Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

406 Tragic Metagross

"Bagon with Bite"

Backyard Jiang Qing commanded Bagon to attack Dragonite.

The ferocious Bagon trotted, then opened his mouth and bit on Dragonite's tail, sucking as hard as he could, trying to bite off Dragonite's tail.


Bagon covered his mouth, looked at Jiang Qing with tears in his eyes, and felt as if his teeth had just shattered.

With an aggrieved face, he ran to Jiang Qing and hugged Jiang Qing's leg.


Picking it up, Jiang Qing comforted him in a low voice, then took out an energy cube and handed it to the other party.

Dragonite looked at his own tail, and felt that the scales were too hard for the first time, and it almost broke his little brother's teeth.

Gabite walked up to Bagon, looked at him with a tiger face, and opened his mouth.

Gabite: Don't cry, this pain is nothing, the tooth is broken, just swallow it into the stomach.

"Two Sixty Zero" the other party's fierce look directly frightened Bagon into crying even louder.

Dragonite slapped Gabite to the ground.

Dragonite: My brother is still young, why are you scaring people like this.

Gabite looked at Dragonite with an aggrieved face. He was doing it for the good of Bagon. As a dragon quasi-god, how could he cry.

A man bleeds and sweats but not tears.

Bagon is only less than ten days old now, and is completely a newborn, so Jiang Qing's requirements for it will naturally not be very high.

Pokémon: Bagon (Dragon)

Level: 10

Qualification: blue

Ability: Hard head

Props: None

Gender: male

Moves: Leer, Ember, Bite, Dragon Breath

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Abilities: Thrash, Dragon Dive, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Dragon Claw

Both aptitude and genetic skills are very good, and it is worthy of the Pokémon egg given by the Ram Army.

After crying in Jiang Qing's arms for a while, Bagon took Jiang Qing's clothes with his small hands and looked at Jiang Zhi expectantly.


Jiang Qing smiled, then handed it to Dragonite.

"Fly slowly, don't fly too far, come back before dinner" Jiang Qing instructed.

Every Bagon has a dream of soaring in the sky, even a Bagon that is only ten days old is no exception.

To the cheers of Bagon, Dragonite took it soaring into the sky.

At the same time, the two Taillows also flew out.

During this period of time, they have become acquainted with Jiang Qing's Pokémon, and Dadai will occasionally feed them some energy cubes.

These energy cubes were bought outside, not the system mall.

After all, Jiang Qing was not so generous yet.

The reason why they are not fed all the time, but occasionally, is entirely out of consideration for their safety.

After all, after the Pokémon eggs hatch, the Taillows will leave here. Once they get used to being fed in a daze, they may lose some ability to survive in the wild, and they may even not leave.

At the same time, it will make them depend on humans, thinking that all humans are as good as ginger.

Although Jiang Qing doesn't care about having two more mouths at home.

But this is not the result he wants to see.

There is still more than an hour before the meal time, Jiang Qing asked: "Daddy, what do you have for dinner?"

Celebi jumped out immediately and shouted: BBQ.

"Didn't you eat it a few days ago?"

Celebi: You ate yesterday, but you won’t eat later, right?

Jiang Qing called him a good guy, but now he is getting more and more comfortable with himself, isn't he?

Eat mine, drink mine, live mine, and talk back to me.

Celebi: You are so handsome, eat it.

When it comes to observing words and expressions, it has to be Celebi.

Jiang Qing: "Then let's grill it"

He swore that it was definitely not because Celebi said he was handsome that he agreed, but that if he didn't eat, this guy would compete with him for the position in the ranking at night.

Dazed: "Yah dong"

After nodding, Dadai went into the house and took his small vegetable basket to buy ingredients. Considering that Celebi is very edible, he called Lucario to help him get some ingredients when he left.

Steelix said he wanted to follow suit.

But he was punched on the forehead by Jiang Qing.

"Why are you going, you can't even enter the gate of other supermarkets"

It's quite big, why can't the brain work well.

Steelix looked at Jiang Qing's red palm.

does it hurt?

It really hurts to be honest.

But being stared at by Steelix like this, Jiang Qing can show weakness.

"For the sake of your begging for mercy, I won't fight anymore"

After speaking, he gave Metagross a look, the latter understood and hit Steelix on the forehead.

Metagross: It's not good for you to mess with anyone, you mess with this small-minded person.

Steelix: Master, Metagross says you are narrow-minded.

Jiang Qing, who was about to leave, turned to stare at Metagross...


Metagross didn't change his face, and punched again, this punch completely knocked Steelix out.

Jiang Qing: "huh"

After bringing Jiang Qing back to the house, Metagross dug a hole in the backyard.

Doublade asked curiously: Boss Ju, what are you doing.

Metagross: Dig a hole and give this guy.

He pointed to Steelix as he spoke.

When Arcanine heard this, she dug a hole, I am good at this.

So he took the initiative to help Metagross dig a hole, with his forelimbs constantly digging, and a lot of soil flying, the hole deepened at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was indeed fast enough.

However, Arcanine felt a chill coming from behind, and as a last resort, it stopped and turned around.

Oh oh, forget Metagross is right behind you.

Looking at Metagross covered in dirt, Arcanine smiled sheepishly.

Arcanine: Or you throw me all mud.

"Bao bao chuu"

Gengar clutched his stomach, rolled on the ground, and laughed while pointing at the distraught Metagross.

The sound woke up Melmetta, who was taking a nap, and when the other party opened his eyes, he saw a dark object in front of him.

what the hell.

Under conditioned reflex, the sun hit Metagross.

Unable to guard against it, Metagross flew out directly, and happened to bump into the Sharptooth Shark who was holding the Aggron.

This collision directly sent Gabite flying, and without Gabite, the Aggron that was originally held fell down naturally.

"Boom" 1.9

The entire backyard shook under the Aggron's tonnage.

Aggron, who was sitting on the ground, scratched the back of his head with his hands, feeling something under his buttocks.

When I stood up and looked, I saw a dark plane.

What is this, a large saucepan?

Out of curiosity, it withdrew the dark plane from the ground and took a closer look.

Aggron: Metagross is you, why did the color change, and when did you dye it.

Metagross, which has four Mega brains, is about to shut down at this time, and now it just wants to beat up these guys one by one.

Metagross: Today I just want to kill you, or be killed by you.


Jiang Qing, who just sat on the sofa playing vibrato, felt that his house was blown up. .

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