Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

383 Gengar, Son Of Luck?

Jiang Qing was able to obtain this treasure of the poison system without anyone noticing, of course, relying on Gengar's absolute invisibility. With this ability, even the champion Pokémon can't easily find the invisible Gengar.

With this ability, Jiang Qing secretly let Gengar go to the swamp when he was fighting the seven people.

As the poison-type treasure was fully conceived, the green light infected half of the secret realm Soaring in the sky, and then the light suddenly disappeared.

Everyone thought that it was the poisonous treasure that was restrained, but in fact it was the invisible Gengar who stole the poisonous treasure.

And put a Toxic orb whose energy is absorbed by half.

The poison treasure that more than a dozen elites competed for was taken away by Gengar, and they huddled together for the vanished poison treasure.

Both humans and Pokémon have suffered casualties.

With the treasure of the poison system in hand, it is naturally impossible for Jiang Qing to participate in this unnecessary competition, but he has to find a reason.

So he left in front of everyone because he was afraid that he and Pokémon would suffer casualties, and that the Jiang family had no shortage of such things.

He didn't even get close to the center of the swamp.

The combination of these two steps made these people more convinced that Jiang Qing was leaving.

Seeing Gengar making a face in front of him, Jiang Qing pinched its cheeks with both hands, and then pulled it fiercely towards the sides.

"Now I wonder if you are the lucky child of Pokémon"

"Why have you met all the benefits?"

In the depths of the White Cang Mountains before, after solving the Spiritomb, I got a Ghost-type treasure soul crystal, which was naturally given to Gengar.

Later, at the auction in Xinnan City, I bought the last treasure, which was also a piece of soul crystal, but it was much smaller than the first piece, and I gave it to Gengar again.

Now I have obtained the most precious dzi beads of the poison system.

Gengar is a Pokémon with both Ghost and Poison types, and it is also the only Ghost and Poison type among all Jiang Qing’s Pokémon, so if you don’t give the Dzi to Gengar, who else can you give it to.

In addition, Gengar itself is a different color Pokémon, which leads to its absolute invisibility.

But he was subdued by Jiang Qing, who has the ability to open and hang. This strength is like a rocket, taking off in place.

Honedge also has Ghost Type, but it came later, and the good things didn't come to it.

Now Gengar has a large and a small Ghost-type treasure soul crystal and poison-type treasure dzi in his body. The first two things have not been absorbed yet, and now comes the third one.

All the benefits were taken by it, which made Jiang Qing wonder if this guy is the son of luck among Pokémon.

If it weren't for the heart of Arceus in Metagross, which surpassed the treasure, Gengar's background would almost surpass Metagross.

Even so, its current background is second only to Metagross.


Gengar didn't understand what his Trainer meant, but he liked Jiang Qing to play with him very much, even though his mouth had been ripped off by Jiang Qing almost a meter long.

"Is there nothing wrong with your body?" Jiang Qing asked.

There are three great treasures in this guy's body, but fortunately, these three things are of the slow absorption type.

The prying eye saw nothing wrong with Gengar either.


Gengar wanted to shake his head, but he couldn't move because his mouth was pulled by Jiang Qing.

So it stuck out its tongue and licked Jiang Qing, which was considered to be an answer to Jiang Qing.

My current Contest Condition is very good, and I feel like I can wrestle with Aggron.

Taking out the cherry fruit to relieve the paralysis, he has already found that the feeling of paralysis is getting stronger and stronger.

In addition to the enhancement of Gengar's own strength, it also has the effect of two soul crystals in its body, which can increase the power of Ghost-type moves.

Paralysis belongs to the category of Ghost moves.

In the future, I am afraid that eating two cherry fruit can not be exposed to paralysis.

The so-called acting as a trap.

The next day Jiang Qing posted on Geek, buying the treasure of the poison system in Secret Realm No. 98, the conditions are open, it can be said to be very arrogant.

And after a night of fermentation, news of the poisonous treasure appeared in the No. 98 high-level secret realm, and more than a dozen Elites were attracted to each other in life and death.

This news has become the focus of heated discussions among the people today.

And Jiang Qing also participated in this matter, but finally gave up.

"I don't know which Elite got this poisonous treasure"

"I heard that five Elites died because of this poisonous treasure, and more than a dozen Pokémon died."

"Would you please tell me what kind of treasure it is?"



"There are rumors that it is a Toxic orb"

"Toxic Orb: It turns out that I am a poisonous treasure!!"

After Jiang Qing left the secret realm, more than a dozen Elite trainers fought for the poisonous treasure, and almost half of the secret realm was affected.

The place where they fought has become a ruin, and it is estimated that no plants will grow in a few years.

The battle situation was also extremely tragic. Five Elite-level Trainers died alone, and there were more than a dozen Elite-level Pokémon, but more than two dozen.

Xia Guo officials did not say anything about this, even though every Elite Trainer is Xia Guo's heritage.

But as a Trainer, it is inevitable to fight for resources, so casualties are also reasonable.

Dead can only mean that your strength is not strong enough.

As for which Trainer got the poisonous treasure in the end, it is unknown.

And the so-called gossip just now, saying that the treasure of the poison system is the Toxic orb, basically no one believes it.

Although the toxic orb is considered good among poison treasures, this thing is far from reaching the level of a treasure.

Maybe this thing just looks like a Toxic Orb.

And the Trainer who got this "treasure" also thought so, thinking that this thing is just very similar to the Toxic Orb

In fact, this thing is a poisonous treasure that has never appeared before.

Thinking of this, the Trainer who got this "treasure" became excited, but he lost (Wang Zhaozhao) two Elite Pokémon, and also lost an arm.

But with this "treasure", I can definitely become stronger, and it is even possible to become a champion.

As a Poison Type Trainer, this Poison Type "Treasure" was born for him.

In the outside world, apart from Jiang Qing, the major families also offered sky-high prices and various resources to obtain this treasure of the poison system, especially the families with the core of the poison system.

He mobilized all his contacts to find the Trainer who got the treasure of the poison system.

It would be best if the other party agrees to exchange for resources, but if they disagree, then they have to see who is the most powerful family between the two parties.

And all of this has nothing to do with Jiang Qing, he has already started to pack his luggage and prepare to leave Donglin City.

But before leaving, Ma Bu specially invited Jiang to have a meal.

In addition to practicing it for Jiang Qing, I would also like to thank Jiang Qing for helping him catch the S-class fugitive Huang Qiang. .

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