Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

377 Everyone, I Have A Proposal

Another day passed, and the swamp, which was originally the size of a football, has now shrunk to the size of a basketball court.

Jiang Qing hit Yawn, he didn't sleep all night last night, he was afraid that this poisonous treasure would be born at night.

Of course, the other nine didn't sleep that night either.

Compared to Jiang Qing who just yawned symbolically, some people's spirits are not so good.

Originally, these people are old, and with the addition of concentration and staying up late, where can they go to the doctor if they are in good spirits.

Jiang Qing felt that as long as they continued to stay up for two or three nights, they didn't have to do anything, and they would kill themselves.

"I really envy you, it's nice to be young"

Fang Yu looked at Jiang Qing. Although this guy was slapped with Yawn, he was still full of energy. It didn't look like he was staying up late at all.

It's not like him, he's so tired now.

Think about when you were young, you stayed up late playing games, and you still had the energy to go to school the next day.

"Pay attention, I'll find a place to squat for a while"

Jiang Qing nodded, looked at the others, and then at the swamp below.

He felt that the treasure was about to be born, because he felt a powerful waveguide emitting from below. The frequency of the waveguide was very slow, but very powerful.

Fang Yu left, not knowing where to rest.

"Jiang Qing, have you teamed up with Fang Yu?" a trainer asked.

Jiang Qing walked very close to Fang Yu, unlike them, they were at least two hundred meters away from each other, fearing that if they got too close, they would be attacked by surprise.

Jiang Qing nodded, not intending to hide anything, after all, he was very close to Fang Yu from the very beginning, and these people are not idiots, they have already guessed in their hearts.

Even if they don't admit it, they won't believe it.

"Then shall we congratulate Jiang Qing in advance?"

A Trainer said strangely.

Glancing at the other party, Jiang Qing said lightly: "If you can't speak, you don't have to speak."

The man was obviously furious when he heard the words. As an Elite trainer, it had been a long time since he was bullied like this, not to mention that he was bullied by a junior.

Don't you want to lose face?

"Sharp-toothed brat, if it weren't for the Jiang family, you would be where you are today"

"I know you are envious, but reincarnation is a technical job. If you are not good at technology, blame others for being good at it. This is your fault."

"If you are born with something, then you will have it in the future, if you are not born with it, then you will not have it in this life"

"Because he envies me, he might as well work harder and let his son be the second generation"

Jiang Qing looked at the man, and directly admitted that he has achieved today, that the help of his family does exist, and that the Trump Card Metagross was given to him by his grandfather.

From this starting point, he has surpassed most of his peers.

"The Family Trainer is still as disgusting as before," the man said disgustedly.

And his words not only offended Jiang Qing, but also offended the other seven people.

Because except for himself who was born as a commoner, everyone else was born in a family.

There has always been a conflict between a trainer born in a commoner and a trainer born in an aristocratic family, and this is not unique to Xia.

This contradiction is a common problem in countries all over the world.

Xia Guo has already passed some rigid requirements, such as registering as a trainer only at the age of 17. This regulation is also a regulation of the Global Trainer Association, and most countries abide by this regulation.

Xia Guo also has other regulations. For example, before quasi-Elite, the Pokémon level cannot exceed Earl Dervish Pokémon level 5 or above.

These two regulations at least give commoner trainers a chance to catch up with noble family trainers, but the chances are very small.

Many countries also have regulations similar to those of the Xia Kingdom.

Also because of these regulations, the class conflict between the aristocratic family and the common people has been greatly eased.

There are more than 500 elite trainers in Xia Kingdom, and more than 400 trainers born in the aristocratic family account for more than 80%.

So on the other hand, the strength of the aristocratic family is the root of the strength of the real country.

A dynasty of flowing water, a family of a thousand years.

Aristocratic families can continuously send all kinds of high-quality talents to the country. Even though many aristocratic families do have many bad habits, there are not a few powerful and excellent aristocratic families.

Commoner trainers are envious of family trainers, in fact, they don't want to be family trainers.

When they really become stronger and establish their own family, then a new family will be born.

In the end, they will also become the people they hate the most.

Then come a really fragrant.

The man who hates Jiang Qing, although born as a commoner, has a strong talent. After becoming an Elite, he has already established his own family.

It's just because it's a new family, and it's only built on him alone, with no background at all. When he dies, the family will be disbanded.

A family with real heritage must be passed on for at least a hundred years. Even if the pillars of the family fall, new pillars will stand up, so that the family's inheritance will be continuous.

"started shrinking again"

I don't know who said it.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were once again focused on the swamp below.

As the man said, the basketball-sized swamp is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, faster than ever before.

Some people's breathing began to become heavy, and the poisonous treasure might be about to be born.

At the same time, he became more vigilant to the people around him, for fear that the sixth child would make a sudden move.

337 tacitly opened up the distance between each other.

Jiang Qing has already been released from Alakazam, protecting him by his side.

The appearance of Alakazam at the peak of Elite made the atmosphere of the scene even more dignified.

Others also took out their Pokémon to protect them.

Many people looked at Jiang Qing warily.

Alakazam at the peak of Elite is enough to pose a very big threat to them. Except for another Trainer at the peak of Elite, the Pokémon of others is not Jiang Qing's Rival at all.

As they send out their own Pokémon one after another, the addition of Poison Arcana is likely to be born.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit tense.

Jiang Qing scanned the Pokémon beside them with a probe.

A total of eight people, two in the early stage of Elite, four in the middle stage of Elite, one in the late stage of Elite, and one in the peak of Elite.

The one who hates Jiang Qing is the early Trainer of Elite.

Jiang Qing: I thought you were so good, Elite in the early stage, I will directly hang you.

"Everyone, Jiang Qing's identity is too sensitive, I have a proposal" Jiang Qing's Trainer suddenly spoke at that time.

Jiang Qing suddenly had a bad feeling.

The others, Trainer, also looked at that person.

The other party was right, Jiang Qing's identity was indeed too sensitive.

Can't hurt, let alone kill. .

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