Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

412 To Shu Province

In the villa, Jiang Qing and Celebi are playing Pokémon Glory on the sofa, of course Daidai is there, otherwise Jiang Qing would have fought with Celebi long ago if he wasn't there.

But even with Daidai, the Tongtian generation, Jiang Qing is still complaining about Celebi's bad operation.

"If you don't fight the remaining blood Charizard over there, go fight a full blood Blastoise"

"Don't hide in the bushes, you're a pig!"

"I don't know that Alakazam's passive can detect the grass."

"It's a group fight, why are you still fighting wild monsters?"

Celebi was so engrossed that he was not affected by Jiang Qing's words at all. He controlled the hero Gengar and stole the other party's blue father rate.

Here Arcanine looked at the brand-new tables and chairs, especially the shiny black chair legs, and felt that her teeth were itchy, and she needed to bite something.

Sneaking a peek, Jiang Qing is staring at the phone, not paying attention to himself at all.

Arcanine came to the chair leg and peeked at Jiang Qing again. Seeing that Jiang Qing hadn't noticed, she immediately showed a triumphant smile and opened her mouth to bite towards the chair leg.

At the same time, Jiang Qing, who was peeking out of the corner of his eye, also showed a triumphant smile.

Arcanine successfully bit the chair leg, and just when 06 was about to bite it off with force, suddenly a spicy taste came from her tongue, rushing from the tip of her tongue all the way to her forehead and nasal cavity.

"Wow woof woof-"

Immediately, Arcanine felt that her nose was no longer her own, and could not help barking, while tears and snot kept flowing down her nose.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Seeing this, Jiang Qing laughed heartlessly.

through the process


Gengar appeared, clutching his stomach and laughing.

Then Jiang Qing and Gengar high-fived each other.

Obviously all this is their masterpiece.

Jiang Qing came up with the idea, and Gengar was the executor.

Arcanine: woof woof woof

Although I am not a human being, you are really dogs.

"Who told you that you were unlucky, but you just bit a chair leg that was painted with mustard?" Jiang Qing said very unscrupulously.

When Arcanine heard this, she had an idea, opened her mouth and threw it at another chair leg.


"Wow woof woof-"

The familiar spicy feeling rushed to the forehead and nasal cavity again.

Nima, the legs of this chair are also painted.

So just now, master, you were lying to me.

You are shameless, even lying to the dog.

Shaking his head blankly, he felt that Arcanine could only be a dog in this life. Does such a low IQ really exist.

Is your nose just for decoration, can't you smell the heavy mustard smell on the chair legs?

At this time, the game has also ended, although there is a bastard like Celebi, but fortunately, the strength of Tongtian's Dadai is even better.

"Cut it blankly, wait and send it to me, I haven't updated Douyin for a while"

The living room is equipped with a camera, and this scene was naturally captured.

"Yah dong"

He nodded blankly.

"Will I bite the furniture in the future?"

Jiang Qing watched Arcanine sticking out her tongue wildly, but finally couldn't hold back, and took a bottle of water for the other party to drink.

When Arcanine heard this, she spit out the water from her mouth again.

And spit directly on Jiang Qing's face.

Damn, Jiang Qing's face turned black.

Several meanings, this is to continue to demolish the house, and you want to fight me to the end.

"Very good, you have backbone"

Angry from his heart, Jiang Qing grabbed Arcanine's dog's head and rubbed it vigorously.

Rubbing the dog's head angrily!!

Jiang Qing didn't stop until he rubbed Arcanine's feet upside down, exposing his tongue.

Most of his Pokémon are iron bumps like Metagross, or Gabite, Dragonite and other scales.

Anyway, these guys are useless.

If you masturbate, it will only hurt your own hands.

So Arcanine took on the heavy responsibility of being masturbated.

Isn’t there a saying now that petting cats and dogs can relieve stress, and most cities have set up such places as cat petting halls and dog petting halls.

Jiang Qing thinks it is right, at least after playing Arcanine, the mood is better, of course, the reason for the bad mood before is also caused by Arcanine.

"Po, Polly, Po"

The phone rang.

Gengar handed the phone to Jiang Qing from the sofa.

It was displayed as an unfamiliar number, so Jiang hung up directly.

But the call came again, still the previous number.

"Hello, who is this?"

The second time Jiang Qing answered the phone.

"Is it Jiang Qing?"

A woman's voice came from the phone.


After receiving an affirmative answer, the other end of the phone immediately said: "I am Teacher Zhou from the Admissions Office of Imperial University, do you still remember me?"

"remember remember"

Hearing what the other party said, Jiang Qing asked who the teacher was this week, and the other party was the admissions teacher who recruited him to Imperial University in advance.

"What does Teacher Zhou want from me?" Jiang Qing asked.

"That's how it is. Tomorrow is the semi-finals of the Sichuan Province High School League Individual Competition. I would like to invite you to recruit the first place in the individual competition to Imperial Capital University."

"You are now the number one member of Xia Guo's younger generation. Many students admire you. If you go, you will have a high chance of success."

"When you are hot, the school will give you the corresponding credits"

"The Yinbai Provincial High School League in April, if you want, you can also take a trip."

It's already March now, and September is the time for freshmen to enter school, and Jiang will be a sophomore by then.

“Good Week Teacher”

Jiang Qing nodded and agreed directly. Anyway, he has nothing to do during this period of time. He just went out for a walk, and he has never been to Shu Province.

There are fifteen provinces in Xia Country, and each province will hold a 310 high school league in each province every year, and all the participants are high school seniors.

Students with outstanding performance and outstanding grades can obtain special recruitment places in major universities in advance, including the current top five naturally.

And once you are specially recruited by a certain school, the school will give you a lot of resources, and money is the least valuable thing.

At that time, in order to specially recruit Jiang Qing, Imperial University paid for a Pokémon with blue aptitude and an opportunity to a high-level secret realm, not to mention other resources.

And this blue-qualified Pokémon has now evolved into Arcanine, who is nicknamed the little expert who dismantles houses. .

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qing shouted blankly: "Book a ticket to the mountain city of Shu Province tomorrow"

Shancheng is the capital city of Shu Province, and it is also the venue for the Shu High School League.

"Yah dong"

He nodded blankly.

After booking the air ticket, Medicare went upstairs to pack the clothes for tomorrow.

The weather in Shu Province is mostly cloudy and rainy, and the humidity is relatively high, so it is not too much to bring a dehumidifier. Disposable raincoats and umbrellas are also necessary, and naturally there is not much to say about changing clothes

All these things were stuffed into Gengar's stomach.

Then it took Gengar to the kitchen and stuffed some of the ingredients it bought in the refrigerator into his stomach as a servant.

Gengar: I'm just a tool ghost. .

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