man, but as Fighting Pokémon, they all have one thing in common, that is flexibility.

Even if it is a fat man, it is also a flexible fat man.

There is almost no pause in the transition of moves, such as flowing and flowing Normal.

The Force Palm hit Aggron's abdomen, and the powerful force tried to hurt Aggron from the inside.

It's a pity that Aggron's defense is almost at full value.

In Rift 98, Mega Aggron single-handedly blocked the attacks of more than a dozen Elite Pokémon. Among them are the peak warriors who are not masters. .

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