Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

375 Celebi: Don't Worry About It

One day, two days, three days.

Three days later, the number of poison Pokémon has exceeded one million.

On the first day, Jiang Qing and the others had each chosen a place to rest and wait and see what happened.

After all, it is impossible to keep an eye on the changes of Pokémon. Jiang Qing feels that his body can bear it, but others can't, they have to rest.

Naturally, Jiang Qing couldn't be an outlier, so he and Fang Ya also found a place to rest.

"The number of Jiang Qing poison Pokémon started today and has not continued to increase"

Fang Yu, who observed in the air for a while, was puzzled and said, "Why didn't it increase? Could something happen again?"

Jiang Qing looked down and said slowly: "Perhaps the number is enough."

According to the figures reported by Metagross, the number of Pokémon below just reached one million, no more, no less, and no Pokémon entered one after that.

Pokémon can't count, how do they know they have counted enough.

With doubts, Jiang Qing looked towards the swamp.

The swamp has not changed, and looks like an ordinary swamp.

But it's surrounded by millions of poisonous Pokémon.

The poison Pokémon is no longer increasing, and this change has naturally attracted the attention of others.

For three days, no other Trainer came here, maybe it really didn't come, maybe it came, it was just hidden.

Swamp Edge, Nidoran♂, Grimer, Arbor Snake, Koffing, Grimer, Weedle, Oddish, Bellsprout, Zubat, Tentacool and many other Pokémon, even their evolutions are not rare.

A whole million are all around the edge of the swamp.

None of the Pokémon spoke, just stood there silently, with their eyes facing the swamp.

And this scene has already begun since the appearance of these Pokémon.


At this time, an Arbor monster suddenly jumped into the swamp from the edge, and this seemed to be a signal, followed by countless poisonous Pokémon jumping into the swamp one after another.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qing, who was originally sitting cross-legged on Metagross's back, suddenly stood up from his back, his face full of shock.

Don't look at this swamp as ordinary, but it's extremely toxic and corrosive at the same time. This corrosiveness is definitely not something that Normal Pokémon can resist.

Sure enough, I saw the poisonous Pokémon jumping into the swamp. Before they moved far, their bodies began to be corroded, but they didn't go back.

It seems that it's not their bodies that are corroded. Their bodies are already festered, but they don't feel any pain from their expressions.

His gaze also became dull, as if he was being controlled.

Until the power of corrosion completely took its life away.

The Pokémon jumped into the swamp desperately as if they were possessed, and then were swallowed by the swamp.

Not a single Pokémon flinched, not one screamed when corrupted, not one hesitated.

They are uniform, as if the most stern army.

The only purpose is to jump into the swamp and give up life.

"What the hell's going on in this swamp"

Fang Yu's face was pale, and he, who claimed to be well-informed, was also frightened by this extremely weird and cruel scene at this time.

"Annual examination

Gengar's voice rang in Jiang Qing's ear.

It told Jiang Qing that the souls of these Pokémon were also corrupted by the swamp.

Gengar also has Poison Type, but it is not affected.

Among the millions of Pokémon Pokémon, none of them are higher than quasi-Elite, perhaps this is the reason.

Not only the body, but even the soul has been corroded.

"I'll leave first"

Jiang Qing said something to Fang Yu, and then Metagross used Teleport to bring Jiang Qing to the other side of the swamp.

After making sure no one is around, let Celebi out.

Celebi: You finally let me out, hurry up and give me fried chicken.

Celebi, who was imprisoned for several days, would have broken free from the Poké Ball and escaped if Jiang Qing hadn't come out severely.

"No matter what the situation is, I still fry chicken"

Jiang Qing glared at it, but still took out a piece of fried chicken from the system space and gave it to it.

"Look quickly, what's going on"

He pointed to those poisonous Pokémon who kept committing suicide, and hoped that this mouth was Celebi from a hundred years ago to clarify his doubts.

Celebi glanced at it, and said with a flat expression: "The birth of a poisonous treasure requires a lot of poisonous energy, that's why it's like this."

"Why are you so calm, shouldn't you let me stop this scene?"

Some monks in Jiang Qing are puzzled. Celebi is a peaceful and life-loving Pokémon. Why are so many Pokémon committing suicide in front of him? Celebi doesn’t respond at all.

……ask for flowers……

The mother will not be raised by me, and even her character will be abandoned by me.

Thinking of this, a sense of guilt suddenly surged in Jiang Qing's heart.

"This is not man-made, nor is it an accident, but the decision of the spirit of this secret realm"

"The spirit of the secret realm? Are you saying that the secret realm is conscious?" Jiang Qing said differently.

Celebi nodded first, but then shook his head, thought for a while and explained: The meaning of the spirit of the secret realm is actually the law of nature.

This poison-type treasure is bred by the secret realm, so the Pokémon as the secret realm naturally needs to cooperate.

Come get a bottle of ice cream.

Jiang Qing gave it another bottle of Bingkuo, and took a bottle for himself.

The cold cola entered the mouth, the carbon dioxide burst, and Sai Qing's head became much clearer.


"You mean to say that the birth of this poison-type treasure means that the secret realm needs this treasure to be born, so these Pokémon will become like this"

Celebi nodded: Well, you are finally smart for a while.

If you give some color, it will be dyed.

Jiang Qing looked at it without saying a word, Celebi immediately turned his back, afraid that Jiang Qing would take away the source of happiness in his hand.

"But isn't that too cruel?"

Jiang Qing couldn't bear to look at the scene below. It wasn't hundreds or thousands of Pokémon, but a million Pokémon of Poison type.


Celebi: The laws of nature require them to be so, and you can act as if you cannot see them.

The indifference displayed by Celebi at this moment made Jiang Qing seem to know it for the first time.

In fact, whether it is a phantom beast, a legendary beast, or a mythical beast, they all shoulder certain responsibilities. As long as they are not artificially destroyed, and it belongs to natural development, they will not bother.

Celebi often appears in places where there are fires in large forests, helping to put out the fires, and at the same time restore the burned forests, why does it do this.

Because the fire was not caused by the forest itself, but by external factors.

Like some savannahs in the East African Region, huge fires are triggered every year, but neither the local humans nor Pokémon have tried to stop the fires.

Because this fire is a natural occurrence.

The ashes after the fire will become the nourishment begging for new plants. .

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