Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

368 Mega Gengar Vs Sceptile

As the Dragonite landed, Jiang Qing got off its back, and Sceptile didn't intend to attack halfway, as if it was waiting for Jiang Qing to come down.

Sceptile: Let's start fighting now.

After speaking, he looked eagerly at Dragonite and Metagross, as if a pet wanted to challenge them both.

Sceptile: Just you

It pointed to Metagross, the other party had defeated its Energy Ball with a punch before, and Metagross gave it the feeling that it was stronger than Dragonite.

Jiang Qing chuckled: "You really picked a good Rival"

"Kang Jin"

Metagross slowly floated in front of Sceptile, and it happened that he hadn't done anything for a while, so it's good to relax his muscles and bones.

"Metagross kills a chicken with a sledgehammer, let Gengar come" Jiang Qing said.

Sceptile is only in the early stage of Elite, and with Metagross' strength, the opponent can't last a few rounds at all.

For this level of Rival, Metagross doesn't get any exercise at all, not even a warm-up, so it's better to let the other partners.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross nodded, not interested in Sceptile itself.

Seeing that Metagross withdrew and stopped fighting with him, Sceptile was immediately unhappy, but at this time Gengar had already emerged from Meiqing's shadow.

"It's your Rival" Jiang Qing said,


Sceptile: That's it!!

With a look of disdain on his face, Gengar, who is obviously not even a quasi-Elite peak, doesn't look down on him at all.

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Gengar wasn't annoyed at all, instead he grimaced at Sceptile.

"So what?"

The bracelet on Jiang Qing's wrist emitted colorful light, and at the same time, Gengar's belly also burst out with the same light.

"Gengar Mega Evolution"

Pokémon: Gengar (Ghost/Poison)

Grade: 66

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Body of the Curse

Props: Toxic Orb

Gender: male

Moves: Confuse Ray, Lick, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Payback, Curse, Hex, Night Shade

Skill Discs: Will-O-Wisp, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Talk, Protection, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt

Genetic Skills: Skill Swap, Dark Pulse, Disable, Perish Song, Poltergeist, Destroy

Note: Ghost moves increased by 30%

After Gengar at level 66, Mega Evolution, the level is increased to level 71.

Because of Mega Evolution, Mega Gengar has become able to connect to another dimension, so half of its body is hidden in another dimension, and there is an object like a yellow coin in the middle of its forehead, which looks like an eye.

"Jie Jie"

Mega Gengar looked at Sceptile with a grin.

At this moment, Sceptile's expression finally stopped being contemptuous and careless. Although he didn't know why the opponent's strength suddenly increased so much, it felt threatened from Mega Gengar.

Sceptile: The stronger Rival is, the more excited I am.

The corner of Jiang Qing's mouth twitched slightly, why does this Sceptile look like a hot-blooded boy in the second grade.

As a fallen leaf slid from midair, as if it was a signal to start the battle, Sceptile's body instantly disappeared in place.

In the next second, the emerald green Leaf Blade was already approaching Mega Gengar. With the speed and sharpness that the Leaf Blade erupted, Jiang Qing, who was a hundred meters away, could feel the tingling sensation on his face.

If it weren't for Metagross and Dragonite standing beside her, Love wouldn't be commanding the battle at such a close distance.

At that time, a random aftermath might make him very embarrassed.

Mega Gengar's body submerged into another dimension, Sceptile's Leaf Blade fell through the air and smashed on the Ground, instantly forming a 100-meter-long crack.

The air wave formed by the Leaf Blade also split the big tree in front - from it into two halves.

Sceptile's combat awareness is very good. When he found that Rival had disappeared, he immediately left the spot, relying on its powerful maneuverability, and kept jumping between the surrounding trees.

The powerful explosive power of the legs makes it jump extremely fast.

Mega Gengar appeared, and looked at the Sceptile jumping among the big trees with a little displeasure. He wanted to lick it, but the other party didn't give him the chance.

Seeing the appearance of Mega Gengar, Sceptile flicked its tail, and countless leaves brought a swirling hurricane, forming a green storm.

It was indeed a flying storm.

Mega Gengar condenses a basketball-sized Shadow Ball from both hands.


The moves of the two sides collided violently, and the powerful air waves were like a hurricane passing through Normal, destroying everything around them, and big trees were uprooted.

Metagross used Psychic to protect Jiang Qing inside.

The moves of both sides are evenly matched.

After the explosion, within a kilometer of its center, there was no vegetation, and the yellow-brown soil was exposed.

If an Elite level battle is placed in a natural environment, it will definitely be a devastating blow to the local environment.

The energy left over from the battle will make this land not have any plant growth for many years.

However, this secret realm is dominated by grass and water. After the battle, there will be a large number of grass-type Pokémon to restore this land.

Sceptile doesn't care how its homeland will be destroyed by its battle, now it only has Mega Gengar in its eyes.

If you defeat it, you can become stronger.


With a wave of Mega Gengar's arm, a large number of Sludge Bombs formed.

Although there are no trees around, Sceptile still moves very fast on the Ground.

Although there are many Sludge Bombs, none of them hit it, and all of them were dodged by it.

Cross cut.

Mega Gengar slid for dozens of meters. Although he was hit, he still had a grinning expression on his face.


Sceptile: Wait till you stop laughing.


Jiang Qing's voice reached Mega Gengar's ears.

Based on his understanding of Gengar, the opponent wasn't serious about fighting at all, otherwise, no matter how fast Sceptile was, he wouldn't be able to hit Gengar so easily.

"Jie Jie" (Wang Lihao)

Mega Gengar nodded, the smile on his face unchanged.

Spread your hands, it's still Sludge Bomb.

Sceptile: This trick didn't work for me


Sceptile, who was hit by the Sludge Bomb, was stunned.

What's going on, how is this Sludge Bomb faster than before.

After hitting more than a dozen Sludge Bombs in a row, Sceptile was stunned, and even began to doubt himself.

If it hadn't been looking at it all the time, it would have suspected that this Mega Gengar wasn't the Mega Gengar just now.

Jiang Qing muttered, "Why didn't you get poisoned?"

Sludge Bomb has a certain chance of poisoning Rival. There are more than a dozen rounds of this, but none of them were poisoned.

Metagross rolled his eyes: What is your Attribute, don't you know, why don't you buy a drink before and order another bottle.

Under the Sludge Bomb, although Sceptile was injured, he was not to the point of losing his ability to fight. He was just dirty and looked a little embarrassed. .

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