Jiang Qing has been in the secret realm for ten days, and he has visited the entire No. 98 secret realm for nearly half of the ten days, and found four very good treasures in it.

Grass Stone: After eating, it will increase the resistance to grass-type skills. If the grass-type Pokémon eats it, it can increase the damage of grass-type skills.

This thing looks like a rock, but is actually very soft, almost like jelly.

Six mature Revival Herbs, one of which has reached a hundred years old, needless to say the effect~.

Tongtianmu: A kind of medicinal material that releases therapeutic fragrance, the whole body is woody, and human beings carry it for a long time, which can prevent all diseases.

The piece of Tongtian wood that Jiang Qing obtained is as thick as an arm, this head is already not small.

Just like car beads, this size is enough for everyone in the family to string together. Mom probably doesn't like bracelets, so let's make them into bracelets for her.

Heavy Water: Water as heavy as mercury, whose sole purpose is to regenerate organs and limbs.

However, the dosage must be mastered very precisely, one more gram of it will become a deadly poison, and one more gram will have no effect.

Plants, trees, stones, six Revival Herbs, Tongtianmu, heavy water, these four things are Jiang Qing's harvest in the past ten days.

In terms of rarity alone, heavy water is the rarest. The external limbs and internal organs of the body can be regenerated. As long as the head is not dropped, the heart is directly broken, and it is not the kind that dies on the spot. Eating it can regenerate you return.

Even if you cut off two kidneys to buy apples, your two kidneys can grow back after eating them.

This feature is not available in Revival Herb.

Every year, too many Trainers are physically deformed due to the aftermath of battles or other accidents, and the unlucky ones didn't even keep their little brothers.

Therefore, the value of this heavy water is reflected. Jiang Qing got it about the size of a fist, which may not seem like much, but the weight is a full ten catties.

And 500 grams can regenerate a person's internal organs or limbs.

Jiang Qing has a full five kilograms here, which is a very good resource.

On the Elite ranking list, among the one hundred Elites, almost ten of them are physically deformed, some are blind in one eye, some have broken arms, and some have missing legs.

I heard that one of the Elite's lungs was cut off in half due to inhalation of poisonous gas. As a result, he does not dare to shout too loudly when directing Pokémon. He is only fifty years old, and he is out of breath after walking a few steps.

For these people, this thing is very important, even if they are asked to exchange a cyan qualified Pokémon for 500 grams, they are willing to come to think of it.

Celebi: None of these things taste good.

At the beginning, Celebi was very happy and excited after finding the treasure, but later on, he lost interest. After all, in his opinion, these so-called treasures are not as fragrant as a fried chicken leg.

The grass, tree and stone before, seeing its QQ bouncing, thought it might be jelly, took a bite, and almost didn't spit it out.

In fact, it was about to spit it out, but Jiang Qing covered its mouth, and finally gave it to Swallow abruptly.

Grass-type Pokémon eat this thing and can increase the power of grass-type skills to a certain extent. Doesn’t Celebi have Grass Type? If you spit it out, it’s a waste.

The grass, trees and rocks were about the size of a washbasin. After confirming that Celebi didn't like this thing, Jiang Qing gave it to Aggron to eat.

Aggron's mouth was big enough, Celebi thought the other party would spit it out bitterly, but the other party swallowed it without chewing.

This made Celebi, who was about to watch the show, a little confused. For the first time, he knew that he could eat without chewing.

But what's the point of eating if you don't chew.

Conversely, if you don't chew some unpalatable things, can you eat them?

Thinking of this, Celebi's eyes lit up, and he felt that his road was getting wider and wider.

Jiang Qing doesn't know what Celebi is thinking, and now he is rushing to the last unexplored area, which is located in the northernmost part of the secret realm.

The map showed that there was a pine forest, but when Jiang Qing came to this place, he saw purple bubbles below him, like a muddy ground.

Where is this pine forest, it looks more like a swamp.

"It didn't fly wrong"

Jiang Qing looked at the map in his hand and confirmed the location again, showing that he did not come by mistake.

It's just why the pine forest, which was so good, suddenly turned into a swamp.

But at a glance, there is no tree in front of it, it is all a swamp.

In other words, the entire pine forest has turned into a swamp at this moment, and the swamp is still exaggerating.

…… Ask for flowers……………

Looking at the sprawling swamp, it is constantly eroding the surrounding soil, vegetation, and rocks, slowly expanding its area.

A purple gas permeated it, and it was known that the gas must be poisonous without even thinking about it.

The map in Jiang Qing's hand was updated half a year ago, that is to say, it only took half a year. The pine forest in a third-tier city has turned into the swamp in front of him.

"something wrong"

Jiang Qing muttered, this change may be a natural change, but it may also be caused by some unknown factors.

If it's the former, don't worry about it, it will change naturally, and let nature manage it.


But if it is the latter, it is not a simple matter to find the unknown factors.

Celebi: There is a problem.

Jiang Qing rolled his eyes: "Don't talk like me"

Celebi: Who imitated your speech.

Celebi ate half of the fried chicken legs, but instead of eating, he looked at the swamp below.

Let this foodie only eat half of the fried chicken drumsticks, and realize that what this guy said is true.

"Do you see what's wrong?" Jiang Qing said hastily.

Celebi: No.

Jiang Qing: It seems to throw away the leftover fried chicken legs.

Celebi: But I can feel that the vegetation around here is declining, it seems to be swallowed by this swamp.

These plants are whining.

Devour life?

Looking at the swamp constantly corroding the land and vegetation in front of him, Jiang Qing showed a sudden look.

"Is this swamp alive?"

If it was a living thing, it should emit waveguide, but he didn't feel it.

Looking at Metagross, the latter shook his head, it didn't feel that the swamp was alive.

"Dragonite will inspect the sky first to see if there is anything special about this swamp," Jiang Qing said.

He is only at the edge of the swamp now, and he can't see anything here, so he plans to go to other places in the swamp, especially the center.

Perhaps there is something strange to be found somewhere.

"Look more, don't eat fried chicken legs"

Turning around, he asked Celebi for a long time. .

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