Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

419 Iron River Battles

In fact, Jiang Qing didn't think about staying longer in the Jiang family. After the courtesies were over, Jiang Qing wanted to find an opportunity to tell Jiang Changkong that he had something to leave.

The high school league in Yinbai Province has started in the past few days, and he is in charge of special recruits in Shu Province and Yinbai Province.

It just so happens that I can go home.

In terms of interpersonal communication, Jiang Qing is really not very good at it.

"Jiang Qing, it seems that you have something to do, so I won't keep you any longer."

Jiang Changkong was an old man, so he couldn't see that Jiang Qing wanted to leave, and he didn't do too much to keep him.

The Jiang family has a good relationship with the Jiang family, and the new generation of Jiang Yan also has a relationship with Jiang Qing, and the goal has been achieved.

"There is indeed something"

Jiang Qing nodded, and Jiang Changkong said it, which saved him from opening his mouth.

"Ah, you're leaving so soon"

Jiang Yan was a little criss-crossed, and originally thought about taking Jiang Qing to play in the mountain city these few days.

Shancheng is famous not only for hot pot, but also for many tourist attractions, as well as the unique Pancham and domineering pandas.

Jiang Qing looked at Jiang Yan with some helplessness, why do you have a disappointed expression, our relationship seems not so good.

"Yanyan, don't make trouble, Jiang Qing has something to do, unlike you who know how to play all day long," Jiang Yan's father said.

Hearing this, Jiang Yan pouted a little dissatisfied, making her look even cuter.

Jiang 217 Qing's excellence really moved her heart, so she naturally wanted to get in touch more.

After all, most people yearn for and admire those who are better than themselves.

Moreover, Jiang Qing's excellence is no longer comparable to that of their peers.

At this time, a figure hurried in from outside the house, and shouted after entering the door: "Grandpa, I heard that love is coming!"

Hearing someone calling his name, Jiang Qing naturally turned around and looked over.

The man who spoke was a man with a resolute face, with a straight back, sharp eyes, and a soldier's temperament on his body.

"Jiang Qing"

That person naturally also saw Jiang Qing.

"Come play with me"


Before Jiang Qing could speak, Jiang Changkong yelled angrily, and then said to Jiang Qing slightly apologetically.

"Jiang Qing, this is my grandson Jiang Zhan, currently serving in the army, he is a fighting madman"

Jiang Changkong has three sons and one daughter, Jiang Yan's father is the second son, and Jiang Zhan is the child of his eldest son and also his eldest grandson.

"A man in his thirties, why is he still frizzy?" Jiang Changkong said dissatisfied.

Jiang Changkong is very majestic in the Jiang family, especially among them, the direct juniors, Jiang Zhan shrunk his head subconsciously.

"Didn't I hear Yanyan say that Jiang Qing is here?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jiang Qing burningly: "Just fight one game."

"Jiang Qing, why don't you fight him, or this guy will suffer from insomnia these days," Jiang Changkong said.

He is very clear about the character of his grandson, he is completely a fighting maniac, because he likes to fight, so he simply joined the army.

And it is the most dangerous special forces team.

However, Jiang Zhan is also very competitive. He is already a colonel at the age of thirty, and the team he leads is also one of the best in the military region where he is located.


Jiang Qing nodded, looking at Jiang Zhan's eyes, he knew that he would not agree, and probably the other party would not let him go.

So a group of people walked towards the battle field, Jiang Yan walked beside Jiang Qing, and said in a low voice: "My brother is very strong, he is at the peak of Elite, but he is definitely not as strong as you."

Thirty-year-old quasi-Elite peak, talent is already very good.

As long as one becomes an Elite at the age of forty, it may be possible to touch the threshold of a champion in the future.

For example, Jiang Qing became an Elite at the age of 20, which is a rare existence in the history of Xia Kingdom. This is the result of Jiang Qing deliberately suppressing Metagross to prevent it from breaking through and continuing to strengthen his background.

Otherwise Metagross would definitely be the first Pokémon to become Elite.

At both ends of the field, Jiang Qing and Jiang Zhan were already in place. With the opening of the protective cover, Jiang Zhan dispatched Pokémon first.

Pokémon: Electivire (Electricity)

Level: 70

Qualification: Green

Ability: electrical engine

Props: Magnet

Gender: male

Moves: Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Charge, Swift, Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Thunder Punch, Discharge(agca), Kick, Thunderbolt, Light Screen, Thunder, Ultimate Shock

Skill Discs: Megaton Punch, Megaton Kick, Fire Punch, Protection, Ice Punch, Brick Break, Iron Tail, Focus Blast, Air Field

Genetic Abilities: Electro Ball, Wild Charge, Dynamic Punch, Electro Web

Electivire, who is at the peak of Elite, and Jiang Qing feels that the opponent can break through Elite at any time, but has been increasing his own background.

This is the same as Metagross.

The background is deep enough, and after breaking through, you can reach the middle or even late stage of Elite.

As long as there is no rush to break through or because of some unexpected circumstances, otherwise many Trainers will let Pokémon suppress themselves and strengthen their background in the quasi-Elite peak period.

Of course, the premise is that this Pokémon has cyan aptitude, otherwise the green aptitude cannot break through Elite.

"Jiang Qing Electivire is the big brother's Trump Card," Jiang Yan said.

Jiang Zhan felt that this sister didn't want it, but after a while, he turned his arm out.

"Jiang Qing sent your Metagross, I want to fight with it" Jiang Zhan said.

Hearing this, Jiang Qing felt that this guy had a strong head. Originally, he planned to send Lucario, but he didn't expect the other party to make such a request for abuse.

Then satisfy you.

Pokémon: Metagross (Steel/Super)

Level: 70

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Light metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: no gender

Moves: Tackle, Steel Beam, Confusion, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Electromagnetic Levitation, Psychic, Scary Face, Teleport

Disc skills: Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Protect, Light Screen, Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Gyro Ball, Psyshock

"Kang Jin"

Jiang's iconic Pokémon, Silver Metagross, appears.

"The big brother is hopeless now, Metagross has beaten the peak of Elite"

Jiang Yan clutched her forehead. Although she knew that her big brother couldn't beat Jiang Qing, she didn't want him to lose too badly, but Jiang Zhan wanted to fight Metagross.

"The Jiang family is really extraordinary from generation to generation, especially in Jiang Qing's generation, they are even more monstrous."

From Jiang Changkong's vision for decades, it is not difficult to see how excellent this Metagross is. Jiang Oreburgh's Metagross at the same time cannot compare with Jiang Qing's Metagross.

Although the Jiang family is small, their family was also a big family a long time ago, and it was almost wiped out because of some incidents later.

And when there are fewer people, the Jiang family will produce geniuses from generation to generation, and each generation of patriarchs will be dragons and phoenixes among the people.

Jiang Oreburgh has two sons and a daughter. Although the eldest son is not a professional trainer, he brought the Jiang family's wealth to a new height.

The second son inherited his mantle, and is currently the owner of the current steel elite and national steel gym.

The only daughter and the youngest Arceus winner. .

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