Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

372 Poison Is The Ultimate Treasure?

In order to find out about this swamp, Jiang Qing lived nearby for ten days.

In the first five days, the swamp expanded at a rate of erosion of 20 meters per day.

From the sixth day onwards, the rate of corrosion decreased suddenly.

Until the ninth day, the corrosion stopped.

The corrosion did not continue on the tenth day, and seemed to have really stopped.

In ten days, apart from discovering this, there is still no gain.

After staying here for another five days, the changes in the swamp began again. I saw that the purple poisonous gas permeating the sky in the swamp was gradually being absorbed by the swamp.

In less than half a day, all the poisonous gas was absorbed by the swamp.

"What exactly is going on"

The poisonous gas disappeared and the corrosion stopped. Jiang Qing stood on the edge of the swamp, racking his brains.

There are so many strange, miraculous, and weird things in this world, and Jiang Qing is not an expert in this field, so it is really difficult for him to solve this problem.

Next to him, Celebi gnawed on the chicken leg, with a thoughtful look on his face, feeling as if he had seen this scene somewhere before.

Let me think about whether it was fifty years ago or more than a hundred years ago.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross suddenly came to Jiang Qing with a serious expression.

"What's wrong"

Metagross: There's a lot of Pokémon coming this way.

"How many"

Metagross: More than 100,000.


High in the sky, Jiang Qing stood on the back of Metagross, looking at the world below.

At this moment, the entire Ground is full of densely packed Pokémon, Pokémon of different races and sizes, but they all have the same Attribute, which is poison.

"How many are there now?"

Metagross: One hundred and fifty thousand.

Metagross has four Mega computers. Although the Pokémon below is as dense as an ant pile, Kujin can count how many Pokémon there are at a glance.

It was 150,000, and it was 100,000 three hours ago.

And the 150,000 is not the end point, looking at the past, you can see a line moving here on the other side of the sky.

In a high-level secret realm, the number of Pokémon is basically around 500 to 600 million, and even more can reach more than one billion.

And this No. 98 advanced secret realm, because it is a secret realm dominated by water and grass, and the water and grass Pokémon have a relatively mild personality.

So this No. 98 advanced secret realm is the existence of more than one billion Pokémon.

Now there are only 150,000, which is a drop in the bucket compared to a billion, even if all the Pokémon are poisonous.

Proportionally, there are one billion Pokémon in this secret realm, and at least 100 million Pokémon have Poison Type.

Many Grass Pokémon also have Poison Type, and Water Pokémon also have Thunder Attribute.

Although this secret realm is dominated by two kinds of Attributes, aquatic plants, but the third most Attribute is poison.

It's just that the number of water-type and grass-type Pokémon accounted for 60% of the total, and 30% each, while Poison Type accounted for 20%, and the rest were from other Attributes.

20% of the one billion Pokémon are Poison Type, so the number is 200 million.

It is only a few hundred thousand now, and it can be seen that the number of people coming is not even counted as the vanguard.

These poisonous Pokémon who came from all over the secret realm, neither Uproar nor fighting, all stood quietly in place, but their eyes were all towards the swamp.

As if there was something attracting them there.

This scene reminded Jiang Qing of Manaphy in Haitian City. When the man was born, didn't he attract a large number of Water Type Pokémon.

Thinking of this possibility, Meiqing's eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "It can't be that there are some Poison-type Eudemons or the legendary Pokémon is about to be born."

Celebi: I remembered!!

Celebi on the side also yelled.

Then it pulled Jiang Qing's hair and said: "It's a treasure. There are treasures to be born in the swamp, so the current scene was created."

Without waiting for Jiang Qing to ask why, Celebi continued: I have seen such a scene, about one hundred and fifty years ago.

Good guy, it takes one hundred and fifty years to open your mouth.

Jiang Qing was silent for a moment: "So you saw what treasure was born a hundred and fifty years ago"

Jiang Qing deliberately emphasized these words one hundred and fifty years ago.

Celebi: Forgot.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: Someone is coming.

The Poké Ball was opened, and before Celebi refused, he took it back into the Poké Ball.

Following the direction of Metagross' finger, he saw a figure approaching at a high speed. After a few breaths, he came to a distance of 100 meters from Jiang Qing.

Looking at the familiar Bi Diao, isn't this the one he met on the first day in the secret realm?

The other party left without leaving a name.

The other party nodded to Jiang Qing, did not speak, but looked down.

In the entire No. 98 secret realm, there must be other trainers, but I don't know how many there are.

Poison-type Pokémon are moving in large numbers. As long as you observe this kind of vision for a while, you will definitely find something wrong. Trainers who have some ideas will naturally choose to find out.

It's just that Jiang Qing discovered it earlier, so he was the first to arrive.

Now the second Trainer has arrived, and I think there will be a third and a fourth soon.

If what Celebi said is true, the change of poison Pokémon is entirely due to the treasure being bred in the swamp, and this treasure is very likely to be the treasure of poison.

Once a certain treasure is promoted to the level of supreme treasure, its function can definitely make Pokémon reborn and achieve a qualitative leap.

"Jiang 207 Qing, do you know what's going on with these Pokémon of poison type?"

Just when Jiang Qing was thinking about how he should take away the upcoming Poison Pokémon from these Trainers and even the poison Pokémon below, the Trainer's voice came.

"When asking someone, at least introduce your name," Jiang Qing said.

The person on the opposite side was taken aback, he didn't expect Jiang Qing to say that, and then said: "My name is Fang Yu, I'm just a trainer with little reputation."

There are a total of more than five hundred Elite trainers in Xia Kingdom, and there are not many Elite trainers that are really known to the public.

Basically those who participate in the quadrennial Elite Challenge.

And some Elite trainers don't like to show their faces, and some extreme trainers are the inheritors of the Gou Dao, and the Gou Dao is very good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Maybe the Pokémon looks like an elite level on the surface, maybe he is the peak of Elite.

Every year, due to some accidents, a few people in the right way will be blasted out.

Jiang Qing had never heard of the name Fang Yu, and it was not ruled out that it was a random name chosen by the other party.

I can't see anything from just one Bi Diao, and this Bi Diao is not Elite.

"It's not a fake name"

As if seeing Jiang Qing's suspicion, Fang Yu explained.

Jiang Qing nodded slightly. .

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